Shorts that are not short (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 18:02
Mar 14, 2017
No, this isn't about Youtube shorts. Nor is it about underpants. (Really, would I do that??)

If you've noticed, men's standard shorts have gotten shorter - even shorts marketed as traditional cargo shorts are shorter than they used to be, stopping well above the knee even while standing. I decry this, because it means when you sit down, people see things no one should see. (That's right Body Positivity folks, I said that no one should see).

Where (store), and what (brand, model) have you successfully purchased men's shorts - especially cargo type shorts or similar - that are of a REGULAR length - long enough to mostly cover the knee when standing? (I'm not talking about the gangster ultra long shorts - as I have no gold chain and fake tooth to go with it)

Trivial thing here, but not much else going on in the watercooler, so you might as well help me shop.
I think that it is a fashion thing at the moment.
In the last couple of years the shorts you see out are more like something from the 1980s or earlier.
Myself I haven't bought any for quite a few years now so more more early 2000 fashion style probably.
Living in California I'm in shorts 300 days a year. I think the length depends on the body style you have. Tall thin people usually set the look.

What about pant length? Are they cut for standing or sitting, because one is going to look funny.
Good point. In AZ I'm in shorts whatever days of the year 365 minus Sunday mornings is. And minus the week-2 I spend in Mexico each Christmas, where I attempt to class it up a bit. (Diet starts in October, too LOL).

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