Split Values in Graph

Ice Rhino

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:04
Jun 30, 2000
Hi Gurus

Here is a little minor problem I could do with some assistance on.

I have 49 fields in a data table that are under the value of 500. I have one value that nearly 1,000. Is there anyway to prioritize the graph to show the 500 on a reasonable scale and then just have a 500+ part on the top of the scale.

For example
0 - 100
101 - 200
201 - 300
301 - 400
401 -500

Make Sense?

Create a public function in a module.

Public Function GetRange(YourAmt) As Integer
Select Case YourAmt
....Case 0 To 100
........GetRange = 1
....Case 101 To 200
........GetRange = 2
....Case 201 To 300
........GetRange = 3
....Case 301 To 400
........GetRange = 4
....Case 401 To 500
........GetRange = 5
....Case Else
........GetRange = 6
End Select
End Function

Then use the function in a query.

Select GetRange(YourAmt) AS RangeNum, other columns
From YourTable;

If you have values that are null or less than zero, add additional cases to take care of them.
My thanks to you Pat for taking the time to answer. Off to write the function now



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