A day in the life... (1 Viewer)


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 22:07
Apr 27, 2015
Conversation while taking the girls to school

The cast:
Chloe aka Papoose (6yrs old), Megan aka Duckie (3 yrs old). And yours truly, 59 and getting older by the day.

Papoose: "Pops, Duckie stuck her tongue out at me!"
Me: "Oh did she?"
Papoose: "Yes!"

After a few moments of silence Papoose says:
"Pops, remember when I was little, you told me I shouldn't stick my tongue out at people?"
Me: "Yes I do..."

A few more moments of silence, hoping the pause would dissuade her:
Papoose: "Pops...?"
Me: "Yes baby..."
Papoose: "You should tell Duckie too..."

I guess I've been told...
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What a sweet post. Not a lot of things outshine the pleasure of my morning coffee, but this...
Kids will do that to you. When I was teaching the #1 grandson about computer games, he sat on my knee so I could help him. Suddenly there was this HORRIBLE smell. I said, "T., did you pop a bunny?" (Our little-kid euphemism for passing gas.) With all the gravity of a 3-year-old, little mister T turns to me and says, "Paw-paw, we call those farts."

Dead silence followed for at least a minute.
@MarkK , thanks for the kind words. Since you took the time to respond in such a manner, here is a picture I took of them just before we headed out.

Today was picture day so I had to get one of them while they were at peak of their cuteness!
Nice job bookending my day! Sweetness at the start, and now, omg, cuteness to close it out.
You're a rich man there NG.
Looks like there is a strain of "imp" somewhere in their bloodline. But that's OK, it just makes for more fun.

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