The Robots are Coming!!!! (1 Viewer)

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
Very interesting article here:-

And and an excellent YouTube discussion about the blog between John and Adam:-



Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 17:49
Feb 28, 2001
The written article makes it clear that in the future, all cheap labor will be robotic. But parallel to that, there is the implication that future people can no longer look to simple manual labor jobs as a career. As this trend progresses, there will be NO EXCUSE to not get an education, because the dumbed-down jobs will no longer be there. People who got useless degrees will now be pushing out the totally uneducated people just for the privilege of asking "Do you want fries with that?" There will come a time when illegal immigrants will be completely unable to find jobs and may have to go back to their more primitive / less technological cultures because there will be no menial jobs to support them in the place to where they immigrated. It won't only be a language barrier but will also be an education gap that dooms them to continued poverty.

In the future, more than even now, survival of the fittest will have to include "mentally and educationally fit" as part of that survival assessment. Assembly-line jobs, whether in appliance manufacture; vehicle assembly; millinery and clothing assembly; or bulk-food preparation and packaging, will evaporate. Self-driving cars aren't quite right yet, but eventually even "chauffeur" and "delivery driver" jobs will become diminished. Aerial drones are already taking over some deliveries, particularly in high-crime neighborhoods. Self-driving vehicles also exist and are getting better. High-school dropouts will instantly or eventually become homeless. The ones who are physically fit might volunteer for military service, but with modern weapons that require extra training, the REALLY dumb folks might even become too stupid to be anything other than cannon fodder - or maybe not even smart enough for THAT purpose. You know you have a problem when the "smart bomb" is smarter than its targeted population.

Along those lines, I remember almost 60 years ago, in the USA I had to go in for my draft board physical because it was the Vietnam War era and registering with the U.S. military was mandatory due to active conscription. I was doing OK on the written tests but one of the young men drafted with me at the same time was barely able to even write his name, yet he was a product of a USA school system - that had clearly failed him. I had a chance to ask the persons running that facility what would likely happen to the young fellow, because I felt pity. They told me that if there was reason to believe his IQ was below about 80, he would be rejected because such people cannot even follow orders on the battlefield when under fire. I don't know what happened to him. I eventually reached 1-A status but they were running a "birthday lottery" at the time. My number was 283 but the draft only took up to 183 that year so I was never called up.

I am also reminded of Aldous Huxley's Brave New World in which it was really GOOD to be an Alpha (high-IQ) and not very comforting to be an Epsilon (abysmal IQ). We sometimes bemoan George Orwell's amazing speculations / predictions in 1984, but he wasn't the only writer of speculative fiction to have chilling prophecies.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 23:49
Sep 28, 1999
All jobs, both white and blue collar, are on the line. Agents and bots will take the white collar cognitive tasks, while robots will take the physical blue collar work.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:49
May 22, 2010
So why are many countries including the United States and the United Kingdom importing cheap labor (migrants). Won't they be sitting around with nothing to do?

Well, besides voting and having babies.


Immoderate Moderator
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Local time
Today, 17:49
Feb 28, 2001
So why are many countries including the United States and the United Kingdom importing cheap labor (migrants). Won't they be sitting around with nothing to do?

Well, besides voting and having babies.

The legal immigrants might do all of that. The illegal ones shouldn't be voting, though we know how the Progressive Liberals think about this.


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 23:49
Feb 22, 2002
So why are many countries including the United States and the United Kingdom importing cheap labor (migrants). Won't they be sitting around with nothing to do?

Well, besides voting and having babies.
And collecting all manner of monetry and other benefits from the government for free, paid for by our taxes. Like free healthcare, housing benefits, free dental care, childcare allowance - the list is very long. That's why illegal immigrants risk crossing the channel from France.


