Hi everyone
I'm sending emails using the attached code. I want to format the strBody to a certain font and size.
I do appreciate any help
I'm sending emails using the attached code. I want to format the strBody to a certain font and size.
I do appreciate any help
Set FD = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
With FD
.InitialFileName = "c:\"
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
strBody = "Dear " & Forms!frmcontactgrouplistbox!ContactList.Column(7, i) & "<br><br>" & ReadTextFile(strText)
With OutMail
'create the email
.To = Forms!frmcontactgrouplistbox!ContactList.Column(9, i)
.Subject = "Sale Guarantee & Health Declaration"
.HTMLBody = strBody & "<IMG src=z:\EmailFiles\Logo.png><br>"
'add the reports
.Attachments.Add NewFilePath & Filename1
.Attachments.Add NewFilePath & Filename2
.Attachments.Add NewFilePath & Filename3
'send the email
End With
End With