Entertainment that Best Depicts American Life (1 Viewer)


If I Only had a Brain
Local time
Today, 10:28
Jun 2, 2005
There has been much talk on these thread about entertainment reflecting the culture of America, so I thought I’d post some of the films and TV shows that most accurately portray our true lives.

So my first pick of movies is
Blade II
Blade Trinity

Absolutely the best portrait I have ever seen.
I seem to sense a trend in your entertainment preferences.

While we're on the subject of sequels, I'm still waiting to find out why they made Sigourney Weaver look like Michael Jackson in the last Alien episode. Any anwers?
This is more accurate:cool:
St Valentines Day massacre
Terminator 11
Gunfight at the OK Corral
Terminator 3
Hang 'em high
The Godfather
Streets of San Francisco
The Godfather 11
Pale Rider
The Godfather 111
Custers last stand
Rich said:
This is more accurate:cool:
St Valentines Day massacre
Terminator 11
Gunfight at the OK Corral
Terminator 3
Hang 'em high
The Godfather
Streets of San Francisco
The Godfather 11
Pale Rider
The Godfather 111
Custers last stand

Have you seen the Blade trilogiy
There has been much talk on these thread about entertainment reflecting the culture of America, so I thought I’d post some of the films and TV shows that most accurately portray our true lives.

Interesting JJ, you seem to think opposite to Kraj on this (summary below) - so I'll ask again - is there any US TV show or US film that shows actual American life?:confused:

If not, then we basically have no idea what goes on in the USA because everything put out worldwide depicts a false picture (ref Kraj) - this is otherwise known as propoganda isn't it?

ColinEssex summarising comments from Kraj said:
1) There is no TV show in the USA that reflects American life - so what we see on TV (via US programmes) is not American life

2) Reality USA police shows are not reality (scripted and edited) - so the US police TV reality shows are not reality.

3) We've already established ages ago your TV news is biased to only showing good things (not dead soldiers coffins coming back from Iraq)

Therefore, anything that comes from the USA on TV or film (fiction or reality) is nowhere near the truth. Hmmm . . . . . . interesting.

I can only say, what a sad society it must be in the USA knowing that all you see on TV is made-up, censored, untrue, biased TV programmes. Presumably the newspapers are the same.

Rich, you have to see the metaphors in the Blade trilogy as being about leeches. ;)
Danish director, Lars von Trier, has made two movies, thus far, in his USA - Land of Opportunity trilogy. The first was Dogville; the second Manderley. The third, Wasington, won't be out for a few more years. :mad:
ColinEssex said:
Interesting JJ, you seem to think opposite to Kraj on this (summary below) - so I'll ask again - is there any US TV show or US film that shows actual American life?:confused:

If not, then we basically have no idea what goes on in the USA because everything put out worldwide depicts a false picture (ref Kraj) - this is otherwise known as propoganda isn't it?


It was a joke Col
Its a movie about a vampire hunter.
jsanders said:
It was a joke Col
Its a movie about a vampire hunter.
You do know that repeating yourself is the first sign of madness, don't you?:p
TV shows that come close to depicting real life in America:

Seventh Heaven (my wife watches it)

TV shows that refelect my own life:

Real Men (movie)
Shawn of the Dead
jsanders said:
It was a joke Col
Its a movie about a vampire hunter.
er, yes I know:rolleyes: my answer was meant to perpetuate the conversation but I suppose the subtleties of British humour got lost mid-Atlantic:D ;)

So you don't have vampires in the USA?
you know, people slightly cross eyed, lusting after blood and power, sending people to their deaths so as to achieve world domination at any cost

I would imagine TV shows dipicting life in the USA are about as good as Faulty Towers, Are You Being Served depicting life in the UK.
FoFa said:
I would imagine TV shows dipicting life in the USA are about as good as Faulty Towers, Are You Being Served depicting life in the UK.
"Fawlty Towers" is based on an actual hotel and owner where John Cleese etc stayed near Torquay.

"Are you being served" does show the fairly true behind-the-scenes workings of large department stores. My sister-in-law worked in one and said many of the episodes sketches were fairly true to life.

ColinEssex said:
"Fawlty Towers" is based on an actual hotel and owner where John Cleese etc stayed near Torquay.

"Are you being served" does show the fairly true behind-the-scenes workings of large department stores. My sister-in-law worked in one and said many of the episodes sketches were fairly true to life.

So we can then extrapolate that the average UK resident is a comedic, bumbling moron most of the time?
FoFa said:
So we can then extrapolate that the average UK resident is a comedic, bumbling moron most of the time?

No, just Hotel Owners and Department Store workers.
reclusivemonkey said:
No, just Hotel Owners and Department Store workers.
Well how does that explain (I forget the title) the ones with the BUCKET's (BooKays)? Do UK folks all try to be upper class with a lower class sister and trashy sister and dad who is nuts (unless they work in Hotel or Department store)?
FoFa said:
Well how does that explain (I forget the title) the ones with the BUCKET's (BooKays)? Do UK folks all try to be upper class with a lower class sister and trashy sister and dad who is nuts (unless they work in Hotel or Department store)?

No one said "Keeping Up Appearances" was based on a real character. It could be, but no one claimed it was. The point was that "Fawlty Towers" and "Are You Being Served" are based on real characters/experiences.

Funny how once people step into the Watercooler their brains suddenly desert them...

Incidently, its pronounced "BOUQUET" :-P
reclusivemonkey said:
No one said "Keeping Up Appearances" was based on a real character. Incidently, its pronounced "BOUQUET" :-P
Bouqet, Bookay, sounds the same :rolleyes:
I didn't say any of those were real life, I was just stating that those (about the only ones I watch here) have about as much merit into the average UK'er as some of the ones quoted for US'ers. And yes, that was it "Keeping Up Appearances" one of my wifes favorites.
OK, OK I must admit my most favorite is "Red Dwarf". But I always thought "Are You Being Served" was close behind.
I had heard some where (might have been here) that they are going to redo/remake/rewhatever "Are You Being Served"? Is that true?
FoFa said:
Bouqet, Bookay, sounds the same :rolleyes:

LOL I was replying in the style of Hyacinth; If you've seen the show I am sure you will understand. Guess my impressions don't work as well when typed out ;-)

FoFa said:
OK, OK I must admit my most favorite is "Red Dwarf". But I always thought "Are You Being Served" was close behind.

I was quite a fan of Red Dwarf whilst it was on, but I watched a lot a friend of mine had downloaded and they weren't as good with repeated showing. Mind you, many of my favourite shows are American (Simpsons, Seinfeld, Larry Sanders, Fraiser)

FoFa said:
I had heard some where (might have been here) that they are going to redo/remake/rewhatever "Are You Being Served"? Is that true?

I've not heard that... it could well be true. However, there is always talk of remaking British comedy/sitcoms from the "Golden Age" of television, but it just doesn't work any more. There weren't that many other distractions around then. Now, between consoles, computers and the internet, people just don't sit down together around the T.V. like they used to (IMHO). Also, you can never remake the classics. You only need to look at Paul Merton (whom I find hilarious) remaking Hancock's shows to see how awful it is. I'm not even going to mention the American remake of Fawlty Towers. I would be interested in the opinions of any Americans who have seen the UK "The Office" and the American one... I watched the American one for about five minutes but couldn't take any more than that.

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