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 23:49
Sep 28, 1999
What seems particularly bogus about immigration claims in the UK is that before the migrants cross the English Channel, they are already at a safe destination. You can't then claim that you came to the UK to escape persecution, because you had already done that once you had reach France. Maybe its because they prefer a white sliced loaf to a crispy baguette. I cannot think of any other reasons, apart from free stuff like benefits, hotel stays etc. :unsure:

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
Maybe its because they prefer a white sliced loaf to a crispy baguette
I'm pretty sure people wouldn't leave France to come to England for the food!
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Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 23:49
Sep 28, 1999
I've never understood why we can't do the baguette as well as the French.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 18:49
Feb 19, 2002
I've never understood why we can't do the baguette as well as the French.
I think it's the water. NYC has the best bagels and best Danish pastry of any place I've ever lived. I'm only 50 miles away and we can't even produce NY bagels let alone pastry with the right texture. There was a French bakery near our favorite lunch place in Kuwait. Everything was absolutely beautiful but it all tasted like cardboard. The tap water in Kuwait was "safe" but virtually undrinkable.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
I think it's the water. NYC has the best bagels

I saw one of these How Do They Do It programmes on making bagels. I think one step in the process is actually boiling the dough!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 15:49
Mar 14, 2017
Well if the robots are programmed by the woke, they should want us all to be happy and loved and affirmed in every imaginable way. Except in any way that contradicts the going leftwing philosophy of course, so we'd have to be underground. Except wait - they'll be able to read our thoughts too! DARN. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 23:49
Sep 28, 1999
Her has arrived. If you have watched the movie by the same name, you will know what I mean.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:49
Feb 28, 2001
I saw one of these How Do They Do It programmes on making bagels. I think one step in the process is actually boiling the dough!

Yes. That's how you get a smooth finish on the outside of the bread. At an Ethiopian restaurant, I experienced another type of bread, more along the lines of a whole-grain dough, that is shaped into loaves then briefly boiled before it is baked in order to get the smooth, semi-gloss outside and a fluffy, softer inside. You then pull the bread apart because you don't eat with knife and fork, it is more like grabbing the smooth part and sopping up the entree with the fluffy part. It was a good experience.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
Well if the robots are programmed by the woke, they should want us all to be happy and loved and affirmed in every imaginable way. Except in any way that contradicts the going leftwing philosophy of course, so we'd have to be underground. Except wait - they'll be able to read our thoughts too! DARN. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️

We should all get a copy of 1984. It is the PlayBook that the left and the woke are using to destroy capitalism, conservativism, Republicanism. "They" (not the woke they) are controlling the way we speak, the first step is the "newspeak" of calling somebody - they - them and the rest of these woke pronouns...

Next :-
- The taking down of the icons of our democratic capitalist based system.
- The destruction of the reputations of your great leaders. Make you afraid to say Lincoln was a great man... Devalue and disrespect George Washington because he had "slaves" .....

But this is only the first wave, the second wave is to replace all of your leaders, your top government officials with there lackeys.. This is already happening you can see it, you can hear them speak their bull sh*t...

Next they will take away your guns, and then the immigrants will be Molly coddled, then enlisted into a military like unit similar to the Schutzstaffel, commonly known as the SS. Now every time you call Joe Biden a "see you next Thursday", you will be arrested and imprisoned without trial.

Currently they are trying to take down Elon Musk. A new law in America is being put into place which will curtail Elon's ability to control his own company X, formerly known as Twitter...

They have to do this because this is the only place we can fight them in a public platform... That is your signal, if they do that ,then you will know it is really happening...
Last edited:

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
A new law in America is being put into place which will curtail Elon's ability to control his own company X, formerly known as Twitter...

More Info Here:-

The Plan to Legally Steal X from Elon
Unfortunately, a true story

In a move that's stirred little public debate, the government has recently passed legislation that could potentially force Elon Musk to relinquish control of X, formerly known as Twitter.

In this video, with insights from
, we'll uncover how a law that appears beneficial on the surface, covertly grants government agencies sweeping powers to stop free speech and selectively limit private ownership of social platforms

I checked the wording of the law - and the problem Tulsi pointed out seems very real.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 23:49
Jul 9, 2003
and then the immigrants will be Molly coddled, then enlisted into a military like unit
That is the real reason they are bringing the immigrants in, with no checks. Murderers, terrorists and the rest, they will become the Militia for the new dictatorship. And it won't be a fascist dictatorship it will be a Muslim dictatorship. All women will have to wear the correct clothing. Everyone will have to convert to Islam, under threat of death or if you're lucky you will be made a slave...

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