Trump Indictment (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 08:24
Mar 14, 2017
I'm waiting sadly for 50 people to do something stupid around the Trump Indictment courthouse so we can endlessly hear a Big Lie about April 6th (or whatever) as opposed to January 6th.

Meanwhile, 50 other people - people who have actually hurt, maimed, stabbed, shot, robbed someone - will be walking OUT of the same jail after no-bail or downgraded charges or declined charges, because "It's equity, dude!" or "They were wrong, but I understand why they are angry and hurting", etc.

To quote libbish media, "Watch this space"
The alternative truth is already pre-composed. Now it needs a few fragments of real events.
Don't worry: There are always crazy people...
Don't worry: There are always crazy people...

True, but neither of us should pre-order a batch of Scarlet Letters just yet: "crazy" is re-defined every month.

I can imagine a headline from CNN in 2050: "Mental disorders have been reduced to zero percent in America" ...
Don't worry: There are always crazy people...
Or the FBI posing as crazy white supremacist Trump supporters in order to drive the narrative that "Trump and his lunatic fringe supporters" are dangerous insurgents and can't be allowed to ever hold office again!

It's not like it hasn't already happened in the recent past.
Based on media reporting, it appears that the basis for Bragg's indictment is mischaracterization of the payment made to Stormy Daniels as a "legal expense". Identifying the payment as a "legal expense" seems legitimate as part of the overall legal process in preparing and executing the Non-Disclosure agreement.

Additionally, many have also raised the very legitimate points that there is no victim. The implication here is: What is the point of prosecuting?
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Based on media reporting, it appears that the basis for Bragg's indictment is mischaracterization of the payment made to Stormy Daniels as a "legal expense". Identifying the payment as a "legal expense" seems legitimate as part of the overall legal process in preparing and executing the Non-Disclosure agreement.

Additionally, many have also raised the very legitimate points that there is no victim. The implication here is: What is the point of prosecuting?
Kind of makes you realize, doesn't it? The fact that a few days ago when the liberals were all criticizing conservatives for calling it a bookkeeping error as if that were some kind of insane trivialization, NO. It was actually the most TRUTHFUL way to say it...
Speaking of bedrooms, liberal media is basically having an 🫁 right now. Really crazy stuff on the news!
Based on media reporting, it appears that the basis for Bragg's indictment is mischaracterization of the payment made to Stormy Daniels as a "legal expense". Identifying the payment as a "legal expense" seems legitimate as part of the overall legal process in preparing and executing the Non-Disclosure agreement.
The House needs to get the records for the Congressional slush fund that pays the hush money for members of Congress. Then every single one of them needs to be charged with the same crime Trump is charged with.
Can someone please re-find the video Tera originally posted that shows the 1-2 dozen times Biden has engaged in his sidling-up, hair sniffing behavior towards girls between 5 and 15? Post it again in case people have forgotten about reality of who they elected.
The worst part is this appalled look you see on the parents faces.

But of course, "we have no idea where Qanon gets its theories!"

Here's a link to an article that describes how the Hush Money scheme in Congress works:

My daughter went to the city today. The park across from the courthouse is fenced and that is where MTG will be speaking. It looks like a killing zone to me so she has no plans to enter the park, She also didn't wear her red jacket since there have been threats of violence.

We used to have such fun taking the train to the city to walk the streets and window shop and visit museums and go to the half-price kiosk in Times Square to pick a show to see. We once scored front row seats to the Pirates of Penzance when she was about 9. I took the train to the city just before COVID to visit friends who were staying in a suite at the St Regis. Their daughter was delayed and so I got to spend the weekend in the suite with them. We had a great time catching up and it was pretty cool to have a TV in my bathroom mirror:) And have the Bentley to drive us to wherever we wanted to go:) But outside, the city was disgusting. Panhandlers and awful smells even in that part of town..
The irony. Bragg claimed that Trump falsified a business record so he issued an arrest warrant. Now we have the White House falsifying an official transcript to hide lies. Where is the arrest warrant?
Being from the UK I feel its no better here lol.
You're pretty new here. Do you have any idea how to stop it? It has to stop!!!! We can't have a government weaponized against half the population. Even if a Republican gets elected president.
1. He/she/it has to actually want to clean up the mess. Trump does. I'm afraid that no one else will even attempt it.
2. He has to be willing to just fire the top 2/3/4 tiers of the CIA, the FBI, and the DOJ. Congress will be slow to replace the heads so he will have to dig deep and try to find someone honest who can work as the acting head.
3. The person appointed to be the head has to actually do the President's bidding. Trump couldn't get the three letter agencies to follow direct orders. I'm not sure why that isn't a firing offense. Trump wa the CEO. It was his job to set policy for the Executive Branch. instead, they just obstructed and slow-walked all his directions. We even had members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (military leaders) on TV saying specifically that they violated direct orders from the Commander in Chief (Trump). Isn't that a court-martial offense?
4. Then he needs to shut down agencies that are not doing their job such as the DOE (Department of education) and HUD (dept of housing and urban development). Education costs considerably more and our children get dumber every year since the DOE took over. HUD has made housing more expensive rather than less expensive.
Surprising to CNBC actually reporting negative news concerning Biden. But that is not the reason for posting. This report references the Trump Indictment at the 1.55 minute mark of the embedded video.

How Does the Trump's Indictment Influence Your Vote?
  • 14% More likely
  • 25% Less likely

Is it a Good Thing or A Bad Thing that a President was Indicted?
  • 53% Responded that it was a good thing as no one is above the law.
  • 37% Responded that it was an obvious political hit job.
The results are depressing from the perspective that the Democrats know how to "sell" a story to manipulate the public. In their messaging, Democrats ignore facts and the rule-of-law. For Democrats, the ends justify the means, they will "sell" a story even when its false. Democrats have no ethics. Democrats are the threat to democracy.
could someone answer something for me is it that Trump is still able to run for office in 2024 and is now campaigning if he has officially been indicted? I saw something in the paper today about other republicans urging voters to dump the Trump machine for other ideas.
could someone answer something for me is it that Trump is still able to run for office in 2024 and is now campaigning if he has officially been indicted? I saw something in the paper today about other republicans urging voters to dump the Trump machine for other ideas.
Innocent until proven guilty.

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