Great Post (1 Viewer)

And the whole thing about the medical debt Not showing up on credit reports is such a dumb gift to give Americans. It's a trojan horse. All it's going to do is make healthcare more expensive, similar to over the past 20 years as they have increased restrictions on debt collection all it does is make the credit cards company make up for it in other ways because they know defaults will be much higher.

Without the penalty of a credit report impact, this thing about medical debts not going on your credit report is going to cause a hugely higher amount of defaults. And we know the hospitals will make up for that somehow!
A lot of the problem is because hospitals are allowed to use cost accounting systems to simply make up the cost of a service. Doesn't matter what the going rate is or what their insurance contracts will actually pay. AND if you are un- or under-insured, that is the price they say you owe. For example, you can get an MRI at a local imaging center for ~$350 + the cost of a doctor in Bangladesh to read it. At Bridgeport hospital, they bill you $5,000!!! + the foreign doctor at $3,000. Two aspirin = $10 and paper slippers are $15 per day.

This is actually how the Dems justified Obamacare. They claimed the hospitals were loosing tons of money. Hospitals were never loosing more then $350 but they claimed they were loosing $5,000 and that's what the bill was supposed to "fix".
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