that's an intelligent person's term. aside from looking it up, I would just choose something similar that's more in line with "less-thinking: I agree arg here.compulsory.
How do you mean neavy and obsolete? Curious of your perspective.At times they feel a little heavy and obsolete, but honestly I just ignore them.
compulsory = mandatory/enforced/coercive/compelling. why not just say "necessary"? that's what I mean.....I was referring to using simple language, rather than language that's evolved due to political correctness or over-intelligent humans (OOP-obsessed engineers for example). (this will draw fire, i'm sure!)How do you mean neavy and obsolete? Curious of your perspective.
ok mr. leader, now you've annoyed me! who's the trickster now, eh?I don't think its compulsory to say necessary.
Please, entertain us all...
I agree entirely. That is why I have suggested in another thread to cut down the stickies! Prune them down to 3 maximum. By having an "Essentials" theme, I believe it would represent a great placeholder for links to great posts, act as a FAQ and so on. Less stickies=less scrolling=happier human beings.In the older software there seemed to be a lot stickies. Some of them felt stale, and not relevant. I think annual pruning might be in order.
happier human beings could come about by them discarding their worldly fears and following the Lord. what did the son say?happier human beings.
doing so widens the door for entry. what else did the son say?pick up your cross and follow me
it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven
instead of breaking up into more threads, just categorise on the sticky thread,