Uncles Favourite Podcasts & Videos (1 Viewer)

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:55
Jul 9, 2003
This podcast is an excellent story about a woman who is in something similar to a call centre.

Listening ---
The "teacher" video is perfectly understandable to anyone who has seen "social justice warriors" in action. And most of them are exactly that stupid. I wonder if she got the money with all those cameras running.

It reminds me of the old joke of the manager who calls in three employee candidates (for different jobs) to see how they will answer questions. In each case he asks "How much is 2+2?"

The engineering candidate pulls out his calculator, clicks a few keys, and says "2+2 = 3.9999995 plus or minus 0.00000005"
The programming candidate says "I don't know but if you let me have two junior coders and a week, I'll whip up a program to answer that."
The marketing candidate says, "What would you like it to be?"
Yes. Brian Dietzen is the actor's name. Interesting that I have just identified another NCIS fan. My wife an I enjoy the NCIS and NCIS:NO shows. Part of it is that we have an agreement. She can ogle all she wants through the screen (as can I) but when it comes to cuddling, it is only the two of us. So we sit down, snuggle, and watch TV on Tuesday nights when our grandson isn't with us. We record the episodes for those times when we have to time-shift. She gets to ogle Mark Harmon. I get to ogle women of the show.
Not sure I was ever a great fan but will say it's the best of the NCIS bunch. However, the LV and LA versions make me laugh at their absurdity. Hope that doesn't offend you, but it does bug my wife for sure. She gets annoyed even more when I laugh at "Minimal Minds" (my name for Criminal Minds) and McGiveMeABreakGyver. Just the other night, the wiz kid mananged to assist a small plane to land on top of the cab of a tanker truck by coiling up some wire and creating enough magnetic force (with a lawn mower sized battery no less) to anchor the plane to the truck as it descended. Not sure which is most laughable - the battery & wire thing, or the fact that the plane is (99.8% sure) made of aluminum. I find that more ridiculous than tires squealing on the beach sand or how every car that goes over a cliff seems to have 20 pounds of C4 in it.
I can't get into NCIS:LA. Good cast but story lines are too far out there. Having worked with the Navy enough to know a few NCIS guys and gals, I can say that the LA version just strains credulity too far. The NO version is sort of a guilty pleasure because I live in New Orleans and it tickles me to see how many location shots they actually have. Every now and then I will be able to say, "Oh, look - I've been there!"
I'm not sure if I liked this video, it's quite strange!

Cautionary Tales (Award Winning Short Film)
I liked it. I suppose the moral of the story is that there's someone out there for you no matter who you are.
Or is it, listen to your parents when they tell you stuff like "if you keep making that face, you'll be stuck with it!" ?
This video is for Australian members!

A man with road rage confronts an elderly driver. Then all hell breaks loose. | Nullarbor

I like motivational videos and this one, I thought was excellent! A really different way of handling motivation, and some excellent insights into the problem.

How I Tricked My Brain To Like Doing Hard Things (dopamine detox)
I don't suppose you'll be doing much driving! So downloading podcasts and listening to them on a long journey is probably out of the question these days! But if you happen to be doing the washing up, sorting through the socks, mowing the grass or sat there picking your nose, then you might like to listen to The Odd podcast or two.

I highly recommend getting yourself a decent set of headphones, don't get the little earbud type things, get proper headphones, the ones that cover your ears, then you can't hear the wife nagging you!

Here's a brilliant podcast for you very well worth a listen!

56: Sacred Stress. A conversation with George Faller.
I forgot to mention the podcast by with George Faller, George imagines a conversation between Hillary Clinton and the president Donald Trump, at the end of the conversation they end up friends, and having a cuddle! Now, that IS possible, and desirable, but very unlikely with the current way we attack everything and everybody on a whim. By way of Example, I was watching Piers Morgan talking to Helen Whatley, member of parliament and the current care minister.. Piers Morgan was so taken up with his thread, his attack on her, his attempt to undermine her that he accused her of laughing about the coronavirus situation, where in fact she was obviously laughing at him for being Petty minded... I've always thought Piers Morgan was a reasonable bloke, if a little childish, but in this exchange he let himself right down and shows his true colours. Helen Whately was magnificent...

This account of the exchange is pretty accurate, all I can assume is is that Pierce followers have made the complaints about the unfortunate MP! We now have a world where is idiot wander round burning 5G phone towers, injuring BT workers working on the Towers and things like this - I just don't know anymore....
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My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor

I've seen this wonderful video before. A comment I read about it said it was as one of the top 10 Ted videos so I decided to watch it again. I am also Reading (Slowly) Iain McGilchrist's book - The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World ... Which is a fascinating insight into the evolution of of the brain, Society, democracy, everything coming from this evolution. This video so backs up the insights into the workings of the human brain that Iain McGilchrist exposes.
1932 - The Invention of the Ford V8 Engine

Interesting Documentary...

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