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  1. L

    Notation of Business Rules

    She is saying that I have to take the below and make into DBDL plan (i.e. below is what she sent me as an example of what she is looking for, for each business rules) tblStudents (StudentID, FName, LName, MI, SSN, BirthDate) AK SSN SK LName tblClasses (ClassID, Name, CatNum, Credits...
  2. L

    Notation of Business Rules

    This is what i finally got from the instructor ref. the business rules and what we are supposed to do. "You are only supposed to write out the DBDL plan for the database, not actually make any tables. Your finished product should be similar to the sample I just sent you. n this class, it's all...
  3. L

    Notation of Business Rules

    am still confused on what i am supposed to do accroding to the business rules and the xls spreadsheet
  4. L

    Notation of Business Rules

    InstructorName, LocationName, LocationAddress, LocationCity, LocationState, LocationZip, DateInstructor, AssignedToLocation, CourseNumber, CourseName, CourseSection, Number, Credits, SemesterOffered Was given the above fields n an xls spreadsheet with these accompanied business rules: 1 Each...
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