What should Trump do after he wins? (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

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Today, 03:23
Feb 19, 2002
We've had a chaotic 4 years. Partially due to Trump himself and his inability to simply not say what he is thinking out loud, but mostly due to the media and the leaks from the Deep State. I would love it if Trump concentrated on ripping the heart out of the Deep State over the next 4 years. He doesn't need Congress to do that. He's the CEO. The Constitution gives him a lot of leeway in how he runs the corporation of the US. He can't fire union workers but he sure can fire management. I'm pretty sure he can also disband departments or move them to the hinterlands. Wouldn't it be nice to get rid of the Department of Education? As long as he makes NO statements, public or private regarding his motivation, he won't give them ammunition to fire back at him. We already know that he can't even trust people who are close to him. No wonder, he is so dependent on his family.

1. Issue an order that security clearances will be revoked when employment ends. We've had huge issues with former CIA, DOJ, and FBI members pretending they actually know something when they don't. Revoking their clearance at least removes some level of credence to their statements. I don't think we need to make determinations on whether to allow anyone to retain his clearance. Everyone should lose his clearance, period. It will be a much easier sell. Trump can establish an expeditated restoration procedure should he need to consult with a former employee. Sadly, there's not much he can do to stifle members of Congress like Adam Schiff who utter blatant lies on public TV except put out a contract on them.

2. Replace Barr with an AG that has a stomach for prosecution. If people are not punished for their attempted coup, it will happen again and the next time, they may succeed.

3. Fire the head of the FBI on Nov 4th. Then try to prosecute him for sitting on Hunter's PC. At a minimum, you can get them for injury to a minor if the business about Hunter's niece becomes public.

4. Reprimand or worse if possible the Joint Chiefs for allowing former military leaders to incite sedition. They should have been prosecuted by the JAG using the Uniform Code of Justice but he sat back and allowed it to happen. What they did was unforgivable and extraordinarily dangerous to the country. So far our military has been good about staying out of politics. They broke the rules and the law. That can't stand.

5. Define firm rules for Federal elections. Such as your mail-in ballot must be received by noon on election day. It's not like elections are sprung on us unannounced. There is no excuse for not mailing your ballot in time for it to be delivered by election day. The constitution gives states great latitude in how they run elections but Trump might be able to set rules for Federal elections to prevent what is going on now. If the states don't want to use the same rules for their state and local elections, fine. Let them run their state and local elections on a different day or in different places.

6. Move any agency out of DC that doesn't actually need to be there. If they are in rented quarters, its easy. If not, it is more difficult but things can be done to consolidate space and move out what can be separated. This is Trump's strong suit. He can hire people from his old company to handle the details. Part of the problem with the Deep State is that they all live in the same neighborhoods and are friends. Moving departments to the hinterlands will reduce costs and spread the jobs around the country which is much better for the country than having them concentrated in DC. We've learned a hard lesson with the Wuhan Virus and that is that we don't actually all have to be in the same place at the same time. This is ultimately going to decimate the commercial Real Estate industry in large inner cities.

7. Defund the FBI. The FBI has lost all credibility. Cut the top three tiers of management or as far down as you can go. Give the remainder, the option to join the US Marshall's service or resign. Move all the training facilities and labs to the US Marshall's service. Make a big bonfire out of all the gear with FBI labels and watch it burn. If any single person from the FBI had come forward about the lies and plots, I would be more forgiving but the coverup was complete so they all have to pay. Hunter's laptop should have completely shut down the impeachment if the FBI had come forward with it.

8. Voice his support for the Convention Of States movement. Article V of the constitution offers two ways to amend the Constitution. So far ALL amendments have come through the Congress path. But since Congress thinks they are above the law, they are certainly not going to put forward any amendment that curtails their power or imposes term limits. Therefore, we need to employ Plan B (I think Madison got this added at the last minute). Plan B is if a simple majority of the states issue a bill calling for a COS, then one will be called. Once the convention is called, various amendments will be proposed and the final set will be put back to the states for approval. 2/3 of the states must approve any amendment in order for it to take effect. Same process as if Congress proposed the amendment. The time has come for term limits. They might have to be grandfathered in to get the amendment to pass but that is better than nothing. The term limits might also affect the Supreme Court and the Civil Service which will also disrupt the Deep State.

