Cannot copy charts using VBA in Access 2010 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:00
Jan 20, 2011
I have an application in Access 2003. It uses VBA to open an Excel file. The file has one tab for charts and one for data. The program counts how many charts needs to be created, one per project. It then will place 4 charts per tab, creating as many chart tabs as necessary, keep one data tab.

The program then writes the data and links the data to the corresponding chart. It will also write legends, and scale the charts. This all works fine under Access 2003/Excel 2003.

The error I get is
"Application-defined error or object defined error"

The line that gives me the error is:
Set chCopy = xlsheet.ChartObjects(idx)

I am using the Multi-Chart option frmChartType = 1

Now I'm moving to the Office 2010 world. It is not working. Below is the code I run to do the magic. I guess something is happening in Excel 2010 that is different from 2003.

PS - I found when I comment out the error line, and other lines dependent on chCopy it creates the charts, but all the charts are pictures and not charts!!

Public Sub GenerateChart()
    ' Generate an Excel chart
    Dim db As Database
    Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
    Dim xlapp As Object
    Dim xlBook As Object
    Dim xlChart As Object
    Dim xlData As Object
    Dim xlsheet As Object
    Dim ch As Object
    Dim chCopy As Object
    Dim idx As Integer
    Dim row As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim fs As Variant
    Dim noOfProjects As Integer
    Dim rejectionReasonList As Variant
    Dim CPN As String
    Dim dataRow As Integer
    Dim base As Integer
    Dim maxPercent As Single    ' Keep track of max percent for scaling
    Dim chartNo As Integer
    Dim wsNo As Integer         ' Worksheet number
    Dim ExcelDefault As String  ' Default name for Excel output file
    Dim rstEmpty As Boolean
    Dim docCnt As Integer

    On Error GoTo Errors
    rstEmpty = False
    ' Initialize array
    rejectionReasonList = Array("CAD", "CHECK-IN/OUT", "DRAWING CONTENT", "INDEX INFO")
    ' Verify that the user has entered at least 1 project
    noOfProjects = DCount("ProjectID", "qryRptProject")
    If noOfProjects = 0 Then
        MsgBox "You must enter at least one project", vbInformation, "No project entered"
        Exit Sub  ' Check if no project was found, then exit
    End If
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If frmChartType = 1 Then    ' Multi Chart
        ' Verify that the template file exists
        If Not fs.FileExists(CurrentProject.path & "\RejectionReasonMultiChartTemplate.xls") Then
            MsgBox "The template file does not exist." & vbCrLf & _
              "A file called 'RejectionReasonMultiChartTemplate.xls' is required in the database directory", vbExclamation, _
              "Missing template file"
            Set fs = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Else    ' Single Chart
        ' Verify that the template file exists
        If Not fs.FileExists(CurrentProject.path & "\RejectionReasonSingleChartTemplate.xls") Then
            MsgBox "The template file does not exist." & vbCrLf & _
              "A file called 'RejectionReasonSingleChartTemplate.xls' is required in the database directory", vbExclamation, _
              "Missing template file"
            Set fs = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ' check if the output folder exists
    If Not fs.FolderExists(getPath(txtExcelName)) And getPath(txtExcelName) <> "" Then
        MsgBox "The output directory, " & getPath(txtExcelName) & ", does not exists.", _
            vbExclamation, "Output directory does not exists"
        Set fs = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' check if the file exists
    If fs.FileExists(txtExcelName) Then
        If MsgBox("File already exists.  Overwrite?", vbYesNo, "File already exists") <> vbYes Then
            Set fs = Nothing
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ' Turn on hourglass.  This may take awhile
    DoCmd.Hourglass True
    ' Create Excel Application
    Set xlapp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    If Err Or (xlapp Is Nothing) Then
        DoCmd.Hourglass False
        MsgBox "Could not create Excel Application.  See System Administrator", vbCritical, "Excel Start up Error"
        Set fs = Nothing
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Copy template file to the new location
    If frmChartType = 1 Then    'Multi chart
        fs.copyfile CurrentProject.path & "\RejectionReasonMultiChartTemplate.xls", txtExcelName   'Default is overwrite
    Else    ' Single Chart
        fs.copyfile CurrentProject.path & "\RejectionReasonSingleChartTemplate.xls", txtExcelName   'Default is overwrite
    End If
    ' Open the spreadsheet and set up the Excel objects
    Set xlBook = xlapp.Workbooks.Open(txtExcelName)
    Set xlData = xlBook.Worksheets("Data") 'Need this for Cells method
    If frmChartType = 1 Then    ' Multiple chart
        Set xlChart = xlBook.Worksheets("Chart 1") 'Need this for Cells method
        Set xlChart = xlBook.Worksheets("Chart") 'Need this for Cells method
    End If
    ' Find the number of unique projects in the table
    noOfProjects = DCount("CPN", "qryCARPrj")
    ' Add the number of necessary worksheets to the multiple projects spreadsheet
    If frmChartType = 1 Then
        For i = 2 To Int((noOfProjects - 1) / 4) + 1
            idx = 0     'The chart number within the worksheet
            Set xlsheet = xlBook.Worksheets.Add(xlData) 'Add new tab before the data tab
            ' Put in the header and footer information
            xlsheet.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "&18DSS Corrective Action Required Reasons by Project and Corrective Action Required Type"
            xlsheet.PageSetup.LeftFooter = "&D"
            xlsheet.PageSetup.CenterFooter = "Page &P of &N"
            xlsheet.Name = "Chart " & i
            For Each ch In xlChart.ChartObjects
                xlsheet.Range(ch.TopLeftCell.Address).PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
                idx = idx + 1


