What do you eat? (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 16:04
Feb 22, 2002
In parallel with the "Fatties" thread, how about listing what you may eat (truthfully) in an average day. This isn't so some can critisise others, its just a survey if you like to see if there's much difference between the different countries posting here.

I'll start.

Breakfast 6:45 ish - a bowl of cornflakes

11am snack - an oatmeal and hazlenut bar (the size of a Mars bar)

Lunch (12:30ish) - a cheese or ham salad sandwich (just one)

Teatime (about 7:30pm) - a cooked meal, usually meat, 2 veg and gravy (no dessert).

10:30pm ish - shot of vodka and lime;)

If I have a restaurant meal at lunchtime (very very rare), then I don't have anything later as I get filled up with the lunch meal.

We have a takeaway once a week, either from a chip shop, or a chinky, thats usually fridays.

On the weekend at lunch we usually have a bacon sandwich.

In the UK we don't have "doggie bags" usually, so if you don't eat everything in a restaurant, then thats tough (usually)

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sure...why not?

Breakfast 6:30 - 8oz non-fat, no-sugar Yogurt & a protein bar

Snack 8:30 - Fruit (usually banana & an apple)

Snack 10:30 - More Fruit & handfull of Almonds

Lunch 11:30 - Sandwich (turkey or roast beast on whole grain)

Pre Lift 3:30 - 30mg Creatine & nitric Oxide

Post Lift 6:30 - 50mg Whey Protein & creatine monohydrate shake

Dinner (before 7:30) - who knows? My wife's a vegetarian, so her dietary restrictions come into play for this one...lean steak, chicken breast, or fish steaks when I'm allowed:(
dan-cat said:
No tea and scones? :eek:
No scones. But I have maybe 5 cups of tea a day (no sugar) - thats hot tea, strong with a little milk.

In fact, time to get the girls to make a cup I think:D :cool:

Breakfast 8:00 - 10:00 (I am retired:) } nonfat yoghutand fruit,or porridge, marmalade on multigrain toast, coffee{milk no sugar}

Lunch 2 ish Wholegain sandwich of ..well it depends could be anything meat cheese and tomato, salad, prawns and avocado etc coffee

Dinner 6:30 Who knows Pasta is common, could be rice, salad in the good weather, meat and fish are all available, coup;e glasses of wine, maybe fruit to follow.

Sunday is different

grilled anything and poached egg for brunch around 10

Dinner 7:00 a family affair kids and partners come 2 and frequently 3 or 4 courses Too much to eat and drink but they can walk home.

Last one was Gravadlax and melon starter - white wine
Roast Lamb roast spuds and parsnips, carrot and Turnip, cabbage, brocolli ,
and sweetcorn - 3 bottles red

Frangipane and amorretto(sp) Tortoni

Cheese and biscuits - red wine or Port

finished about 10:30

Brianwarnock said:
Last one was Gravadlax and melon starter - white wine
Roast Lamb roast spuds and parsnips, carrot and Turnip, cabbage, brocolli ,
and sweetcorn - 3 bottles red

Frangipane and amorretto(sp) Tortoni

Cheese and biscuits - red wine or Port

finished about 10:30


I am available if you get stuck for people to join you.


Breakfast Cup of tea

Lunch Ham Salad baguette

Dinner.. well depends what I cook. Tonight was chilli

Other options could be

Cracker biscuits, with Spring Onion, grapes, basic with cheese pork pie, crab, salmon. Just one of them not all

Steak and Kid pie, potatoes and veggies

Fish en croute

Chicken in sauce with leeks, mushrooms, rice

Occassionally..Bacon, Eggs, sausage, mushroom, fried bread....ahhhhhhh

Sprinkling of crisps, biscuits and little chocolate as mood demands

Percolated coffee on Sundays along with full on roast dinner

Eat when I am hungry band if had a good meal lunchtime may well mot eat until following day

Cereal for breakfast on weekends with milk and sugar.

