Another mass shooting (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:58
May 22, 2010
Being a "student of propaganda" can you explain what the Clinton/Steele dossier was? I'm sure you have studied it.

Was that document designed to help Trump become president? Because it had the opposite effect.

I would be very interested in your opinion, thanks.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:58
Feb 19, 2002
it found me pat. you know, those woke algorithms get me every time.
And that is why I NEVER get my news from feeds. News feeds are what creates confirmation bias Your feed has trained you to hate Trump. Just keep clicking on the negative to Trump articles and you encourage it to send you more. That's what clicks are all about. Find an article on knitting and click on a few related. In a day or so, you will only see knitting articles along with the Trump negative articles (whether the news is bad or good, the headline is ALWAYS negative). If Trump walked on water to save a drowning child, the headline should be "Trump saves child" or maybe "Trump walks on water" but no, the headline would be "Trump can't swim". You will normally find the truth in the article but you won't find it in the first two paragraphs.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
Being a "student of propaganda" can you explain what the Clinton/Steele dossier was? I'm sure you have studied it.

Was that document designed to help Trump become president? Because it had the opposite effect.

I would be very interested in your opinion, thanks.
This is a good question.
In the race to the bottom, in a sad world where the lessor or two weevils is our only choice for the most important job in the world we get these people.
They were trying to slander Mr. Trump and it backfired. Not much else to say about that other than Mrs. Clinton's campaign was a case study in how to loose an election. I only ever wanted her to be president to stop Trump from being elected.

In fact, it does actually go along with some of my views on how propaganda works in this country. That statements a little self serving I know. But if you take a look at the messaging systems, instead of the content, you will see that all of it creates contempt. Even this failure of the Clinton campaign to drum up dirt on Trump. No matter what the outcome of the dossier, contempt was the ultimate product.

Liberal propaganda creates great contempt, no doubt about that.

Politics are ugly, they have always been ugly. but modern propaganda is the root of a large portion of decay in our society. Even this discussion is keeping you and I from working on something important. I'm going to take a break from this discussion for a while, the loop in my head has become unhealthy.
Large rocks falling from the sky, are not my concern. At least I keep telling myself that.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:58
Feb 19, 2002
They were trying to slander Mr. Trump and it backfired.
And exactly how much did that cost the American public when the FBI went along with the lie? THEY knew the dossier was bogus. Do you think they would tell the America public that? It caused the Muller investigation and at least one or two others. MILLIONS of dollars!!!!!!!!!!! Wasted. Not to mention the total loss in faith the public has for the FBI. And if that campaign contribution wasn't enough, they suppressed the Hunter laptop in the next election. What side is the FBI on anyway? It certainly isn't working for the people. It is totally corrupted by politics.

Then the press suppresses the $100,000 + in fines that Clinton and her campaign had to pay due to the campaign finance violations when they charged the cost of the libel incorrectly. Hey, isn't that what Trump is currently on trial for??????????????? Hillary gets a fine and DJT gets criminal charges and a gag order, not to mention facing years in jail. Wow, who woulda' thunk. Why can't you see what is going on?

Hillary gets fined and Trump get CRIMINAL charges!!!!!! For the exact same "crime".
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:58
May 22, 2010
This is the mindset of modern liberals.



Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
And exactly how much did that cost the American public when the FBI went along with the lie? THEY knew the dossier was bogus. Do you think they would tell the America public that? It caused the Muller investigation and at least one or two others. MILLIONS of dollars!!!!!!!!!!! Wasted. Not to mention the total loss in faith the public has for the FBI. And if that campaign contribution wasn't enough, they suppressed the Hunter laptop in the next election. What side is the FBI on anyway? It certainly isn't working for the people. It is totally corrupted by politics.

Then the press suppresses the $100,000 + in fines that Clinton and her campaign had to pay due to the campaign finance violations when they charged the cost of the libel incorrectly. Hey, isn't that what Trump is currently on trial for??????????????? Hillary gets a fine and DJT gets criminal charges and a gag order, not to mention facing years in jail. Wow, who woulda' thunk.
Millions are nothing.
What is something, is the Trump worshiping Congressional Folks are paving the way for further Russian invasion of Europe. So just keep on believing you are right, and focusing on things that don't matter.

One of the hallmarks of Conservative messaging. Red Herrings, Smoke and Mirrors,

And oh yeah, you forgot about the part where the Trump Chanters have been parading their so called key Witness in the Hunter B soap opera. Turns out he is a Russian Spy LOLOLOLOLOL .

