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  1. T

    Running Access 2013 Macros in Earlier Versions

    Hi, I have created an *.accdb db in Access 2013 which runs macros to create examinations, by running a Make Table and several Append queries to populate the examination table. It opens dialog boxes to ensure that the user wishes to delete the previous table prior to creating the new table...
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    Access Data Collection by E-Mail

    Many thanks for the replies. However, through just pottering about, the simplest solution was so ridiculously easy I was embarrassed to have asked in the first place. I knew that, having done this before, it must be easy!! :rolleyes: All I did was right click on the e-mail created by Access...
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    Access Data Collection by E-Mail

    Hi troops, Completing the html wizard for Access Data Collection by e-mail is straightforward enough but I need to change the instructions underneath each of the data fields prior to sending out the e-mail, to ensure (so far as possible) that the forms are completed with the correct information...
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    Error Message (MS Access 2010)

    I've just started receiving an error message on shut down: "Selected collating sequence not supported with the specified file format" I cannot think of anything I have done which has changed anything within the DB structure. Does anyone have a clue what it is referring to? :confused:
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    Limiting Decimal Places in Make Table Query

    Thanks for the reply. Yes, I've tried the ROUND function in a variety of ways but it still doesn't seem to be working so I am obviously doing something wrong. Would one of you learned bods be so kind as to point out in the SQL posted above where I should be putting it so I can compare that...
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    Limiting Decimal Places in Make Table Query

    Hi, I have created a Make Table Query to populate a new table with Count and Average functions from two other tables. No problems there. The issue is that the Average:[Percent] field is outputting 12+ decimal places. I would like to limit it to 1. I've tried a few options but to no avail...
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    Query Count Problems!

    Hi o learned ones, I'm trying to compile an examination results reporting system in Access 2010, using a Make Table query and the Total Count function and would be really grateful for any help.. The Results options are 'P' and 'F'. The first problem I have is that I cannot get the query to...
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    Query Based on Combo Boxes

    Not a problem, Paine (that just doesn't read right! ;)) The more info for all the better. As for Access Viewer, ouch!! I just cannot get the configuration right on the client machines so that the users can run the DB in its designed mode! :mad:
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    Query Based on Combo Boxes

    Sounds good JBB (and pitched just about at my level :confused:); I'll give a whirl. Many thanks. :)
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    Query Based on Combo Boxes

    How can I build a form to run a query, where the selectable criteria in certain fields is entered into drop down combo boxes on the form? I've created a form, entered the relevant fields into it (including the combo boxes) but every time I try to open the form to make my selections it opens up...
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    Hiding Images in Reports

    Hi all, I've read the various threads and can't get my head around this one. The DB has questions and answers, some of which are supplemented with images which are stored in a folder outside the DB. I have two fields, [Image Required]=Yes/No and [ImagePath] identifying the file path to the...
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    Selecting Characters for Report Lists

    Thanks again GAH. I have that much. I've tried creating a field called [Optional Answer] with a Default Value of '0' in Table:Answers. The Text Box in the report has the Control Source ="(" & Chr([Optional Answer]+97) & ")" as suggested. The above produces (a). Unfortunately, all four...
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    Selecting Characters for Report Lists

    Thanks millions GAH, But I am obviously sliding down the evolutionary ladder here, rapidly approaching amoeba status!! :o Needless to say I cannot get it to do what I want. A bit more info from me may help. I'm using MS Access 2010 and have created an Examination Question Database (EQD)...
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    Selecting Characters for Report Lists

    Could you possibly explain what is meant by {numeric expression} in: =Chr({numeric expression} + 97) I've tried everything I can possibly think of; I can't find a solution in any of the on-line services I've tried (although there are probably more), so I am still stuck with: (1) (2) (3)...
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    Records Split across Pages?

    No worries, please feel free to chastise me, however, in my (albeit pathetically weak :rolleyes:) defence I did read the whole article but misunderstood the referenced section. Now, I understand what it means. That has always been a problem for me. Every single book I have acquired on...
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    Records Split across Pages?

    Thanks for the info spikepl, unfortunately, that particular solution didn't work. However, that prompted me to look for other ways at using the 'Keep Together' command and found that, in the "Group, Sort and Total" Object properties at the bottom of the page in design view, where it identifies...
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    Records Split across Pages?

    MS Access 2010 My current project involves creating examinations from a database of Questions and Answers. The Questions are in one table and the Answers in another with the Question Number data field forming the One-To-Many relationship. I have created a query to randomise the Answer...
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    Standalone Application

    Runtime is opening the User Form on remote PCs and updating the data tables nicely. Many thanks for the assistance. If I may go one step further.........the Cmd buttons don't seem to work in the runtime version so users can't search for specific records (of which there are > 14,500) and can't...
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    Standalone Application

    Many thanks for the heads up and the prompt reply. First bit completed; now on to distribution............wish me luck!!! :)
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    Standalone Application

    MS Access 2010 Is it possible to save a DB created in MS Access 2010 as a standalone application (or at the very least a front end form) so that users not having Access installed on a local PC can access the data on a network server and Add, Delete, Edit records (as per any set permissions)...
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