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  1. M

    Battlefield or COD?

    Ditto on the broke student lark! Hells Yeah! didn't know they'd done that! I shall take a look tonight! what are graphics like? Shall I keep my expectations low? :P
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    Question Database Splitting

    Hey guys, just wondering if you could clear a few things up for me. I'm splitting a database so that multiple users on a network can use it. I know how to split it both manually and using the wizard. My questions are: 1. Is the end product different depending on whether you split it manually...
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    Grand Total Calculation

    Hey, I'vetried that and it still comes up with Error# in the text box on the report :(
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    Grand Total Calculation

    Hey guys, just a quick question, I have a report displaying ordered items. The fields shown are [item number], [item name], [units ordered] and [unit price]. In the report design view I've created a calculation so that for every item there is a subtotal using this code: =[units ordered]*[unit...
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    E3 2011

    Yeah, considering how far ahead in the market they were with the Eye-Toy for PS2, The Move system just seems like a huge step backwards.
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    E3 2011

    I just think they're such kids games. And nintendo haven't bothered to update and advance like Microsoft have done with the Kinect.
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    E3 2011

    So, I was watching E3 last night with my housemates, and I am really impressed with some of the stuff. We have an Xbox Kinect and although it's good, the number of games and the quality of the games are pretty crap, no better really than Nintedo Wii (ew). However watching E3 and seeing the new...
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    More Calendar Problems

    I'm using the calendar control 12.0 but there is no "on click" on the property panel
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    More Calendar Problems

    Hey guys, I have a calendar form and I'm having a small problem with it. There is a date field (dd/mm/yyyy) above the calender which shows the date I've selected, however, when I choose a date on the calendar I have to click on the field afterwards for the field to update with the right date...
  10. M

    Question Calendars >_<

    Hey guys, a friend of mine is having a problem, not sure which category it should be in so just chose general. He'set up a calendar with "calendar control 12.0" and used the control source to link to "JobStartDate" 1ST PROBLEM: The"JobStartDate" field linked to the calendar wont auto update...
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    automatically insert data

    fantastic, thank you so much
  12. M

    automatically insert data

    yeah, they're in the table together. how is it done?
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    automatically insert data

    hey guys, not sure if there's a simple answer to this. I have a table storing information on materials, so material codes, descriptions, cost per unit etc. I have a form relating to this table. I wanted to know, if I select a certain material code in one field, can the cost per unit for that...
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    URGENT multi-select list box help!

    yeah, i think it does need normalising. i'll look into it. thanks for your help
  15. M

    URGENT multi-select list box help!

    Okay. The subform will be on "tbl_newjob" and the material codes are stored in "tbl_materials" If im going to use the new job form to enter the quantity needed, which table will the "quantity needed" field be in tbl_newjob? or tbl_materials?
  16. M

    URGENT multi-select list box help!

    Hey guys, On the database I'm working on, the company has a list of material codes. For every job that comes into the company they need to add what materials will be needed for the job. As it wasn't user friendly to have 20 different material code fields on a form I have used a multi-select...
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    duplicate autonumber & combo box error

    oooh! never mind about the combo box, i've fixed it, but still pondering about how to automatically copy the autonumber to another field
  18. M

    duplicate autonumber & combo box error

    hey guys, not sure if these have already been covered, could't find anything relevent when i searched. First of all, I have a form that's for entering new jobs. The primary key is in the "Job Reference" field. I want the job reference to be automatically copied to another field on the same form...
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    OH MY GOD! my housemate got LA Noire last night! I played it..... its awesome.... and I'm definitely buying it! It's so amazing how you can manipulate objects in your hand, and the facial expressions and details are fantastic! I love how you have to look at the facial expressions to determine...
  20. M

    Question Multiple users

    well i'll definitely give it a try :)
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