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  1. L

    Help With List Box Options

    Hi There, I hope someone can help me figure out how to write the code for my problem. What I want to do is a bit complex (to me) so I will try and explain it well. Scenario [/U] I have courses employees can take eg: Oreintation NHL information Snowboard Anatomy I have 100 employees that...
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    Calender question

    Hi Col, Thank you, This is what I was looking for. Jennifer
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    Calender question

    Hi Col, Yes, can you list a couple of the web sites for me? Thank you Jennifer
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    Calender question

    Hi There, I am hoping someone can help me with this question. It might be very easy. What I want to do is beside all my date fields, instead of typing in a date, I want to be able to click on a small icon that would bring up a calender and then the user simple clicks the date that he wants...
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    Very Strange Date problem

    Hi There, I am having a very strange issue that has popped up that I can't explained. I thought my client was nuts, until I view this problem for myself. Problem: At my clients office, Dates switch to MM/DD/YY At my home and other computers I have tried, Dates switch to DD/MM/YY The dates...
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    if statement

    Here is the sql view code. I put no in the Select field and no records show up. SELECT qry90dayreview.EmployeeID, [FirstName] & " " & [LastName] AS Employee, [tbl-Employee Info].EmployeeStartDate, IIf((([EmployeeStartDate]+90)>=(Date()-14)) And (([EmployeeStartDate]+90)<Date()),"Time for...
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    if statement

    Hi Pat, Thank you for your help. You must be an expert with Access since you help so many of us beginners out :D My last thread that I posted, I took your advise and stopped trying to do things the hard way and simplifed my query. I have the data saving to a table now. But I still can...
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    if statement

    Hi There, I am having major problems with getting my query to filter data using a yes/no field. What I am trying to do is in the form, I click mark off employees from the "Select" field to say that I have completed their 90 day review. But once I check mark somebody off, I don't want them...
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    If statement

    Thank you Pat, I think your idea is going to work and I will give it a try. Thanks, Jennifer **** Pat it worked:D Thanks again, I was going about it the very hard way. Jennifer
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    If statement

    Ok, I will try and explain it better. I have many tables that hold different information. EG. EmployeeInfo - holds all the employees for the company TrainingCompleted - Keeps track of the training the employees have taken 90dayReivew - Keeps track of the employee's 90 review time I...
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    If statement

    If I use a delete query, it deletes the person from the employee main list, which is not good. Any other suggestions? Jennifer
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    If statement

    Hi There, I having been trying to have an if statement work, but have no success. I have attach a pic of what I am trying to do. I have a form that has data in it and a yes/no check box at the end. The form is looking at data from a query. If there is a check mark in the box, append those...
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    Complex If Statement

    Thank you so much. it works perfect! :cool: Jennifer
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    Complex If Statement

    Tried Hi there, Thank you for your suggestion, but it says The expression you entered contains invalid syntax. I say ok and it highlights AND. Any clues of why? Thank you again for your help. Jennifer
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    Complex If Statement

    Hi There, I am still having major troblems trying to get my query and form to do what I want. I have had some suggestions and I have tried them without success. I have tried the following and It doesn't do anything. Field: IIf([EmployeeStartDate]+90>=Date()-14 And...
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    Complex Query

    Hi There, I am hoping someone can help me with my problem that I am having. I have a query that is using the fucntion DateAdd. What I am trying to do is have the query pick through the list of employees who's 90 probate period is up and display them. The problem that I am running into is...
  17. L

    Drop and Drag in a list box

    Hi There, I tried posting this yesterday, but I can't find it. I have a problem with my code for Drop and Drag from one list box to the other. What i am trying to do is Pick a trainining course, put in the date, and the length of the course. Then I need to add the people that Attended the...
  18. L

    Drop and Drag List Box

    Hi There, I need help on making my drop and drag list boxes. I can send anyone the example that I am trying to get to work. I can't get the code to work right. I want to be able to pick a course, enter the date, pick the length of the course and then choose the employees from the first list...
  19. L

    Between function using DateAdd

    Hi There, I have a query that is for filtering people that their 90 day review is coming up. Field: nintydayreview: DateAdd("d",83,[EmployeeStartDate]) Criteria: [forms]![frm-90dayreviewtime]![meetingdate] This only bring up the people exactly 83 days, how do I pick the people from 83 days...
  20. L

    An Add Button

    Hi There, I was wondering if anyone could help me. I want to have a setup up of a list box that contains names, a list box that contains courses. I want to be able to choose a course like managament course and click on a name, add, choose another name who took the course, add and so on. How...
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