A File Search Utility.
G’day all.
A file search facility that you may find useful.
The basic algorithm is to search on selected drive(s) for file extensions like *.* with wild cards.
There is also a facility to scan the selected drive(s) for file extensions, though it does take a little time.
If scan for file extensions is done then simply select an extension and hit the Go button.
The Stop button should terminate any search be it search for files or extensions.
After completion or termination the results are available in the appropriate table.
At that time the tblFilesFound table may be used as you see fit.
Please note:
No DAO or ADO references are required and should be good to go A97->A2K3 MDB or MDE.
This is a read only facility that does not and will never copy/move files, it’s simply too dangerous.
Both File Name and File Path columns WILL, on double click, attempt to activate the file if there is an application associated with that extension.
(WARNING: That means BAT and EXE files along with any other executable file extension that is associated with that file extension.)
As always if you find a bug, within the confines of purpose, please contact me.
Have fun and hope you find it useful.