                Set chCopy = xlsheet.ChartObjects(idx)
                dataRow = 4 * 4 * (i - 1) + (idx - 1) * 4 + 2
                chCopy.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = xlData.Range("B" & dataRow & ":B" & dataRow + 3)
                chCopy.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = xlData.Range("C" & dataRow & ":C" & dataRow + 3)
                chCopy.Chart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = xlData.Range("D" & dataRow & ":D" & dataRow + 3)
        Next i
    End If
    ' Open the recordset
    Set db = CurrentDb()
    If frmChartType = 1 Then    ' Multi Chart
'        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qryRejectionReasonMulti")
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qryCARMulti")
    Else    ' Single Chart
'        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qryRejectionReasonSingle")
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("qryCARSingle")
    End If
    If rst.EOF And rst.BOF Then
        MsgBox ("No records found for selected project(s).  Canceling request...")
        rstEmpty = True
        GoTo CloseAll
    End If
    ' Turn off events in the spreadsheet so that changed cells are not highlighted
    xlapp.EnableEvents = False

    ' Populate the worksheet(s)
    row = 2
    maxPercent = 0
    If frmChartType = 1 Then   ' Mutliple charts
        Do Until rst.EOF
            ' Add five new rows for each project
            For i = 0 To 3
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 1) = rst!CPN
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 2) = rejectionReasonList(i)
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 3) = 0                    ' Rejection Percentage.  Default to zero
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 4) = 0                    ' Repear Rejection.  Default to zero
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 5).Formula = "=C" & row + i & "+D" & row + i ' Total Rejections.  Formula.
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 6) = 0                    ' Count of CARs.  Default to zero
                xlData.Cells(row + i, 7) = 0                    ' Count of Documents.  Default to zero
'                xlData.Cells(row + i, 6) = Int(row / 4) + 1     ' Chart number
            Next i
            ' Write the percentage and counts found
            CPN = rst!CPN
            maxPercent = 0
            docCnt = 0
            Do Until rst.EOF
                If CPN <> rst!CPN Then Exit Do
                Select Case rst!Reason
                    Case "CAD"
                        xlData.Cells(row, 3) = Round(rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row, 4) = Round(rst!TotalPercent - rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row, 6) = rst!CountOfCAR
                    Case "CHECK-IN/OUT"
                        xlData.Cells(row + 1, 3) = Round(rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 1, 4) = Round(rst!TotalPercent - rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 1, 6) = rst!CountOfCAR
                    Case "DRAWING CONTENT"
                        xlData.Cells(row + 2, 3) = Round(rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 2, 4) = Round(rst!TotalPercent - rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 2, 6) = rst!CountOfCAR
                    Case "INDEX INFO"
                        xlData.Cells(row + 3, 3) = Round(rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 3, 4) = Round(rst!TotalPercent - rst!DocPercent, 2)
                        xlData.Cells(row + 3, 6) = rst!CountOfCAR
                End Select
                If rst!CountOfDocs > docCnt Then docCnt = rst!CountOfDocs
                If rst!TotalPercent > maxPercent Then maxPercent = rst!TotalPercent
            xlData.Cells(row, 7) = docCnt
            xlData.Cells(row + 1, 7) = docCnt
            xlData.Cells(row + 2, 7) = docCnt
            xlData.Cells(row + 3, 7) = docCnt
            ' Default chart is a max of 40%.  If maxpercent is > 35 then rescale the chart by adding 5% to the max.
            If maxPercent > 40 Then
                wsNo = Int((row - 2) / 16) + 1
                Set xlChart = xlBook.Worksheets("Chart " & wsNo)
                chartNo = Int((row - 2 - ((wsNo - 1) * 16)) / 4) + 1
                maxPercent = (Fix((maxPercent + 0.01) * 100 / 10) + 1) / 10    ' Determine MaximumScale value.
'                maxPercent = maxPercent + 0.05      ' Add 5% above max value so max category is displayed.
                xlChart.ChartObjects(chartNo).Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxPercent
            End If
            row = row + 4   ' Next project
        ' Put in chart titles (CPN)for the worksheet(s)
        For i = 1 To Int((noOfProjects - 1) / 4) + 1
            Set xlChart = xlBook.Worksheets("Chart " & i)
            base = (i - 1) * 16
            If xlData.Cells(base + 2, 1) <> "" Then xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Chart.ChartTitle.text = xlData.Cells(base + 2, 1)
            If xlData.Cells(base + 7, 1) <> "" Then xlChart.ChartObjects(2).Chart.ChartTitle.text = xlData.Cells(base + 7, 1)
            If xlData.Cells(base + 12, 1) <> "" Then xlChart.ChartObjects(3).Chart.ChartTitle.text = xlData.Cells(base + 12, 1)
            If xlData.Cells(base + 17, 1) <> "" Then xlChart.ChartObjects(4).Chart.ChartTitle.text = xlData.Cells(base + 17, 1)
        Next i
    Else    ' Single chart
        Do Until rst.EOF
            xlData.Cells(row, 1) = rst!CPN
            xlData.Cells(row, 2) = Round(Nz(rst!DocPercent, 0))
            xlData.Cells(row, 4) = Round(Nz(rst!TotalPercent, 0))
            xlData.Cells(row, 3).Formula = "=D" & row & "-B" & row
            xlData.Cells(row, 5) = rst!CountOfCAR
            xlData.Cells(row, 6) = rst!CountOfDocs
            If rst!TotalPercent > maxPercent Then maxPercent = rst!TotalPercent
            row = row + 1
        ' Make chart tab active
        maxPercent = (Fix((maxPercent + 0.01) * 100 / 10) + 1) / 10    ' Determine MaximumScale value.
        xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = maxPercent
        ' Update X and Y values
        dataRow = noOfProjects + 1
        xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = xlData.Range("A2" & ":A" & dataRow)
        xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = xlData.Range("B2" & ":B" & dataRow)
        xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(2).Values = xlData.Range("C2" & ":C" & dataRow)
        ' Resize chart width based on the number of projects
        If noOfProjects > 2 Then xlChart.ChartObjects(1).Width = 100 + noOfProjects * 40
    End If
    Set rst = Nothing
    'Close objects
    If Not xlData Is Nothing Then
        Set xlData = Nothing
    End If