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 07:58
Feb 19, 2002
Millions are nothing.

So, you are quite OK with the FBI confirming to the public the lies told by a bogus smear document created by a political campaign?

You also seem to be OK with the FBI telling the public that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation? And then, pressuring the SM companies to suppress any person or articles disagreeing with that position?

You are OK with the FBI working for a political party to suppress important information that the public is entitled to know in order to make an informed decision in the voting booth?

Yep, that is how propaganda works. The "state" sets the party line and the minions and talking heads spread the lie. You just can't see which side is producing the propaganda.

Who lied to us about the danger of COVID?
Who lied to us about the efficacy of masks and social distancing?
Who weaponized the FBI and DOJ to go after the "state's" political opposition?
Who is trying to suppress the speech of whom?

Where did you "study" propaganda? Hope it wasn't Yale, the school where plagiarism is OK and everyone gets an A.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007

So, you are quite OK with the FBI confirming to the public the lies told by a bogus smear document created by a political campaign?

You also seem to be OK with the FBI telling the public that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation? And then, pressuring the SM companies to suppress any person or articles disagreeing with that position?

You are OK with the FBI working for a political party to suppress important information that the public is entitled to know in order to make an informed decision in the voting booth?

Yep, that is how propaganda works. The "state" sets the party line and the minions and talking heads spread the lie. You just can't see which side is producing the propaganda.

Who lied to us about the danger of COVID?
Who lied to us about the efficacy of masks and social distancing?
Who weaponized the FBI and DOJ to go after the "state's" political opposition?
Who is trying to suppress the speech of whom?

Where did you "study" propaganda? Hope it wasn't Yale, the school where plagiarism is OK and everyone gets an A.
Is the earth flat after all?


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
This is the mindset of modern liberals.

View attachment 113759
Down here in Texas, I hear several times every day how Biden single handedly ruined the economy. The Oil and Gas folks have to be careful with their words because they know that the US is now producing more oil and gas than anytime in history.
When Biden went got office the the O&G futures traders jacked up the prices, partially because of fear of what an embargo would do to oil prices. And, partially to damage the Biden Administration. This was some very effective propaganda. I still see memes blaming Biden for high gas prices when they are below $3.00.

Conservative anti-clean-air-folks have to curb their enthusiasm as well because Texas is the largest wind energy producer in the country.
I'm not against all the conservative policies, I'm simply against the literally insane rhetoric that spews out. This time for real I'm going back to work.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:58
May 22, 2010
Down here in Texas, I hear several times every day how Biden single handedly ruined the economy.

We were in Rockwall, Texas a couple of months ago my wife has family there. She has a cousin who is a liberal, she flies the Ukraine flag daily but not the Texas or the United States flag. Everywhere we went in Rockwall there were political yard signs with the word conservative plastered on them. I thought it was refreshing coming from an ultra-blue state like California. She would get so stressed out driving around pointing out the yard signs, we were secretly amused at her political discomfort. :D

She didn't hide her affection for our Governor Gavin Newsome. They are also anti-gun Texans, these people were born there, not recent converts, we met a few like them. It's fun interacting with them.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
Deflection is a tactic that hides the fact that you cannot argue any of my points. Nice try.(n) You lose the argument.

Deflection is a tactic that hides the fact that you cannot argue any of my points. Nice try.(n) You lose the argument.
Sometimes I think you're kidding because I know you are too intelligent to believe all side disinformation.
Lets try one item at a time. You add multiple topic, per post. More depth and less breadth would be welcome.

Do you know who started all this' trying to destroy the President so you don't have to run against him thing? it was your buddies in the Republican party where they spent tens of millions to get Bill out of office. He has sex with a 25 year old woman and OMG the good Christians in congress couldn't have that.

I'm not particularly happy that Trump is being tarred and feathered for his indiscretions, I think several of the criminal charges against him are much more serious, and he is a Real and Present Danger to the security of the United States and its people.

This Russian thing should not be a political issue. Conservative hardliners are on the wrong side on this. History could easily show that millions died at their hands


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
We were in Rockwall, Texas a couple of months ago my wife has family there. She has a cousin who is a liberal, she flies the Ukraine flag daily but not the Texas or the United States flag. Everywhere we went in Rockwall there were political yard signs with the word conservative plastered on them. I thought it was refreshing coming from an ultra-blue state like California. She would get so stressed out driving around pointing out the yard signs, we were secretly amused at her political discomfort. :D

She didn't hide her affection for our Governor Gavin Newsome. They are also anti-gun Texans, these people were born there, not recent converts, we met a few like them. It's fun interacting with them.
That's up near Dallas. i had to look it up. This state is so big with so many towns. I'm not saying she isn't Liberal with the whole Ukrainian flag thing. I can say that the information I have been following about the Ukraine comes from some pretty conservative folks. Military people, former CIA guys, Fighter pilot turned warfare technologies pod caster, and a guy that writes nonfiction accounts of conflicts.

