Should we have a secton for AI? (1 Viewer)

Add an AI forum section?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 3 42.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 1 14.3%

  • Total voters


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 14:54
Sep 28, 1999
We all know AI is taking over the world. Should I add a forum to discuss this in the Non-Access Issues part of the forums?
As long as it can be ignored. :)
How do we know you're really Jon and not an infiltrating AI bot trying to get a foot in the door?
Good point! *Click, whirl
Maybe, maybe not. You can ask Chatty, perhaps?
Good point! *Click, whirl
Joking aside, I think an AI forum is timely. My son-in-law, for example, is currently working with Google to incorporate their AI capabilities into a project he manages for state government here. I won't go into details because I'll botch it, but it involves reviewing a boatload of documents and extracting meaningful data from them.

Whether we like it or not, we're all going to cross paths with AI in one way or another, professionally or personally.
I do it most days when trying to chat to a human on a website. :(
Leaves a lot to be desired IMHO, worse than a human with a script. :)
To be honest, my last interaction with a customer "service" rep at the US Postal Service was worse than any AI bot I have ever encountered. The bots are not rude, regardless of how useful or useless they may be.
I'm a nob here (so I guess my opinion doesn't count as much) but here it is: I would love more AI topics here (runs from the mob with torches). I'm interested in real experiences and I think forums are one of the best ways to interact with humans and gossip about the bots. I always find interesting info on AI forums, so...
I’ve just started looking for a solution to read text from an image- primarily those sent to a client as a photo of a receipt or multiple receipts in the same image - not an option for the client to insist on a pdf.

Plenty of options online but really need one that has API’s send the image up, get text back. 0r perhaps a .exe or a comm app

Only just started on this journey so will post something when it starts bearing fruit (sorry for the mixed metaphors 😀)

Or perhaps someone has made some progress they can share or collaborate with?
but really need one that has API’s send the image up, get text back

The "man with the Swiss accent" has written some code which links an esp32 to the internet and the esp32 sends the image to the internet to see if a cat has been detected!

See here:-

It's not written in VBA, but the code is available on github and he supplies a link to the code in his Google description...

I would have thought it would be possible to convert the code to VBA using ChatGPT...

I mention it because Andreas Spires mentions that he could not find any code to do this on the internet, and chatGPT did not know how to write the code either, so he wrote it himself...

Like I said it's for an esp32... But I thought it at least gives you a leg up!
looks interesting - looks like I would need to convert an image file to a string array

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