Are Muslims and the Quran a threat to our society? (1 Viewer)

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 22:58
Jul 9, 2003
The five-step plan of Geert Wilders:

"I have a message for all those Muslims in the Netherlands who do not respect our freedom, our democracy and our core values."

✅ AI Eng Translated + Sub.

By the way I doubt very much if this video will be allowed on YouTube.

I would be interested if anyone discovers it there... As YouTube and the corrupt ideology they follow is definitely a threat to society....
The "obvious" answer is "yes". What isn't directly obvious, the Western world is committing cultural suicide. Two very recent examples demonstrating cultural suicide occurred at the Olympics.
Winston Churchill didn't care for Islam.

You can find quite a few quotes online from Winston if you search for "Winston Churchill + Islam"
Are Muslims and the Quran a threat to our society?
I think it is extremely problematic to make a blanket judgement about a group of about 2,000,000,000 people.
Moderate Muslims are certainly better for a society than Catholic mafiosi.
Atheists who share humanist values may be even better.
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No. Having traveled a lot, my opinion is that people are basically the same anywhere you go -- most are kind and caring, regardless of their religious indoctrination. There are always those who want power and to control, but they don't represent the majority. Tony @Uncle Gizmo, normally I don't reply to posts like this but I did today because you're a brilliant man ... although, imo, maybe somewhat blinded in aspects.
You need to watch the video Crystal.

That was the point of the post.
Erdoğan purposely insulted Christians by converting the Hagia Sophia (formerly a Christian church converted to a museum) to a Mosque. As has been the case, Christians once again failed to stand-up to this type of cultural offense (another name for cultural suicide).

Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and the US failed to respond to that aggression.

On October 7, 2023 Hamas conducted a vile brutal sneak attack on Israel. Hamas has promised genocide against the Jewish people. Initially the US claimed to have Israel's back. However, as time has progressed, the US has backtracked on that unequivocal promise. Unbelievably, the US is now demanding that Israel restrain itself and the US is also providing "humanitarian" support to Hamas. The US is once again, supporting Muslims who wish to kill Christians and Jews. This is another incremental death of Western cultural values by a thousand cuts.

Notice that there are Islamic Republics, which are theocracies. Christians and Jews are regulated to second class citizen status, if not outright banned. Wear the wrong outfit in an Islamic Republic, you can be legally executed.
There are no Christian theocracies implementing the draconian policies that could result in someone's execution.
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No. Having traveled a lot, my opinion is that people are basically the same anywhere you go -- most are kind and caring, regardless of their religious indoctrination. There are always those who want power and to control, but they don't represent the majority. Tony @Uncle Gizmo, normally I don't reply to posts like this but I did today because you're a brilliant man ... although, imo, maybe somewhat blinded in aspects.thnx
Erdoğan purposely insulted Christians by converting the Hagia Sophia (formerly a Christian church converted to a museum) to a Mosque. As has been the case, Christians once again failed to stand-up to this type of cultural offense (another name for cultural suicide).

Turkey invaded Cyprus in 1974 and the US failed to respond to that aggression.

On October 7, 2023 Hamas conducted a vile brutal sneak attack on Israel. Hamas has promised genocide against the Jewish people. Initially the US claimed to have Israel's back. However, as time has progressed, the US has backtracked on that unequivocal promise. Unbelievably, the US is now demanding that Israel restrain itself and the US is also providing "humanitarian" support to Hamas. The US is once again, supporting Muslims who wish to kill Christians and Jews. This is another incremental death of Western cultural values by a thousand cuts.

Notice that there are Islamic Republics, which are theocracies. Christians and Jews are regulated to second class citizen status, if not outright banned. Wear the wrong outfit in an Islamic Republic, you can be legally executed.
There are no Christian theocracies implementing the draconian policies that could result in someone's execution.
thnx Crystal for your great reply. I amdutch and Wilders is the Dutch Trump, people live him ior hate him. We are all the same, people who are looking for recognition and. Love. Generalisation about groups is very dangerous, a group with dangerous features are no longer seen as individuals and are eaier to hate. Talk to your islamic neighbour and decide then if you really hate him..
although, imo, maybe somewhat blinded in aspects.
Crystal, may I suggest that you review the position of Hamas where they promise to kill all the Jews and remember that the residents of Gaza elected Hamas to govern them. Also, you might want to study Sharia law to get an understanding of how women are viewed by Islam. If you still don't see the danger, perhaps some light reading of the Qur'an would help. There you can find out Mohamed's opinion of Christians and Jews and how he tells his followers to treat them. It is only slightly better than how he wants to treat gay folks. I'm pretty sure the "gays for Palestine" people have never read any of the Qur'an or Sharia law.

While I agree that people should always be judged as individuals, you don't necessarily want all their deeply held beliefs to take root here. I spent a year living in Kuwait which of course does not make me an expert but I do know significantly more than the average American about the culture. Most of my interactions with the locals were pleasant and positive (because I knew I was a guest there and was always on my best behavior), but not all. There were some interactions where Kuwaitis made it clear that I was not welcome. One in particular is quite amusing in the retelling but was terrifying as it was taking place. Because of the application we were developing for the Civil Service, I ended up having to read sections of Sharia law and was appalled. This is their legal code and when polled, most Muslims' say they want to impose Sharia law here in the US. I won't judge how they want to treat women and homosexuals in their homelands but I do have to object to being subjected to it in my homeland. Sharia law is not even close to being compatible with our Western values and system of justice.