Pretty much only the Conservatives in Congress and people that listen to a certain type of news are ok with the Russians invasion. The dilemma is nuclear weapons.

Does having them give Putin the right to invade Europe? That's an actual question. Without them we would have already killed him, ten times over.

Mike Krailo

Well-known member
Local time
Today, 07:58
Mar 28, 2020
Innumeracy, another propaganda milestone.
That reminds me of Bribem's never ending lie of how he cut the deficit in half during his administration. What kind of math is that? Also there is no such thing as forgiveness of student loans. Someone has to pay for those loans. What kind of math is that? What, because the majority of loans are from the gov? I guess that makes it OK... what kind of math is that? Price of Gold is highly manipulated, but there comes a point when the dollar just isn't worth the paper it's printed on because of abuses of printing money and causing inflation and they all flock to gold. If you were smart, you seen this coming years ago.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 07:58
Dec 20, 2007
That reminds me of Bribem's never ending lie of how he cut the deficit in half during his administration. What kind of math is that? Also there is no such thing as forgiveness of student loans. Someone has to pay for those loans. What kind of math is that? What, because the majority of loans are from the gov? I guess that makes it OK... what kind of math is that? Price of Gold is highly manipulated, but there comes a point when the dollar just isn't worth the paper it's printed on because of abuses of printing money and causing inflation and they all flock to gold. If you were smart, you seen this coming years ago.
I don't know about the deficit under Biden, but under Clinton we had a surplus.

What I said was millions are nothing. In the global picture, millions are pretty much nothing. I get it that all those numbers sound the same, billions, millions, trillions, other than that though, they not at similar at all.

In propaganda they are used to rile people up over trivial things. It gives credibility to the position that the recipient is a victim. This creates a bond between all the people that have innumeracy, with the people that tell them how horrible it is to be that victimized.

That's some powerful juju right there.

Student Loans. Well that's really not a math thing, or a deception thing, everyone knows the where the money comes from. It's a philosophy thing. Your issue is that you just don't agree with it. My feeling about it is, that what we need to do is teach American Citizens to have pride in hard work well done. Then we wouldn't need so much immigrant labor, you know, the kind that does take pride in hard work well done. Then we could afford to educate all of our citizens and actually increase the average IQ of the country, not just that of the wealthy.

Gold Standard. I really laugh at this one. Because you obviously think your views on this are correct. This isn't an opinion thing, like education, this is a fact thing, and you have it completely wrong. Oil is the backer for our currency, gold is a Fiat backer, it only has value when people believe it has value. That's what you are trying to say is wrong with paper.

Paper money, or rather now days, digital money is an IOU and the value is based on the reliability of the holder of currency, and also that you can trade it for some Oil. We can get into this later, you and Pat like to add too many topics to one post. That is a form of propaganda as well.

Inflation. This is a hard one. There are very few subjects that have as much false propaganda. We can do economic debates later, one topic at a time. We can start it with this though.

The US has been "printing money" or creating quantitative easing, which is the actual way currency is injected into the economy, for decades. Why have we not had continuous inflation that whole time? The simple answer is that there is not a direct correlation. Something else changed. What do you think that was?
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Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:58
Feb 28, 2001
What I said was millions are nothing. In the global picture, millions are pretty much nothing. I get it that all those numbers sound the same, billions, millions, trillions, other than that though, they not at similar at all.

The late senator Everett Dirksen was once quoted from a Congressional hearing as saying "A billion here, a billion there... pretty soon you are talking about REAL money."

When you are talking about a retiree like me, a million bucks would have been a damned good retirement investment base, but I didn't quite reach that level. I'm not hurting but I have to be extra careful. So when dismissing a particular dollar amount, unless we are talking about money to the right of the decimal point, there are folks out there who would LOVE to have any amount.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:58
May 22, 2010
Billions for our "allies" Ukraine, Israel, and Illegals, but hardly anything for the border or Veterans. Veterans get a measly 1 day a year while other classes get months and months of recognition, it's sad.

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