9. Seriously look into defunding the Department of Education. The standardization they were created to enforce did nothing except bring down the bar. We have dropped significantly in the world in our educational standing and given the amount of MY money we spend on it, we have failed.
1. Remove any US Military presence in foreign countries that the UN has not sanctioned and even then it should be carefully considered.

2. Rescind the Affordable Healthcare Act.
He has tried to do #1 and the deep state went to the mattresses and the media ran with it. He has also tried to get Germany to pay her fair share of the NATO and UN bills and hasn't succeeded so far. He also tried to get Germany to subsidize our troops in Germany since they are protecting Germany and that didn't fly either.

He needs the Republicans in Congress to actually do #2. They swore they wanted to do it for years but when they had the majority in 2016, John McCain threw a spanner in the works because he was pissed at Trump and the bill didn't pass.

Maybe this time:)

Trump's instincts are really good. He needs to just ignore the nay-sayers in is advisory group.
the only thing I like about the department of education is it's current leader and that they can threaten to withhold funds from all these liberal colleges that do dumb things, like discriminating in a racist way against white people and asians.

Other than that I agree, the federalization of education is the worst thing ever. Destroy the department of education.

Destroy Twitter and Facebook by antitrust litigation if necessary. Sue them for violating their terms of service by unfairly enforcing them in a selective way, this has nothing to do with section 230 and isn't prevented by it.

keep bringing our troops home, which he's already doing, except be smart in the areas where they need to be left there, and leave them there, and explain to everyone what he is doing and why.

find a way outside of the mainstream media and outside of the social media companies to publish all of the real information on Joe Biden so that people know the truth once and for all.

Declare some kind of official definition of what constitutes violence and murder . explain to people that when when you go around shooting or beating up people or burning the businesses in some cases with people inside, you are exactly as bad as the guy who killed George Floyd, and probably worse.

Then after all this, take steps to actually work with the Democrats to get things done so that people see him as a doer for all Americans.

He needs to keep making inroads with African American voters. Help actually persuade them that equal opportunity is the goal, not free stuff. Follow through on that by helping to make sure that they really do have equal opportunity in every imaginable situation. Make people proud of personal responsibility rather than special treatment to get ahead. Do this by putting tons of African Americans in his administration, the ones who have worked for everything they have, so that they can be a testimony to inspire people that this is the way to live.
Hopefully Trump will win. A major consideration will be the make-up of the Congress. Hopefully, it won't go Democratic. The Democrats will be out for revenge. So much for the Democrats complying with Biden's (false) message of "unity". They will be exceedingly divisive.

On November 4th, Trump should pardon Flynn.

3. Fire the head of the FBI on Nov 4th: Add Gina Haspel, and other obstructionist State Department officials, to the firing list.

5. Define firm rules for Federal elections:Early voting and mail in-ballots should be severely curtailed, if not eliminated. People were voting before the following significant events occurred/completed: debates, Hunter Biden expose, and Supreme Court replacement for Ginsburg. As an edit to this post, we just had today, on election day, the continued release of positive economic news. Consequently, voting early means that the electorate is making decisions based on incomplete data, and information that is possibly distorted for partisan gain. Each of these events could have or may even had an effect on voting. The counting of ballots received after the election date should be prohibited. It is the responsibility of the voter to get their vote submitted on-time.

8. Voice his support for the Convention Of States movement:The country has been moving towards a "complete" Democracy which creates opportunities for the "tyranny of the majority". Which implies the elimination of "minority rights". One way that Republic principles can be partially restored would be through the repeal of the 17th Amendment. I would also like to see the voting age raised, to maybe 25. Obviously, this is being proposed as older people tend to be more conservative and not as prone to falling for "free stuff" that may be offered by politicians. And along those lines, those receiving federal assistance in excess of earned income should not be permitted to vote.

9. Seriously look into defunding the Department of Education:This is actually has a lot of issues associated with it. First, the answer is "yes", defund the Department of Education. Also need to defund Department of Energy, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Housing and Urban Development. Undecided for now on Department of Health and Human Services. As for Education and HUD, both these agencies disperse grant funds funded by tax dollars. So what this means is you collect taxes from the local level, move those funds up to the federal level, pay administrative fees, and then send the money back to the local level. Much more efficient to simply let the States collect and spend money for those services. Both these agencies are involved in guaranteed federally backed loans, These should all be prohibited, in part because the lenders do not have liability for making bad loans.
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He should probably set up a commission to study the effects of getting rid of the dept of education. of course they will come up with all kinds of things that don't matter, but they may bring up a few things we want to somehow preserve. i mean, a few pell grants here and there are nice. maybe he can retain some aspect of some of it but do away with most of it.
Pat, regarding your comments on "security clearances." Unless I missed something in my 28 1/2 years working with the U.S.Navy and having held a SECRET clearance for much of that time, when someone exits a job that required a security clearance, they no longer have it. There is no need to revoke it. The very act of job separation is all that is needed.