Wife follows a much healthier diet she tells me and has a higher colosterol level than me

Okay so its not the best but I enjoy good food well cooked. I will not eat what I do not like even if it is supposed to be better for me

Very seldom takeaway of any sort

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Brianwarnock said:
Last one was Gravadlax and melon starter - white wine
Roast Lamb roast spuds and parsnips, carrot and Turnip, cabbage, brocolli ,
and sweetcorn - 3 bottles red

Frangipane and amorretto(sp) Tortoni

Cheese and biscuits - red wine or Port

finished about 10:30

I have to say this sounds like an idyllic end to the weekend :p

about 05:30 - breakfast - usually a pre-packaged item: pancakes (3) and sausage (2) or (NOT AND...) eggs (1 omelet) & bacon (4 strips) or 1 bowl of cereal (per label, not more than 10g sugar per serving, which eliminates about 70% of all you see on the shelves).

About 09:00 - one pack of 6 whole-wheat crackers with either cheese or peanut butter

About 11:00 - one salad with vinaigrette-style dressing and one sandwich on whole wheat bread.

about 17:30 - whatever my mother-in-law cooks - usually involves a serving of meat (almost never fried) and 2 veggies. Dessert is usually either fruit or a small container of "light" yogurt.

Always if I have a soft drink it is a diet cola. If I have other snacks, they are whole-wheat crackers with no filling.

Twice a week, I go out to dinner with my wife. (We call it "date night.") Our choices are Chinese, Mexican, steak, seafood, Italian, and a couple that are multi-threat.

You might notice several references to whole wheat. It is because of something called the "Sugar Buster's" diet. It is a variant of the Atkins diet that isn't quite as extreme as Atkins but DOES consider glycemic index as a primary consideration of what is better and what is worse for you.
Len Boorman said:
I am available if you get stuck for people to join you.


Make that two, although I'm not fussed about the food, the wine sounds pretty good:D
Most weekdays,

Some fruit for breakfast,

Lunch is either bowl of pasta (made the night before) or a couple of sandwiches (something such as Cheese, ham, or sausage) with some fruit.

Usually cook the evening meal tonight it is Thai red chicken curry with (I make the red curry paste myself), rice and tomorrow it sausage with a mustard mash and a Madeira and brown onion gravy, (unless I get some fresh trout the we will have that)

The weekend is slightly different we had a curry Friday night.

Sunday we had
We had porridge with banana for breakfast.
Roast chicken with steamed broccoli & carrots with Yorkshire pudding and a blackberry and apple crumble for evening meal.

The portions are quite large at the moment because I and girlfriend are running the New York marathon in November so are training for that (I have lost about 8 pounds in the last couple on months)
For the next two weeks anything but:

Grains of any kind
And anything with any sugar, that includes fruit.

And after that as many vegetables as I can eat and meat (pork, chicken, fish, beef).

Snacks include lots of nuts (they help keep me regular in the absence of grain in my diet).

If you are interested in loosing weight or keeping it down, sugar and concentrated carbs like bread are to be avoided or at least moderated.

Salads at lunch are my favorite.

My goal 200 lbs.
jsanders said:
For the next two weeks anything but:

Grains of any kind
And anything with any sugar, that includes fruit.

And after that as many vegetables as I can eat and meat (pork, chicken, fish, beef).

Snacks include lots of nuts (they help keep me regular in the absence of grain in my diet).

If you are interested in loosing weight or keeping it down, sugar and concentrated carbs like bread are to be avoided or at least moderated.

Salads at lunch are my favorite.

My goal 200 lbs.

You wanna lose or gain 200lbs?:confused:
Rich said:
You wanna lose or gain 200lbs?:confused:

My goal is to maintain 200 lbs. I'm 46 and 6'1" so weighing in at 200 will be about right.
a lot of amazingly good eaters it seems to me. and everything sounds great. i'm hungry now...

the rice here is great and the local breakfast - nasi lemak (= rice savoury/fat/tasty) - includes rice cooked in coconut milk. i was getting into it so much that i swear i could feel my heart punching back. (coconut milk is bad for the ticker; so sad). so i'm off that except rarely.

there are a lot of good choices here for fruit but i've been very bad lately and eat a lot of - wait for it - Dominos Pizza!

i get 'value meal 2': regular hand-tossed pizza (aloha chicken or tandoori chicken! or classic chicken (there are some krazy kombos here)), chicken wings (i always ask for them to be cooked well-done and peel the skin off of most of them), cinastix (which i often cancel or rarely eat much of) and coke (the coke tastes a bit different here to me, but i've never been much of a pop/soda drinker). i've been too busy and/or lazy to cook proper meals. i still love my cereal and pb&jam sandwiches tho'. i wish i were eating like most of you tho', specially the first few posts.

there are very large indian and chinese populations here and it is easy to find great food from both cultures. malay food leaves a bit to be desired.

it makes me wonder (this could be another thread but you could tack-on answers here...), do you consider yourself healthy? or is the computer killing you slowly with its song?

i used to be much more active - i do blame the computer to a point - and find myself sitting a LOT more than i used to. i'm less healthy now but taking steps to change that.
well, I'm not exactly a healthy eater.


