I love this site (1 Viewer)


Traumatized by Access
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Today, 00:04
Jun 14, 2004

I don't know what i'd be without you all
You are all appreciated. the absolute best!
I must whole heartily echo these sentiments - this site has replaced the Access bible which was my staple bedtime reading when i first got thrown into this job! It makes such a big difference being able to ask real people questions and get answers that I don't have to feed through a jargon buster in order to understand.
Kudos MsLady - I've wanted to express my appreciation before, but never had the guts to start a whole new thread to do so!
Thunderous Applause!


I am a returning World Forum user and am very glad and grateful to be back because the folks out there are simply amazing...something to learn from everyone and hopefully an opportunity here and there to help someone...

When I first joined back in 2003, the massive amount of information was so exciting to come across, it helped me to launch the home-based business I now have and I can't thank you all enough for that plus, I worked with someone in the forum that helped me greatly enhance my job prospects and enabled me to serve in that position with great skill, creating a state-of-the-art application that is leading that industry!

To you all, thanks, God Bless, and go RYDER CUP USA!
I am a returning World Forum user and am very glad and grateful to be back because the folks out there are simply amazing

Then why are you not using that username?

:rolleyes: interesting that that comes to mind the very first considering the thread's beginning and the rest of my comments but anyway...celebrating ten years of consulting and competition, it was worthy of a change...
:rolleyes: interesting that that comes to mind the very first considering the thread's beginning and the rest of my comments but anyway...celebrating ten years of consulting and competition, it was worthy of a change...

You're in the 'cooler - cynicism is a pre-requisite :D
Who were you before? If interested, you can PM me and I can try to get our admin - when he's about - to merge the accounts.
Sometimes, not all the time, change is good so I'll keep the cards I have in my hand, thanks though!

I am a returning World Forum user and am very glad and grateful to be back because the folks out there are simply amazing...something to learn from everyone and hopefully an opportunity here and there to help someone...

When I first joined back in 2003, the massive amount of information was so exciting to come across, it helped me to launch the home-based business I now have and I can't thank you all enough for that plus, I worked with someone in the forum that helped me greatly enhance my job prospects and enabled me to serve in that position with great skill, creating a state-of-the-art application that is leading that industry!

To you all, thanks, God Bless, and go RYDER CUP USA!
Hi Worldchamp, i don't care what ur old username was. However, since you are now a champion, let's talk about job prospects, home-based business and that app u created :D

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