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  1. G

    Dynamic Drop Down List

    So if I had a list of Projects and associated subjects how can I make drop down list for each so I would see a list of projects in one drop down, then whatever I selected for project, it would show only those subjects in the next drop down associated with that project. Here's a small example...
  2. G

    Excel Pivot gives slightly different numbers for Sum

    Version: Excel 2007 Hi I have a report in business objects that I have created as a cross tab with department on one side and sum of item on other side. When I extract the raw data and pivot it in Excel I get slightly different numbers when I sum. If I count the items it matches. The...
  3. G

    Pivot filter Shows all Data

    Hi On occasion I have to make a custom column in excel sheet and when I create a pivot and put this column in a filter the filter shows all the data instead of just the distinct values found in the field. Value is age value and cut down the decimal places to 0, but I spoke to someone in work...
  4. G

    File Corrupting & losing All Work

    Hi One of my work jobs requires me to copy last week's report (with 5 weeks data in them) and then alter it to put in the new week's data. Been doing this since I started and never had this issue before. What happens is I copy the file put in all the data to each sheet, then select all the...
  5. G

    Calculating Ratio on Pivot Columns

    Hi In my data I am trying to calculate a ratio between an old and new value listed in my pivot table. My Data is like this; old new == === 1245 7989 2371 6314 5889 3434 But originally my count of data in the pivot was the two values per row added...
  6. G

    Pivot filters Different Layout

    Hi I'm creating pivots for monthly data, each extract of monthly data in it's own workbook. I then create a pivot from that data. In one workbook each row field has a filter arrow next to it allowing filtering of that field, but in my other workbook the first column has a field called row...
  7. G

    grouping subtotals

    Hi using Excel 2007 I have a pivot table and I want to have sub totals for 2 labels that are in the same field. So to explain this graphically I have: City Dept ------ -------- Region Manager 1 Staff 1 Staff 1 Total...
  8. G

    Calculating Age Range

    In one column AH2 I have: =LEFT(YEARFRAC(AG2,TODAY(),1),2) Which gives me age in years from the date of birth Then in next column I have: =IF(AH2>80,"80+",IF(AND(AH2<81,AH2>64),"65-80","Under 65")) And for every age it says the range it's in is 80+, even though the ages are in various...
  9. G

    Setting Row ID in VBA

    I have a variable in VBA that I populate with the row Id of a particular cell. the code I am using is: UniqueIDValue = WorksheetFunction.Match(wb.Sheets("DataTwo").Range(TargetColumnChar & CStr(i)).Value, Range("DataOne!$" & TargetColumnCharTest & "$2:$U$" & CStr(MaxRowCountTest)), 0) + 1Used...
  10. G

    comparing Rows Between Two Sheets

    Hi I am looking for a way to check values in one set of data against another. I'd like to check if the data sets are identical or not and figure out a way to display or put in an identifier in a derived column for instance if it is not in any way and highlight the data cell that is different...
  11. G

    Excel turning date format to US format

    Hi I upload sharepoint documents from a server to a sharepoint based in USA. The server is set to UK/EU date format dd/mm/yyyy and I have now set the sharepoint regional settings to UK date format. In my excel I have say a range of dates in August 01/08/2012 02/08/2012 03/08/2012 04/08/2012...
  12. G

    The last Cell of A pivot

    Hi I am creating two pivots from VBA dynamically on one sheet. On some occasions the last pivot is placed over the end of the first pivot. So I want to be able to determine dynamically what is the end of the first pivot, then start the next pivot 4 or 5 cells down so they never overlap. Grifter
  13. G

    Dynamic Pivot filter

    Hi I have a small pivot report with 5 filters. If i use one filter then in theory then some of the other filter data does not now apply to the remaining data for instance if we have: User Car Make === ======= Jim Ford John Toyota Mike Saab And I filter...
  14. G

    Pivot VBA Error Since Making a Macro

    Hi I had a few tabs in an excel sheet with a pivot report on each one. Everything was working fine and I added a button to one of the report sheets to allow users to manually clear all the filters in the pivot instead of them going into each drop down. So I had to save as an xlsm type file...
  15. G

    Question Error Handling in VBS

    Hi I have a VBS script that runs a query in my Access DB. Now and again the query raises error to say DB or object is read only and I am sure this is because maybe someone is touching the sharepoint the table in the query is linked to - despite them knowing it should not be touched during...
  16. G

    Question Sharepoint Link in Access Read Only error

    Hi I have a sahrepoint linked to my access DB and at one point I have to delete the data from the linked table, usually fine but if I try updating or inserting I get read only error. I am using a VS script to run the code that opens the DB and runs the query to delete. I have no idea how to...
  17. G

    VBA Code to Loop Through Macro Modules

    Hi Any ideas how to access macro modules using VBA, the macros run queries and other macros and I have quite a lot. Instead of opening each one and checking for different queries and what is in each I want to do it in code. I have done similar with my queries and tables using: For Each tdf in...
  18. G

    Timeout and ODBC call fails

    Hi I have an access DB with a few macros that run queries and code to refreshing table links to sharepoint sites. this is all run from vbs scripts, and sometimes, well quite a few times I get various errors when mainly macros are running. When I go and run the individual parts of the macro...
  19. G

    Sticky Query Problem

    Hi All I wonder if someone could suggest a workaround for this problem I am having with an update query. So the scenario is I am setting a value dependent on a date range. If a particular date is in current month range it sets the value "Y" if in outside the month range it sets it to "N". Now...
  20. G

    String Aggregation

    Hi I am a newbie here and a newbie in Access. I am trying to group a set of records and concatenate strings of related grouped by columns and have had no luck doing this in access, I can do fine in SQL server with CROSS APPLY function but have been struggling for about 3 days now trying to get...
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