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    Query criteria can either have a value or not problem

    I need help. I have a query that can either have criteria specified in a field or not depending on the form that is open. I have a function in the criteria field that is supposed to determine this. I'm having problems working out how to assign a value to the criteria field that means "no...
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    Export Report to Excel. Columns move position

    Hi I have a report with various calculated text boxes. I have had to add another one to the report and now when the user exports to Excel one of the original text boxes outputs to Excel in a different position. e.g Used to do this txtProblemPercent Text61 Now does this Text61 txtSale...
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    3 possible criteria in a query parameter

    Thanks Jon K. You are my hero!! It worked beautifully!!
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    3 possible criteria in a query parameter

    I have a parameter query that is passed three possible options from a combo box. I have an iif statement to evaluate the criteria. It goes a little something like this..... iif([Forms]![frmWhatever]![combo]= "Choose sales","Sale", iif([Forms]![frmWhatever]![combo]= "Choose...
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    Running code in Excel via Access using GetObject

    Well My delight was short lived....... After opening Excel up , Access still has more code to run. However once Access has finished running, my macro in Excel (which has lots more to do before it too can quit) decides to hang. Oh Lawd
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    Thanks so much for this.. However there is still a problem.... My code now looks like this On Error GoTo Main_error Set excelworksheet = GetObject("Myfile.xls") excelworksheet.Application.Visible = True 'More code XCL = DDEInitiate("Excel"...
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    Running code in Excel via Access using GetObject

    It works......!!!!! Am delighted! Had to use As Object because it didn't like As Excel.Application for some reason. Thank you so much Doulostheou Angie
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    I have managed to run an Excel macro from within Access using the following code XCL = DDEInitiate("Excel", "System") DDEExecute XCL, "[Run(""pmac220502.xls!Auto"")]" DDETerminateAll However when I get to the DDEExecute line, my macro in Excel runs fine but an error message appears in Access...
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    Running code in Excel via Access using GetObject

    Hi Mario Tried your suggestion but got the following error message "Object doesn't support this property or method" Have you any other ideas Angie
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    Running code in Excel via Access using GetObject

    Will give that a go. Thanks Angie
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    Running code in Excel via Access using GetObject

    Have managed to open an Excel file via Access by using GetObject. Code as follows..... Set ExcelWorksheet1 = Nothing Set ExcelWorksheet1 = GetObject("c:\bpm-teamlead\performance\Performancemacdata\pmac220502.xls") ExcelWorksheet1.Activate...
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