Re:- >>>We have more and more women in prisons, either for not wearing abaya or, you know, for dancing in public or for tweeting their opinions,<<<

Well I never... There are some benefits in adopting Sharia law....
Generalisation about groups is very dangerous, a group with dangerous features are no longer seen as individuals and are eaier to hate.
What about Nazis?

Maybe generalising about "generalising about groups" is dangerous. Just playing Devil's Advocate.
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I lived in the Middle East. While the main religion is Muslim, there are also Christians and others. When I first got to Egypt, I was shocked by many of the cultural differences. There was essentially no middle class! roughly 90% of the country was poor while the majority of wealth was in 10% of the hands. Americans, however, lived like kings. We took advantage of that and had servants.

I chose to take Arabic as my foreign language in school. By the second year, I was starting to see the people differently because they saw ME differently. I spoke their language and they respected me for that, and shared themselves more.

Think about how you feel when someone comes to America and doesn't learn English. It's hard to communicate, and easy to see them as not being as worthy as you are ... but every man is a child of God. I say 'man' meaning huMANs ... and God as 'good' since we're all connected regardless of what we perceive God to be ... to me, it is the invisible thread that connects us all as God is ubiquitous and everywhere. We are like leaves on a tree except we don't see the tree.

I write Arabic -- handy for writing notes to myself using that alphabet that others don't understand. I can read it too, although most the time, I can't translate what it says -- it's like reading French or another language I don't know.

Whilst in the Middle East, I was fortunate to travel to Iran before the highly intolerant religious regime took over. My Persian friends don't want to live like that and have left. My most memorable memory was spending a couple hours watching a man put beautiful colors and patterns on a carpet. I admired him for his skills. There were also amazing artisans in Egypt.

My Muslim friends are kind and good-hearted. To look down on a couple billion people because of the outrageous views of the power-hungrey mongrels is wrong.

Although one of the commandments in the Bible is "Thou shalt not kill", there are also references to do just that to non-believers. There are more, but here are a couple:

Luke 19:27
2 Chronicles 15:13

You can't take passages out of a book and deem the whole book unworthy because of them.

Just as the bible has good parts and bad, so does the Quran (Qur'an or Koran) -- except instead of 10 Commandments, there are 100 Commandments and Doctrines. I have read them and they are also good rules to try and live by.

The first in the Bill of Rights is freedom of religion. These 'rights' are not granted by the law, they are 'recognized'.

Some of the greatest things about America is diversity, tolerance, and understanding. It would be a shame to lose that.
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It would be a shame to lose that.

I have many Muslim acquaintances, some of whom might accept the term "friend." I would hate to lose our diversity and tolerance and understanding as well. But the more we allow Islamic values to gain power in our society, the less tolerant we become. Sharia - when interpreted literally and strictly - makes women unfit to run their own business affairs. For many purposes, a woman is 1/4th the value of a man in terms of legal issues. Crystal, I respect you and your experiences and I believe you (even agree with you) when you say that many Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people. But it is the militant immigrants who I fear. THEY would be the ones to end tolerance in this country.
thanks Richard @The_Doc_Man ... I lived in Egypt. Although women are considered property of a man, I don't agree with it (of course) -- nor do I want this country to adopt that too! keep in mind that the majority of those who come here are generally trying to get away from things they don't believe in and only have one wife (Muslim lets you have 4 but those who value their partner don't do that) ... as were those who wrote our founding documents, which I hope we can stick by.

> many Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people

you can remove the religious reference to be simply "many are peaceful and tolerant people"

> militant immigrants

good and bad everywhere -- imo, those who are militant will mostly stay where they are and even if they don't, they are a minority. No reason to turn our backs on countless others. And some HERE want to make females property of males again, and rule with religion, sigh ... history repeats but I hope our nation is strong enough not to allow that.

One I am helping with Access lives near the border of Mexico. He said his best workers are those who come across the line to work. They understand suffering and do the best they can to work as hard as they can.
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I think the issue is to do with membership size and ratio. You can get a very small percentage of people in an ideology that have extreme views, but because of the large numbers of members in this group, you end up having an army.

Let us take Islam in the UK as an example. The majority of muslims are, I am quite sure, moderate. However, since there are nearly 4 million in the uk, if only 0.5% of them are extremists, you end up with an army of 20,000 angry jihadists, potentially.

In 2018, a report indicated that MI5 had about 3,000 "subjects of interest" under active investigation, with around 20,000 individuals who had been investigated previously and might still pose a threat.
From Claude 3.5 AI.

Add to that a continuum of views that spread from close sympathisers of their cause, to kinda close sypathisers and so on. So, while 20,000 of them might pose an actual threat, others are on the verge, or might even provide cover or facilitate, without taking the explicit action itself.

It is a shame, because the innocent get lumped in with the guilty, from a public perception point of view.
hi @Jon

no doubt the majority in your country are good and peaceful ... and those that aren't aren't necessary from somewhere else. There are always those who hate and have no compassion for others, no matter where they come from

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