Happy Birthday Friday (1 Viewer)


Cool bop aficionado
Local time
Today, 10:10
Sep 5, 2002
Happy birthday Friday.
We haven't seen you around that much, and hope that you are in good shape.
Happy Birthday Friday! Wish you were around more and I hope you're doing well. :)
Happy birthday Friday, hope things are going well and that you are still able to do all you want to, the wife sends her best wishes.

Hey, all. Thanks for the birthday greets. I'm 50 now !!! Anyway, my job duties are the reason for my tardiness, nothing to do with my illness. Lots of work in the new video lab, we ae being allowed to pursue production projects, as well as forensic work, so we have purchased some new video equipment and are gearing up to start shooting training and information videos for our department. Plus, Homeland Security issues are falling square into our office for the railroad, so that is taking a lot of my time. Later, folks....:)
Sorry I missed it as well. I've been busy at work also. Happy Birthday Friday!

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