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  1. J

    Open Tabbed From based on a Combo box

    it so happens its the first tab.
  2. J

    Open Tabbed From based on a Combo box

    I have a form with a combobox that queries a table, when i make my selection a form opens to the appropriate record, but now my form is a tabbed form. How do i open that form now basedon my selection? Thank you
  3. J

    Convert days in to years,months,days

    thank you i knew that.... i've used that for time calc. just didn't remember. thank you
  4. J

    Convert days in to years,months,days

    date conversion i'm not really worried about that to much i would just assume 365 days in a year.
  5. J

    Convert days in to years,months,days

    I need help on how i can convert 1184 days to years, months, days. thanks
  6. J

    Sort order of unbound list

    Thank you so much. never even thought of searching with "drag and drop". and the link i beleive will do just fine!
  7. J

    Sort order of unbound list

    Humm.. I don't see how this will let me drag a "med" up of dwon this list by dragging it?
  8. J

    Sort order of unbound list

    I need to manage a list of, in this case "medications", with this list the most common "meds" are on the top of the list. there will be at times new "meds" added that should be at the top of the list. I want to create a unbound box that will let me drag the "meds" up or down in the list. The...
  9. J

    Datediff problem

    :) I'm having problems with a simple piece of code using datadiff. all i want is to know how days from today is 3/10/2006, which obivously will countdown as everyday gets closer. joe
  10. J

    Grouping and Sorting problem :confused:

    sorting grouped reports Why wouldn't make sense? i want grouped items and then want to be able to sort on different fields, say i want sorting on column A then another time sort on column B or C? Joe
  11. J

    Grouping and Sorting problem :confused:

    I have a report that was being sorted by an option box which allowed me to select which filed to set the sort by option. I had to make a changes to the report design to group by "Property Address" using the Grouping and Sorting options, now when i select a different sort option in my option box...
  12. J

    reporting if no data found

    No data in the on no data event Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer) MsgBox "There are no records to report", vbExclamation, "No Records" Cancel = True End Sub
  13. J

    Create Report based on combo box selection

    Thank you :) Richo thank you works perfect! I've tried somthing like your code but the Nz i beleive is what i needed.
  14. J

    Create Report based on combo box selection

    Ok here is my problem, i have a report selection form which help generate report based on all types of criteria, the one problem i have is when i i don't fill in the Agent box(see snapshot)(left empty) i want all agents on my report. here is the sql code i have. I have tried various Iif...
  15. J

    List of Reports on a combo box(sorted)

    Thank you both For the time being i will use the easiest solution just to get this done. but will work on the better solution offered by RoyVidar. This Access forum is awesome!
  16. J

    List of Reports on a combo box(sorted)

    :cool: I have used this code and it works perfect, but i have one issue. I want to be able to sort the reports, for some reason this code randomly sorts and ideas? Private Sub Form_Load() Dim objAO As AccessObject Dim objCP As Object Dim strValues As String...
  17. J

    Export text field to word is creating extra carriage returns

    I have a text field that does not contain any carriage returns, but when i use OutputTo .rtf i get i get the export with returns. any ideas how i can do this?
  18. J

    Access 2000 startup

    Access a2k Thank you, i just upgraded to A2003, no difference.. I did notice that is olny my pc, the same mdb on another does not have the same issue.
  19. J

    Access 2000 startup

    I noticed recently that when i open an mbd i get two pop-ups, that are installing something, then i noticed that in the task manager i have a msiexec.exe running that is getting created when i open a mdb(any mdb). I did a repair and a compact database and that did not fix this issue. Does anyone...
  20. J

    Create report based on user defined dates

    I have a report i want to open only showing records by a date range, now i have a query that prompts the user to enter the date, but that looks terrible, how can i have a form come up with two date s fields start and end, then pass that criteria to the report without using a query?
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