Convert files to csv/utf8 (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 21:56
May 2, 2011

I have a problem to convert automatically files to csv format with utf8 coding.

I first tried to work with DoCmd.TransferText SpecifiedName, and everything seemed to be fine. But as i work with different Files, I can't use this option anymore.
So i tried to use the more flexible possibility with schema.ini.

Public Sub importing_exporting_file()

        Dim strPathFile As String
        Dim strTable As String, strBrowseMsg As String
        Dim strFilter As String, strInitialDirectory As String
        Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean

        Dim Share As String
        Dim Path_full As String
        Dim path As String
        Dim Last_week As Integer

            'Calculating last week
            t = DateSerial(Year(Date + (8 - Weekday(Date)) Mod 7 - 3), 1, 1)
            KW = (Date - t - 3 + (Weekday(t) + 1) Mod 7) \ 7 + 1
            Last_week = KW - 1
        'Selecting the share for the Excel Files
        Share = InputBox("Please type in the letter of your share (i.e.: C)", , "Z")
        ' Change this next line to True if the first row in EXCEL worksheet
        ' has field names
        blnHasFieldNames = False

        strBrowseMsg = "Select the EXCEL file:"

        ' Change C:\MyFolder\ to the path for the folder where the Browse
        ' window is to start (the initial directory). If you want to start in
        ' ACCESS' default folder, delete C:\MyFolder\ from the code line,
        ' leaving an empty string as the value being set as the initial
        ' directory
        'strInitialDirectory = "C:\"
        path = "import\"
        Path_full = Share & ":\" & path & "week_" & Last_week & "\xls"
        strFilter = ahtAddFilterItem(strFilter, "Excel Files (*.xls)", "*.xls")

        strPathFile = ahtCommonFileOpenSave(InitialDir:=Path_full, _
              Filter:=strFilter, OpenFile:=True, _
              DialogTitle:=strBrowseMsg, _

        If strPathFile = "" Then
              MsgBox "No file was selected.", vbOK, "No Selection"
              Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Replace tablename with the real name of the table into which
        ' the data are to be imported

        strTable = "Import"

        DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, strTable, strPathFile, blnHasFieldNames  '

        ' Uncomment out the next code step if you want to delete the
        ' EXCEL file after it's been imported
        ' Kill strPathFile

                 Dim Pos As Integer, SuchZeichen As String
                 If strPathFile = "" Then Exit Sub
                 ' Letzten Backslash suchen
                 Pos = 0
                     strPathFile = Mid(strPathFile, Pos + 1)
                     Pos = InStr(1, strPathFile, "\")
                 Loop Until Pos = 0
                 If IsMissing(MitEndung) Then MitEndung = True
                 If Not MitEndung Then
                     ' Letzten Punkt suchen
                     For Pos = Len(strPathFile) To 1 Step -1
                         If Mid(strPathFile, Pos, 1) = "." Then
                             strPathFile = Left(strPathFile, Pos - 1)
                             Exit For
                         End If
                     Next Pos
                 End If
                 DateiName = strPathFile
                 'MsgBox (DateiName)
                 '******************************************Create schema.ini****************************************************************
        Dim bIncFldNames As Boolean
        bIncFldNames = False
        Dim sPath As String
        sPath = Share & ":\" & path & "week_" & Last_week & "\csv\"
        Dim sSectionName As String
        sSectionName = DateiName & ".csv"
        Dim sTblQryName As String
        sTblQryName = "Import"
        Call CreateSchemaFile(bIncFldNames, sPath, sSectionName, sTblQryName)
                Dim Target_Path As String
                Target_Path = Share & ":\" & path & "week_" & Last_week & "\csv\" & DateiName & ".csv"
                MsgBox (Target_Path)
                DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, , "Import", Target_Path, 0
          DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Import"
End Sub
Here the scheme.ini:

Public Function CreateSchemaFile(bIncFldNames As Boolean, _
                                 sPath As String, _
                                 sSectionName As String, _
                                 sTblQryName As String) As Boolean
   Dim Msg As String ' For error handling.
   On Local Error GoTo CreateSchemaFile_Err
   Dim ws As Workspace, db As DAO.Database
   Dim tblDef As DAO.TableDef, fldDef As DAO.Field
   Dim i As Integer, Handle As Integer
   Dim fldName As String, fldDataInfo As String
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   ' Set DAO objects.
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   Set db = CurrentDb()
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   ' Open schema file for append.
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   Handle = FreeFile
   Open sPath & "schema.ini" For Output Access Write As #Handle
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   ' Write schema header.
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   Print #Handle, "[" & sSectionName & "]"
   Print #Handle, "ColNameHeader = " & _
                   IIf(bIncFldNames, "True", "False")
   Print #Handle, "CharacterSet = UTF-8"
   Print #Handle, "Format = Delimited(*)"
   'Print #Handle, "TextDelimiter = ¦ "
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   ' Get data concerning schema file.
   ' -----------------------------------------------
   Set tblDef = db.TableDefs(sTblQryName)
   With tblDef
      For i = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
         Set fldDef = .Fields(i)
         With fldDef
            fldName = .Name
            Select Case .Type
               Case dbBoolean
                  fldDataInfo = "Bit"
               Case dbByte
                  fldDataInfo = "Byte"
               Case dbInteger
                  fldDataInfo = "Short"
               Case dbLong
                  fldDataInfo = "Integer"
               Case dbCurrency
                  fldDataInfo = "Currency"
               Case dbSingle
                  fldDataInfo = "Single"
               Case dbDouble
                  fldDataInfo = "Double"
               Case dbDate
                  fldDataInfo = "Date"
               Case dbText
                  fldDataInfo = "Char Width " & Format$(.Size)
               Case dbLongBinary
                  fldDataInfo = "OLE"
               Case dbMemo
                  fldDataInfo = "LongChar"
               Case dbGUID
                  fldDataInfo = "Char Width 16"
            End Select
            Print #Handle, "Col" & Format$(i + 1) _
                            & "=" & fldName & Space$(1) _
                            & fldDataInfo
         End With
      Next i
   End With
   MsgBox sPath & "SCHEMA.INI has been created."
   CreateSchemaFile = True
   Close Handle
   Exit Function
   Msg = "Error #: " & Format$(Err.Number) & vbCrLf
   Msg = Msg & Err.Description
   MsgBox Msg
   Resume CreateSchemaFile_End
End Function
The code is creating a scheme.ini, but the generated file doesn't seem to use the .ini.
And when i actually let the code with CharacterSet = UTF-8 , i get the error 3000 (is not described at all).
Please help , I really pissed off and dont know how to proceed

Thx in advance


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