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  1. R

    Report to file

    Hello, I would like to export a report in Word 97 (from A97) but would like to automatically change the name of that file and automatically replace the old file. Can anyone help? I can't seem to find this info on the Help file... Thank you for your time. [This message has been edited by...
  2. R

    FIND & SEARCH in Queries

    In your queries try to replace = "" with IS NULL and <> "" with IS NOT NULL.
  3. R

    Purging Records Automatically

    I've done something like this just this week. Here's how I proceeded: Create a Delete query (Here's mine: DELETE TbDossiers.* FROM TbDossiers WHERE NomFamille IS NULL; I then added to the Form_Load procedure (My form is not linked to any tables. It's just a menu form.) Private Sub...
  4. R

    Printing 8.5 x 14 without preview mode

    I knew it was something dumb I overlooked. The thing is, I did that in Preview mode instead of Design mode. It seems that in preview mode, it doesn't save the paper format for future use... DOH! Thanks.
  5. R

    Printing 8.5 x 14 without preview mode

    I have one form where you can click on a button and where a report automatically prints. However, I would like this report to always have a Legal size paper selected. (The user will not be able to access the print menu) I've browsed throught the help file but didn't find exactly what I...
  6. R

    File Conversion...

    Thanks MHM but I found a simpler way of doing what I needed outside access. I simply use a batch file that converts the binary to text and then start acces where the txt has been linked to this new txt.
  7. R

    File Conversion...

    Is there a way (using VBA) to convert a file from Binary to text? I need to attach a text file for read only purposes. Thanks in advance!
  8. R

    Cumulative in Graph

    Finally, I made it work! Thanks for your help Carol.
  9. R

    Cumulative in Graph

    I can't seem to make that work. I have one Combo box where you can select the job title, then there's a field (will change it to CB as well) that asks the years (1999-2000 for example). Each year has 13 periods, no moe no less. When I add a Sum in the query, nothing different happens...
  10. R

    Manipulating a form to open up where you want it

    Sorry about that. You don't need to start from scratch. I use the french edition so I mixed up in the translation. By creation mode I meant editing mode. (It's the mode where you actually built your form). I tried it and it works fine. Notice when you switch from a mode to another that the...
  11. R

    Manipulating a form to open up where you want it

    Try this: In creation mode, resize and place the forms where you wan't them to be when you open them. In the properties of each forms, make sure the "Auto Center" is set to NO (it's in the Format tab). Hope it helps.
  12. R

    Cumulative in Graph

    Hi, Can someone tell me how I can do a cumulative graph? I'm creating a graph that gives the number of new employees and the number how are leaving for a articular department over 12 months. I was asked to give a cumulative total each month within the graph. (not a big total at the end, each...
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