Weekdays :

Breakfast : None
I may have a hot cup of tea, (2 cream, 2 sugar) once a week at my desk but usually, it's a bottle of water that I drink throughout the day.

Lunch : Could be anything. I go out to lunch almost everyday between noon and 1pm. At that time I eat about 1/3 of whatever I order. It could be as fattening and delicious as lasagna from our favorite Italian place, or a fried chicken salad with honey mustard dressing, or a burger with mushrooms, or chicken fajitas or a taco salad or a tuna melt and chips.... you get the picture. (leftovers are given to a co-worker) I also order a Coke at that point and drink about half. If I happen to skip lunch, I have some Nutrigrain bars (blueberry or apple) in my desk.

Afternoon 3pm : I keep diet coke at work. I may drink one.

After work : If I'm hungry, I may have some chex mix, or some cashews or some "trail mix" of sunflower seeds, raisins, almonds, etc. If I'm really hungry, I may make myself a toasted ham sandwich or an english muffin... something with bread and butter in the recipe. This, however is very infrequent.
If I thirst, it's Diet Arizona Ice Tea for me.

Dinner : normally no dinner. But in the off chance that I do eat a weekday meal, it's a very small helping of spaghetti or maybe a taco or a piece of grilled chicken, no skin.

8 - 10 pm : depending on my mood or if I feel like a drink that day.... 1 or 2 white russians.

Weekends :

Breakfast : maybe one day of the weekend, around noon, we'll go to a diner that serves breakfast all day. I'll get scrambled eggs and hash browns, chicken fried steak, and pancakes. (that's what my favorite meal comes with... I don't order anything on the side... it's all together.) I ordered this last weekend and my husband said, "We should just split what you usually order... you never eat it all." So that's what we did. We split the whole order and there was enough food to satisfy his hunger and to make me still feel quite full. Hot tea with breakfast. Two creams, two sugars.

Lunch : Well, if I ate breakfast at noon, I'll not have lunch. Although, if we don't go to breakfast, we may stop somewhere later in the day if we're out and about. And then it would be the same type of lunch I have while at work, except it's more like 3 pm. Otherwise, if we're home, I may make a sandwich of tuna or ham.... maybe even the odd peanut butter and jelly... maybe that english muffin with pineapple preserves... or back to the handful of chex mix or nuts.

Dinner : Once a weekend, usually my husband makes something on the grill. Either steak or shrimp or chicken.... rarely pork.... whatever it is, it's delicious and served with a starch of rice, pasta, or potato. I may make corn or broccoli or spinach or cauliflower to accompany. (Oh, hey THERE's the vegetable! lol)

from 5 pm (maybe earlier... depending on my mood) until ????
1, 2, or maybe even 3 white russians if I feel like having drinks that day.

Like I said, not the most healthy of diets. I don't seem to cover the basic food groups every day.... Thank god there's MILK in white russians.

I do take a multi-vitamin in the morning, as well as sublingual B-complex.
I am extremely inactive. I used to go out dancing at least once or twice a week. I used to work out after I picked the kids up from school at 2pm when I worked a part time, low paying job. Now, it's work until 6 at least, maybe go out to happy hour with the guys once a week or so. No dancing... :) just sitting, drinking and laughing. I'm sitting most of my life right now. See? I'm sitting now! :)
Your diet isn't much different than mine really.

Oh, and I KNOW it was you who wrote that last reputation on my profile. (I just found it :D)
Vassago said:
Your diet isn't much different than mine really.

Oh, and I KNOW it was you who wrote that last reputation on my profile. (I just found it :D)
LMAO What did it say? I'll let you know if it was me or not!
TessB said:
LMAO What did it say? I'll let you know if it was me or not!

It's more fun to keep you guessing. ;)
Ok... if it was full of praise, it was probably me.
If it was sexually suggestive... and it was after 10 pm... it was probably me.
Otherwise... lol... maybe it was Selenau. ;)

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