    If Not xlChart Is Nothing Then
        Set xlChart = Nothing
    End If

    If Not xlsheet Is Nothing Then
        Set xlsheet = Nothing
    End If
    If Not xlBook Is Nothing Then
        xlBook.Close False
        Set xlBook = Nothing
    End If
    ' Close Excel
    If Not xlapp Is Nothing Then
        Set xlapp = Nothing
    End If
    ' Open Excel back up, with the file, so the user may view
    If Not rstEmpty Then Call Shell("Excel """ & txtExcelName & """", vbMaximizedFocus)
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
    Exit Sub
Errors:     ' Can get an error if Excel SaveAs cancelled
    If Err = 1004 Then
        xlBook.Close False   'SaveAs Cancelled
        MsgBox "Error in GenerateChart, Error " & Err & ": " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Unexpected error"
    End If
    If Not xlapp Is Nothing Then
        Set xlapp = Nothing
    End If

    ' Turn off hourglass
    DoCmd.Hourglass False
   ' Close form and report
End Sub
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:00
Jan 20, 2011
After further investigation I think I can greatly simplify this question.

I'm trying to copy a chart object from one sheet to another. When I do that manually, using Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V (copy and paste) it works fine. The result is a chart object.

The following works in Access 2003/Excel 2003, but fails in Access 2010/Excel 2010

For Each ch In xlChart.ChartObjects

The error I get is
run-time error "-2147417851 (80010105)
Method 'Copy' of object 'ChartObject' failed

I found I can get around this error by doing the following:
For Each ch In xlChart.ChartObjects

However, when I do that it copies the chart as a picture instead of chart. xlsheet if the new sheet for the copied chart. I have 4 charts per sheet.
            For Each ch In xlChart.ChartObjects
                xlsheet.Range(ch.TopLeftCell.Address).PasteSpecial (xlPasteAll)
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:00
Jan 20, 2011
I got my answer at another site. However, in case someone has the same problem the answer is the following:
  For Each ch In xlChart.ChartObjects
        xlSheet.Paste Destination:=xlSheet.Range(ch.TopLeftCell.Address)
    Next ch

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