Illegals instructed to vote for Biden - cheating plan for 2024 (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

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Local time
Today, 17:39
Feb 19, 2002
Illegals Instructed to vote for Biden to keep border open.

Illegals Instructed to Vote Biden for Border NGO to 'Stay Open' (

So, the plan becomes clear. The Dems are losing votes by the droves from their typical "victim" class and the ignorant children so the 2024 plan is to import as many illegal voters as possible. In states like Connecticut, when you get a license, you are automatically registered to vote. No questions asked. No proof of citizenship required. In other states, no voter ID is required to vote. Does anyone wonder why the Dems are so hot for this lack of control? Biden can't win cleanly. So this is a major arm of the cheating we will see in November.
Deflection as usual.

CT is a totally blue state. They are very in favor of illegal immigrants and even of having them vote. That is why you don't need ID to vote. At least they're not stupid enough to be pushing 100% mailin voting. The clerks ask for one and most people show one. It is possible that they stopped automatically registering people since that did raise quite a ruckus. I haven't checked in a while but not too long ago a Canadian friend renewed his license and found himself registered. In CT, it is harder to vote in a Presidential primary than it is to vote in a general election. That's because the parties set the rules for the primary registration and you can only vote in the primary of the party you register with so you have to register 3 months in advance. I guess it requires planning and knowing when the election is happening to qualify to vote in a primary but who cares for voting in a general election. Just show up and say you're a citizen.
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Misinformation is a problem isn't it?
FAQ - Voter Identification (
check out the other pages to expand on the requirements / processes.
In states like Connecticut, when you get a license, you are automatically registered to vote. No questions asked.
Somebody here please help out this poor ignorant country boy.

Why would anybody that’s an American citizen, what to give Putin, Xi Jinping, Ebrahim Raisi, Abdul Latif Rashid, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, The right to vote in our elections. (list is unless.)

Then Again while we are having compassion on those poor starving people south of the boarder, lets not forget the poor starving people in the other 45 countries There are currently 45 economies designated by the United Nations as the least developed countries (LDCs),

Lest send air fare to 6.82 bbillion people. According to the IMF definition, there are 152 developing countries with a current population of around 6.82 billion.
The Senate had a rare opportunity to fix some of the border issues today by impeaching Mayorkas. As usual, the Democrats sided with non-citizens promoting lawlessness and corruption.

Somehow it will be twisted into Trump's fault, wait for it.
Apparently the Senate Majority Leader gets to decide whether the impeachment is valid or not. No trial necessary.

Republicans, please take note of this for future reference.
Good point Pat. You can be sure they'll be kicking and screaming when it is used against them, and it most certainly will.
I just saw an article that Maine has passed a law trying to bypass the Electoral College. The new law says that all their electoral votes go to the candidate taking the majority of the popular vote. Kinda' like saying - OK NY and CA, YOU choose our President. How stupid can the public actually be? Apparently this type of law has already passed in 17 other states. The Democrats have found yet a new way to cheat.

What I don't understand is why citizens of these states who want their vote to count are not suing to get their vote back. How can a state law remove an individual's vote for President? The people in these states may as well just stay home on election day. No point in going to the polls. Let's just let the others decide for us. This is especially true for Maine due to its small population. They have a much larger proportional effect on the outcome of the election using the method established by the Constitution than this perverted lie pushed by the Democrats. The whole POINT of the Electoral College was to minimize the influence of the larger, more populous states. Why give that influence away? Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.

I will remind folks that we are a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy no matter how many times the Democrats shout about "their" Democracy. In a Republic, we elect the electors, at least in Presidential elections. The whole point of this is to minimize the influence of large metropolitan areas on the Presidential election. This was a very important concept in getting the Constitution adopted by the less populous states who felt that Virginia would always rule if the President was chosen by popular vote rather than the electoral college method we ended up with. To see why this is important, just look at a US map with the counties colored red and blue. The country is awash in red except for splotches of blue that represent the large failing cities.

Yes, it sounds "unfair" that the candidate with the most individual votes doesn't always get to win. But, that is the point. It protects us to some degree from the Tyranny of the Majority.
Though noncitizens can vote in few local elections, GOP goes big to make it illegal

Noncitizens can’t vote in federal or state races, but some want to codify laws.

Can anybody explain how any US citizen would want to let

Putin, Xi Jinpin, Abdul Latif Rashid, etc.. vote in our elections.
Noncitizens can’t vote in federal or state races, but some want to codify laws.
There is no way to stop them when the elections occur on the same day. You get one ballot. It has federal, state, and local positions on it. You can check whatever boxes are on your ballot.

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