DLookup_LastSortedControlNameHere (1 Viewer)


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Today, 02:00
Sep 2, 2008
Here is a another bizare story i had with microsoft access i would like to share:

There is this application i made where my custom right click menu has the sort ascending/descending buttons in .

I use a setting where startup form calls other forms through search parameters acquired through several controls that are finnaly fired by a search button .

I use filters to pass search arguments to form (standard button wizard script).

So back then i noticed something funny , i dont have to close form to pass new filters to it , i just fire the search button after changing parameter then the opened form loads new search results instantly , and i thought all is good to go .

But then i had several complains that my application crashes frequantly .

At first i thought it was a bad ms office installation (was useing office 2000) as i thought if it was a coding error access wouldnt have crashed but would rather display an error massage or the like.

Later i could find a blondy who recalled the exact routine to how the application crashed.

It was odd , all she had to do was to start a search , sort ascending (or descending) results , change parameters , click search button again , bang the crash .

Interesting i thought , i tried several approaches in coding but the results were the same .

I even tried Compact / Repaire / Rebuild / Compile / Disable Name AutoCorrect / Creating New Database and Importing All Objects .. Nothing .

But then as an inspiration i thought "why not close the form before passing new filters ?" first trials failed because there had to be a check wether the form is opened or not as issuing a close command to an unopened form would always error out.

I researched so much (while striking Sort buttons off my menues) and then finaly found the new untackled (back then) access 2000 function called IsLoaded (funny how it doesnt show as a property to application object yet still work on call).

So a simple Application.Forms("FormNameHere").IsLoaded would return if such a form was running or not and then a simple DoCmd.Close acForm , "FormNameHere" would do the job.

It worked and i could restore the sort buttons .

And then came Office 2002/XP and i tested , same problem .

And then came office 2003 and i tested , Funny ! an input parameter box required an entry to parameter named DLookup_LastSortedControlNameHere .

Putting the form to design reveals that OrderBy form property is set to upper parameter .

Trying several approaches as to how and when it acquires such order field , no clue .

Several other approaches as to programaticaly clear OrderBy property if acquired such field , no luck .

Funny enough i posted this once on a forum and my helper suggested :
Hmm .. sign of a corrupted DB
Tried Compact / Repaire / Rebuild / Compile / Dissable Name AutoCorrect / Creating New Database and Import All Objects ?

MS Access Cheers :)

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