alternate row color override with box (1 Viewer)


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Today, 07:34
Jul 5, 2015
I have created a continous form with alternate row settings. It is a pop up form and i wanted to have better look of it, like having margins on both side. So in the form header i have added to box on both lateral end with white color. It is ok, look like having margins.
I have added to two box in the details part of the form with white back color. However when alternate row color is set, the boxes appear as the alternate row color, so it does not "look" like having a margin. If i change the color of the boxes anything but white, the alternate row color does not override that color, so a kind of margin appears. Any idea?
Screenshots in form and design view would help make sense of this.
However, if I understand you properly, this is easily achieved using a form and subform where the subform is slightly narrower than the main form creating a margin. Scrap the two boxes.
Attached the normal view


  • Capture2.JPG
    21.4 KB · Views: 163
and in design view


  • Capture1.JPG
    45.2 KB · Views: 165
That's what I thought. Use an unbound, possibly empty, form as a container and put what you have now in a subform which is slightly narrower
Yes that what i have done, put a box there. If back color others than white it works, but with white not.
It does not work. It is a continous form and if a i put a subform in it changes back to single form. I need it to be a continous form.
It does not work. It is a continous form and if a i put a subform in it changes back to single form. I need it to be a continous form.
I have created plenty of continuous subforms?
The form in design view shows three controls but in form view we see only one.

Regarding the "margin" control. If the background is set to Normal, the color, whatever it is, should not be altered by the alternate background color.
If color of the control is white it does not work. If it for example red it works
Looks like a bug to me. I tried it with a box as well as a textbox. I also tried conditional formatting.

However, it does work if you use a button control. That seems to retain the white background:):):)
I believe this is what you want:


It is a blank unbound main form with a continuous subform - exactly as described in post #5


If you don't like the subform border, make it transparent

I think what @Wysy wanted was for the part circled in pink to be white. He was using a box with a white background to try to make this happen but if the background was white, the alternate color over rode it. However, if the background of the box was an actual color like in my screen shot, it worked. In my case, it showed up as green. Look further to the right on the graybar, you see a white rectangle. That isn't a box, it is a button. Textbox, and label didn't work and neither did conditional formatting. So, I tried a button and that worked. I just removed all the formatting and made the background white. You can see it under the right part of the CustName field.
Thank you, that is exactly what i wanted. What is actually really my question by now is that why the white color does not work???
yes i did, thank you. if this color issue is a bug, then i can understand. I have just wondered how this can be sold. Your button solution worked for me too, but even if i set border style to transparent there is small marking around it that bothered me. I think i will use the subform solution.. Thanks for all the help.
The subform solution is very simple to implement and it does exactly what you seemed to be describing in post #1.
There is no issue using a continuous form in a subform.

The issue you may have been thinking of is that you cannot add a subform to the detail section of a continuous form.
However, even that can be solved by placing the subform in the header or footer section
Thank all of you! Your professional advises help me lot. This forum is the best of all! Thanks again.

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