I agree
@Uncle Gizmo
And I think 70% of America agrees, by the looks of the polls.
Doesn't everyone, by the time they've grown up, KNOW just how confusing and crazy (emotionally/mentally), a child is between about 10 and 18???? Obviously you could talk an insecure young person into believing just about anything about themselves. Everyone at that age is feeling around in the dark and wondering, Am I normal? Should I change? Is there some mysterious reason I feel all these weird things? Is there some reason I haven't discovered yet for why I feel left out - different - abnormal - crazy - lonely - misunderstood - not seen - sexually electrified?
The answer is very simple, 100% of the time: Yes, there is a reason. It's called the journey through adolescence, and it's tough if you don't have a normal mother and father there, steering you through it to (hopefully), ultimate normalcy.
On the other hand, if you're inundated and saturated with identity-questioning propaganda, you've got quite an excellent chance of
deciding realizing that you must be something-weird-sexual!
Anyone ever ask themselves why in a family tree like mine, containing say about 100 people going back just a few levels, there have been exactly zero transsexuals or homosexuals...........but in the average Hollywood Celebrity family, the percentage seems to be about 30 percent?
You don't really need to see a lot of studies to figure that one out. You don't need to know if you believe in God or the Bible to figure that one out.
Just open your eyes and if math is hard, use a calculator