Now it is true that their background information can be picked up by someone else who wants to hire someone eligible for clearance, and having that data will streamline everything for the subsequent investigtions. But if your clearance was granted because of your job and you no longer have a job, you no longer have a clearance. At the very least, your "Need to Know" has vanished completely. But the good side of that is that your non-disclosure agreement is for your lifetime whether you continue to be employed or not, so you can be sued and/or prosecuted ANY time for violating the NDA.

I don't know that I have EVER heard of a person who had a clearance that WASN'T related to a job. Therefore, if some schlump claims to be out of work but still have a clearance, there is a guaranteed lie there somewhere.
I can't remember right now, but I do think there were a few cases amongst all this fbi / russia / intelligence fiascos (one of the thousands over the past few years - ha ) where someone left a job but still had some clearance a few weeks later and thus got their hands on some information.
OR, maybe it was just that someone else thought they did, and so, leaked information to them thinking they weren't violating something - I dunno, I can't find it now, but it came up somehow or another
Thanks for the Info Doc, I agree that is the way security clearances should work. However, maybe it depends on your level because it seems like Comey and Brennen got to keep theirs.
I suspect that this thread is pretty much "dead". The "good" news, to the extent that it is good, the Republicans have retained control of the Senate and picked-up a few seats in the House. The Republican senate will be able to temper the radical agenda of the Democrats. All the investigations into Democratic dirty-tricks will be swept under the rug. Expect, Biden to announce on January 21st, that through his foresight and dynamic leadership that the Covid-19 pandemic crises is now under control and that his Covid-19 task-force team will soon have a safe vaccine.
I'm not willing to concede just yet. Trump should make them recount everything he can and question the number of votes vs registered voters and do random checks on registered voters to ensure they are valid.
Yeah, hey, we got good horse sense in the Senate + the Supreme Court. Basically the 2 big ones.

And, I'm with you Pat ... The stuff that PA did/is doing should be fully litigated to make sure it passes the tests. Total recounts where anything is close (like WI and maybe one more). Consequences for not allowing poll watchers--there is NO EXCUSE for not allowing 3rd parties to watch you--Not Voting, but just Counting!)

All of the statements that PA has already made, like the attorney general and the governor, ought to make them qualify for a full audit. Especially the A.G. and his declaration that Biden would win if all votes were counted - that's a really weird & corrupt sounding thing to say.

If those few things are fully & fairly litigated and T still loses, I'll move on. : )
The Republicans in Congress should be stood up against a wall and shot at sunrise for not taking this voting scam seriously and acting on it years ago. The Democrats have pulled this off in multiple jurisdictions in the past and may succeed again. Vote early, vote often was the old Tammany Hall mantra.
Recounts for 20,000 vote differences? Not likely to do much.
And, I'm with you Pat ... The stuff that PA did/is doing should be fully litigated to make sure it passes the tests. Total recounts where anything is close (like WI and maybe one more). Consequences for not allowing poll watchers--there is NO EXCUSE for not allowing 3rd parties to watch you--Not Voting, but just Counting!)
Challenging the election results in PA will be useless, unless the election results in other states can be succesfully challenged, such as Nevada, Wisconsin, and Michigan to name a few. As it stands now, Biden has 264 electoral votes. If Nevada is confirmed for Biden, he will be at 270 electoral votes for a win. (And to think that Biden is only 8,000 votes ahead of Trump in Nevada.
And even 8000 is a stretch on a recount. Recounts have been successful in the hundreds, never the thousands.
Everyday, the Washington Post, on the front page prominently, printed a daily version of the image below. Now that Biden is the apparent winner, what are the odds that the Post will continue to print these scare graphs on the front page for all to see?
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Stop counting votes that aren't for me, but please, keep counting if they might be for me.
Don't count any vote, ever, that wasn't properly and completely done by or on election day. PERIOD.

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