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  1. thechazm

    Question on large data table design

    Thanks checking into it
  2. thechazm

    Question on large data table design

    Thanks plog for the thoughts. Yes it's like a data warehouse and yes you are correct is that we need to use the data in smaller subsets later. It's just for reporting and comparison purposes. No user input other than an interface to fetch the reports. The data is coming from a large excel...
  3. thechazm

    Question on large data table design

    I would not be filtering on the 83 fields as they are just values. I have also thought about putting each data dump into it's own table. Any thoughts on that and keeping the 313,000 rows in each table?
  4. thechazm

    Question on large data table design

    I am trying to setup a table the best way I possibly can and was just hoping for some opinions. I have the need to store potentially 313,000 rows of data multiple times a month. I have tables that have around 3 million rows of data in them but they are a bit sluggish. I could reduce the number...
  5. thechazm

    Rows for each day something is in effect

    plog No those aren't real field names just an example but thanks :D If I could multithread in access then I probably would go that direction but I have to lean on what CL_London said that SQL is probably going to be the best route as the information will be processed faster than VBA in this...
  6. thechazm

    Browse Window to Spcific Folder

    You need to put that in a module. Once you have it in a module from your subs you can call the following: Browsefile "Excel", "C:\Windows\Whatever" So you pass it what type of file you want to look for and it's default location. Works like a champ.
  7. thechazm

    Rows for each day something is in effect

    Thanks I will give that a go and see how that works. Since the data is only two weeks out from the selected date it shouldn't be to much
  8. thechazm

    Browse Window to Spcific Folder

    This is what I typically use to browse to a specific folder and pick a file if that is what you are after Function BrowseFile(Optional strFilter As String, Optional strFolder As String) As String Dim fdg As FileDialog, vrtSelectedItem As Variant Set fdg =...
  9. thechazm

    Rows for each day something is in effect

    Hey all it's been a while and hope everyone is doing good :D I have something I am trying to figure out what would be the best way to setup multiple rows for calculating men per day usage. Here is an example of the data in a table: ID, Class, Start Date & Time, End Date & Time 1, Excel, 1/9/16...
  10. thechazm

    Are you an atheist?

    ROFL! This has to be the oldest active thread there is out there haha :D
  11. thechazm

    VBA Update SQL only updating field value to 0

    Sometimes that's all you need :D Thanks buddy
  12. thechazm

    VBA Update SQL only updating field value to 0

    Dang it was the array... The very last round even though I used For i = LBound(var) To UBound(var) It passed in a blank one that allowed it to reset all values to 0 lol figures The worst part about this whole situation was that array was used in an old way I used to do years ago and never...
  13. thechazm

    VBA Update SQL only updating field value to 0

    Hey folks, I am running into something that really is kicking my butt for some reason... When I try to run a simple update query written in VBA I get no errors but the field that I am trying to update just gets a 0 instead of the appropriate ID that I am passing. Any help on this is...
  14. thechazm

    Using VBA, ADO with SQL to Add Append Query results to Excel 2007 Table

    Simple example to find the last row in an excel sheet: xlsSheet.Cells(xlsSheet.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row Just replace the column letter above and the sheet name to either active sheet or some declared sheet name.
  15. thechazm

    Declare variable with NOT rounding numbers

    It looks like you are trying to produce a percentage from your code. If you need numbers after the decimal use: double Example: Dim iRet As Double
  16. thechazm

    Calculate Experience

    After reviewing your code it reminded of some code I had ran accross in the past so I ended up using that but your help and time were greatly appreciated. Solution below (I take no credit since it's not my code please thank Sal Ricciardi who made the post here...
  17. thechazm

    Calculate Experience

    Good Day All, I am looking for a little help on creating an good solution for calculating out someones experience based on a specific start date. I've created some code to start the process but it's still not quite right. Here is the code: ' Format Experience field eYears =...
  18. thechazm

    Changing Stock levels of multiple product components by one command

    I believe the reason is because both of these variables would be 0. ComponentStockLevel QuantityUsedForProduct You would need to do .fields(ComponentStockLevel) to refer to a value in a table not just the name.
  19. thechazm

    Stop use of shortcuts to open database

    On other option if your using a mdw shortcut with permissions any user that opens a database frontend or backend will automatically get the username of "Admin". So you can boot anyone that tries to log in as "Admin" using the currentuser function built into access. Otherwise with a mdw it will...
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