I have developed a software for local vegetables trader. For example, Raw banana is pronounced 'Vazhakkai' in Tamil. Sometimes I tend to type 'Valakai' instead of 'Vazhakkai'. I want it to be autocorrected. Possible?
Do you want to change a value selected in a combo box to another value? If that’s the case, you could build a table of right and wrong values. Use this for your row source.
Do you want to change a value selected in a combo box to another value? If that’s the case, you could build a table of right and wrong values. Use this for your row source.
I want to do the reverse of it. Providing a list of correct values (Lik Custom Dictionary option in Ms Word) and want to provide use that kind of option here. Not possible?
Allowing changes to combos on the fly just allows people to enshrine their typos.
When new inventory comes in, the proper name needs to be added to the table used to populate the combo. Then the user doesn't get to make typos when entering an order.
I bet you could achieve this by capturing whatever the user has typed in when they hit tab or enter, then perform a string comparison of their entry against every allowable value in the combobox source data set, then set the combobox to the one with the best score.