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  1. L

    Nice to see that things don't change

    I hope everything works out!
  2. L

    How to copy and paste multiple records? $25 paypal

    Hello, I have a form where managers enter budget for each quarter. Is there are a way to create a input screen where managers can select 2011 Q1 to 2012 Q1, where it will create 8 records (based on the number of quarter), while other information as budget amount stays the same? By the way, to...
  3. L

    Access crashes everytime I run applyfilter??

    Hello, I have access 2007 and every time I try to filter my report, access crashes every single time! Is there bug within access where if I try to filter grouped report? I've attached my database. There is only one report within my database and it'll be great if you can help me out. Thank you...
  4. L

    How to write SQL macro to filter all the forms and report?

    Hello, I am trying to create a macro where it will filter everything by the specific category. However, I can't seem figure out the right structure. On the where condition, is it [forms]![formName].[criteria???eg. "Soccer"]
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    Totally beat and desperate, can someone help me out?

    Hello, I am trying to create after school program and after many countless trials and errors, I am totally beat. I am trying to implement audit trail to my database. I already have the code and it seems to be really simple for someone who has coding knowledge. However, for me, I can't make it...
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    Am I just dumb or is there any hope?

    Thank you! You guys are right, I am looking at different VBA books and trying to understand everything. I guess that was my first mistake. I will start smaller. My objective is to understand the code so that I can tweak existing codes. But you guys are awesome!
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    Audit Trail

    After School Program needs help with Audit trail code?? Hello, I am currently building after school program to better track expenses. I wanted to add audit trail to expense budget form and Expense Items form. Someone who has vba code knowledge should be able to easily apply the code. But...
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    Am I just dumb or is there any hope?

    Hello, I've been trying to learn VBA since last week. I bought multiple books and studied many codes that's written on the website. However, I feel that I did not make any progress. I know that VBA is not something you can learn overnight. But I feel that I didn't progress at all! Thanks,
  9. L

    Subtracting null value or convert null to zero?

    Hello, I have two tables. Table one has budget items (Groceries, Entertainment, Shopping) with budget for each category. Second table consists of expense receipts that's related to each category on table 1. I am trying to subtract table 1 by table 2 so that it'll be give net balance for that...
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    How to pickup a data???

    Hello, I am creating after school program but had question in regards to finding remaining balance. I have two tables. First table consists of categories (Basketball, Soccer, Football) and budget for that category. Second tables consists of expenses for each category. The problem I am having is...
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    Audit Trail

    After School Program Needs your help (sdd audit trail) Hello, I have simple after school program. I like to add audit trail to expense form. Although, I've been trying to apply the code, I've been unsuccessful. Anyone who's has coding knowledge should be be able to apply it easily using the...
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    Recommendation needed, wanting to learn VBA!

    Hello, What is the best book to learn Access VBA for someone who has no prior knowledge? I want to know the general structure (read and understand) when someone posts VBA code. Even if I ask question and someone post VBA solution, I don't know how to use it because I have no basic knowledge. Is...
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    How to do running total and subtracting it from budget table???

    Hello, I am trying to create running total using query. For example, I have multiple categories (Basketball, Soccer, etc.) For each sport, we have set budget. In addition, I have multiple expense reports for each category. I am trying to create a running sum where access will total everything...
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    How to automatically show current quarter?

    Hello, I am trying to create user friendly form but I am stuck with date. I want access to automatically show current quarter when user enters the date. For example, if user enters July, I want access to automatically fill out the correct quarter. The problem I have is that our company's...
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