How to install only ".Net Core" tools using Visual Studio Installer?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 14:39
Mar 22, 2009
Hereafter I don't want to install or continue development in any of the .Net Framework Based tools.

Only .Net Core that's also from the latest one.

How to tell Visual Studio Installer to install .Net Core based tools only and not any single Framework Based Tools.
Why No Replies? Is the language wrong? Sorry :( Not done intentionally.
You are being impatient again, my friend.

First, remember time zone differences. You originally posted from somewhere near Kanchipuram, but essentially 80 degr. East longitude. Your UK and USA friends (the largest two groups of users) are a quarter to halfway around the world from you.
Second, your language was clear enough.
Third, not everyone can help you with .Net Framework or Visual Studio Installer. This is primarily an Access site with other things being more or less add-ons. We have some folks who perhaps could help you, but you need them to have a little time to see your post. Unfortunately, I cannot as I don't work with .Net now. Before I retired, I had to look at it a few times but not at the level you would need, because working for the government, contractors didn't perform installations.
Fourth, your thread title doesn't clearly state what you want even though you DID post in a technical forum. So you have to rely on curiosity factors to get help.

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