Exporting sorted query as text-file (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Tomorrow, 06:23
Aug 5, 2021
Hey all,

I'm having issues exporting a sorted query as a delimited text file.
I have 3 columns:
  • column 1 not sorted
  • column 2 not sorted
  • column 3 sorted DESC
When I export the query, it defaults to ASC for all 3 columns.
I've tried to apply the ORDER BY clause in SQL view but it has no effect.
"ORDER BY Column3 DESC;"

It only works when I tick 'export data with formatting and layout' but I need text separated with single quotes.

Any ideas?



Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 21:23
Sep 21, 2011
If you do not use that option, it will open as you wish.
You can also save the export steps?


..forever waiting... waiting for jellybean!
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:23
May 7, 2009
you need to test this Sub:
'* arnelgp
'* parameters:
'* strTable             table/query name or select statement
'* strOutput            path and filename to which it will saved (like: z:\test.txt)
'*                          if not supplied, file will be saved on same folder as the
'*                          db (text.txt)
'* strDelimiter         delimiter to use for export
'* bolExtraSpaceAbove   if you need extra space above your header, just passed True

Public Sub DataToText(ByVal strTable As String, Optional ByVal strOutput As String = "", _
                            Optional ByVal strDelimiter As String = vbTab, _
                            Optional ByVal bolExtaSpaceAbove As Boolean = False)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.recordSet
    Dim outfile As Integer
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim LineOfText As String
    If strOutput = "" Then strOutput = CurrentProject.path & "\Text.txt"
    If Dir(strOutput) <> "" Then Kill (strOutput)
    outfile = FreeFile
    Open strOutput For Output As #outfile
    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strTable, dbOpenSnapshot)
    With rs
        If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
            If bolExtaSpaceAbove Then
                Print #outfile, ""
            End If
            'if you want column headers, uncomment the following 5 lines of code
            For i = 0 To .fields.count - 1
                LineOfText = LineOfText & .fields(i).NAME & strDelimiter
            Next i
            LineOfText = Trim$(LineOfText)
            LineOfText = left$(LineOfText, Len(LineOfText) - Len(strDelimiter))
            Print #outfile, LineOfText

            'loop through records
            Do While Not .EOF
                LineOfText = ""
                'build up line of text
                For i = 0 To .fields.count - 1
                    LineOfText = LineOfText & Replace$(Nz(.fields(i)), "'", "''") & strDelimiter
                Next i
                LineOfText = Trim$(LineOfText)
                LineOfText = left$(LineOfText, Len(LineOfText) - Len(strDelimiter))
                'write line of text to file
                Print #outfile, LineOfText
        End If
    End With
    Close #outfile
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub

DataToText "QueryName", "D:\output.txt", "'"

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