'by: Bruce Rusk
'Usage is as follows:
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPeople WHERE LastName Like " & SQLQuote
'(strString) & ";"
'you can also have it add wildcards to modify the search by adding additional
'boolean arguments:
'for a wildcard before the string (search for "*endofname"):
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPeople WHERE LastName Like " & SQLQuote
'(strString, True) & ";"
'for a wildcard after the string (search for "startofname*"):
'strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tblPeople WHERE LastName Like " & SQLQuote
'(strString, , True) & ";"
'--------------Begin Code---------------
Const SingleQuote = "'"
Const DoubleQuote = """"
Const StarSingleQuote As String = "*'"
Const SingleQuoteStar As String = "'*"
Const DoubleQuoteStar As String = """" & "*"
Const StarDoubleQuote As String = "*" & """"
Const CHRDouble As String = "' & CHR(34) & '"
Const CHRSingle As String = "' & CHR(39) & '"
Public Function SQLQuote(ByVal strIn As String, _
Optional ByVal PrefixWildCard As Boolean = False, _
Optional ByVal SuffixWildcard As Boolean = False _
) As String
Dim blnSingleQuote As Boolean
Dim blnDoubleQuote As Boolean
Dim blnCHRStart As Boolean
Dim blnCHREnd As Boolean
Dim strCompare As String
blnDoubleQuote = (InStr(strIn, DoubleQuote) <> 0)
If blnDoubleQuote Then
' There are double quotes; check for single
' quotes as well
blnSingleQuote = (InStr(strIn, SingleQuote) <> 0)
If blnSingleQuote Then
' Both single AND double quotes -- complicated,
' replace with CHR functions
' Replace single quotes with CHR version
strCompare = Replace$(strIn, SingleQuote, CHRSingle)
' Clean up front and back
If Left$(strCompare, 15) = CHRSingle Then _
strCompare = Mid$(strCompare, 5)
If Right$(strCompare, 15) = CHRSingle Then _
strCompare = Left$(strCompare, Len(strCompare) - 4)
' Replace double quotes with CHR version
strCompare = Replace$(strCompare, DoubleQuote, CHRDouble)
' Clean up front and back
If Left$(strCompare, 15) = CHRDouble Then _
strCompare = Mid$(strCompare, 5)
If Right$(strCompare, 15) = CHRDouble Then _
strCompare = Left$(strCompare, Len(strCompare) - 4)
' String parsed, now check for wildcards
' First, check whether the string starts or ends with
' a CHR(n) value
blnCHREnd = (StrComp(Right$(strCompare, 8), " CHR(34)")) = 0 Or _
(StrComp(Right$(strCompare, 8), " CHR(39)")) = 0
blnCHRStart = Left$(strCompare, 5) = "CHR(3"
' Add wildcard and start/end single quotes, as
' needed
If PrefixWildCard Then
If blnCHRStart Then
strCompare = "'*' & " & strCompare
strCompare = SingleQuoteStar & strCompare
End If
ElseIf Not blnCHRStart Then
strCompare = SingleQuote & strCompare
End If
If SuffixWildcard Then
If blnCHREnd Then
strCompare = strCompare & " & '*'"
strCompare = strCompare & StarSingleQuote
End If
ElseIf Not blnCHREnd Then
strCompare = strCompare & SingleQuote
End If
' Only double quotes, so using single
' quotes around it is safe
If PrefixWildCard Then
strCompare = SingleQuoteStar & strIn
strCompare = SingleQuote & strIn
End If
If SuffixWildcard Then
strCompare = strCompare & StarSingleQuote
strCompare = strCompare & SingleQuote
End If
End If
' No double quotes in the string
' so using double quotes around it
' is safe (even if there are single
' quotes in it).
If PrefixWildCard Then
strCompare = DoubleQuoteStar & strIn
strCompare = DoubleQuote & strIn
End If
If SuffixWildcard Then
strCompare = strCompare & StarDoubleQuote
strCompare = strCompare & DoubleQuote
End If
End If
SQLQuote = strCompare
End Function
'----------------End Code-------------------