I am wondering if someone can help me ... I wrote a system in VB.Net 2012 (Visual Studio Express 2012). It has been running fine on Windows 7 32bit but our client wishes to upgrade to Windows 10 32 bit now. I am busy testing the system on 64bit Windows 10 and it works fine on my Windows 7 64 bit. I am having the following problem with Crystal Reports.
Whenever a reports load i get the following error. See attached image ...
This is my code that odbc connections settings to the report ....
Dim ciReportConnection As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo
ciReportConnection.ServerName = "Driver={" & Configs.odbc_driver & "};Server=" & configDB.dbconfig.Host & ";Port=" & configDB.dbconfig.Port & ";"
ciReportConnection.DatabaseName = configDB.dbconfig.Database
ciReportConnection.UserID = configDB.dbconfig.Username
ciReportConnection.Password = configDB.dbconfig.Password
objReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon(configDB.dbconfig.Username, configDB.dbconfig.Password, "Driver={" & Configs.odbc_driver & "};Server=" & configDB.dbconfig.Host & ";Port=" & configDB.dbconfig.Port & ";", configDB.dbconfig.Database)
'//Assign data source details to tables
For Each table In objReportDocument.Database.Tables
table.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = ciReportConnection
It only happens on Windows 10. I dont have a problem on Windows 7.
I am wondering if someone can help me ... I wrote a system in VB.Net 2012 (Visual Studio Express 2012). It has been running fine on Windows 7 32bit but our client wishes to upgrade to Windows 10 32 bit now. I am busy testing the system on 64bit Windows 10 and it works fine on my Windows 7 64 bit. I am having the following problem with Crystal Reports.
Whenever a reports load i get the following error. See attached image ...
This is my code that odbc connections settings to the report ....
Dim ciReportConnection As New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo
ciReportConnection.ServerName = "Driver={" & Configs.odbc_driver & "};Server=" & configDB.dbconfig.Host & ";Port=" & configDB.dbconfig.Port & ";"
ciReportConnection.DatabaseName = configDB.dbconfig.Database
ciReportConnection.UserID = configDB.dbconfig.Username
ciReportConnection.Password = configDB.dbconfig.Password
objReportDocument.SetDatabaseLogon(configDB.dbconfig.Username, configDB.dbconfig.Password, "Driver={" & Configs.odbc_driver & "};Server=" & configDB.dbconfig.Host & ";Port=" & configDB.dbconfig.Port & ";", configDB.dbconfig.Database)
'//Assign data source details to tables
For Each table In objReportDocument.Database.Tables
table.LogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = ciReportConnection
It only happens on Windows 10. I dont have a problem on Windows 7.