Access not closing since last week (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 23:33
Jul 11, 2023
Hello all, last week I noticed access not closing on two different PCs. I was able to resolve this with "online repair" followed by office update.

Today the issue is wide spread. Anyone else experiencing this?

We are seeing multiple reports of Access closure issues.

What version of Access are you running and on what version of Windows? If you have external files connected, include that information in your description.
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I am on 2408 build 17928.20114. Effected systems are both windows 10 and 11 pro.
Repairing access and then updating brings me back to version 2402 Build 17328.20550 and I am unable to update past that and the issue is resolved. Maybe they removed the subsequent update? I really don't want to have to do this on all our PCs
I made a batch file and placed it in the network drive to kill MSAccess task. I told everyone if they can't open access to run the file first. If anyone is interested:

taskkill /F /IM MSACCESS.EXE
I have figured out what causes this issue.

If you have open a Database or a Recordset in VBA and do not close it.

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT SOMETHING FROM SOMEWHERE WHERE SOMETHING", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

This will keep the connection open. You need to do rs.close AND db.close. Usually Access handles these and closes them by itself.
I figured it this out because I had a function that would result in an error "Can't open any more tables"

Hope this helps anyone experiencing the same issue as me.

I have figured out what causes this issue.

If you have open a Database or a Recordset in VBA and do not close it.

This will keep the connection open. You need to do rs.close AND db.close. Usually Access handles these and closes them by itself.
I figured it this out because I had a function that would result in an error "Can't open any more tables"

Hope this helps anyone experiencing the same issue as me.

While that certainly can be a valid reason for the problem, there is a bug now which causes the same problem.

The bug is documented in the article linked above. Daniel Pineault also has an extensive article on this bug.
We had a long discussion about this on the forum more than once. There are arguments for both viewpoints, but one of the Access engineers participated and was on the side of not only closing everything you opened, but also resetting the object variable to "Nothing" afterwards.

At least in theory, when you have a recordset or other object declared in a subroutine, exiting that sub clears out the involved memory and thus closes whatever was opened. HOWEVER, when you have a Public object variable in a general module, those don't go away quite so automatically even if your forms are closed or idle at the time. In such cases, you DO risk hanging up the machine in what is essentially an unending task rundown.
Windows Update 2408 is toxic to Access if you use FE/BE databases with linked tables in a multi-user environment

I discovered our department had users on Office Version 2406, 2407 and 2408 and only the latter had problems

Updates are now all coming from the "Monthly Enterprise Channel" which has rolled everyone back to 2406

This has cured the record locking problem and the auto generation of hidden instances of Access

I have just written some code which will read the Excel..OperatingSystem property and then use the File System Object to get the full version of the Access build and place them on the 'Welcome' form should a similar scenario arise in the future
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This has cured the record locking problem and the auto generation of hidden instances of Access

The hidden instances are not autogenerated.
They are instances that are left over when Access hasn't closed properly for whatever reason.

The current issue in CC v2408 and Beta channel v2410 will be fixed next week - probably on Tues 10 Sept.
According to the Access team, it has already been fixed in Current Channel Preview v2409 build 16.0.18025.20024

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