Basic Hygiene (1 Viewer)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
It has just struck me as odd that when you go to our local bakers, any of the four close by, well I am based in Scotland, their hygiene habits are bazaar.

The person behind the counter takes the money from customers, puts it in the till, gives change etc, then lifts, for example, a bread roll, with the same hands and uses tongs to pick up the bacon, sausage, what ever other basic health food they have on offer. Replaces the tongs and uses both hands, the same ones that handled the customer before's cash, to place the item in the bag.

Now, I have heard that the average £20 note in the UK has traces of cocaine on it, why the can't just use a straw is a mystery to me, but I'm beginning to wonder if the euphoria I feel after consuming my weekly bacon roll is related to the weekend being neigh, or is it something more synister :eek: :D


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
Whooa you got me there nice info. The feeling i get when that piece of roll is
Better to let them know what they are doing. It really woke me up. Thanks

Or we could keep it a happy little secret lol...


Super Moderator
Local time
Today, 07:15
Jul 10, 2007
It has just struck me as odd that when you go to our local bakers, any of the four close by, well I am based in Scotland, their hygiene habits are bazaar.

The person behind the counter takes the money from customers, puts it in the till, gives change etc, then lifts, for example, a bread roll, with the same hands and uses tongs to pick up the bacon, sausage, what ever other basic health food they have on offer. Replaces the tongs and uses both hands, the same ones that handled the customer before's cash, to place the item in the bag.

Now, I have heard that the average £20 note in the UK has traces of cocaine on it, why the can't just use a straw is a mystery to me, but I'm beginning to wonder if the euphoria I feel after consuming my weekly bacon roll is related to the weekend being neigh, or is it something more synister :eek: :D
I remember many years ago in Scotland our local butcher had a lady who sat in a little booth and took all payments so the actual butchers who were serving didn't have to touch the money at all.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
I remember many years ago in Scotland our local butcher had a lady who sat in a little booth and took all payments so the actual butchers who were serving didn't have to touch the money at all.

The butcher meat was wrapped in brown paper and there was sawdust on the floor. And, oh the smell... That smell was the first thing to put me off meat lol.


And fish and chips tasted better when they were wrapped in newspaper:eek:


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Jun 23, 2002
newspaper wrapping: it gets red...


Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Feb 12, 2007
Here in Japan when you go to a sushi place they always show you how they murder and mutilate the fishes they use to make sushi so you can see it's fresh. However they never rinse the fishblood bathed meat before serving, makes you think twice on putting it in your mouth :(


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
Here in Japan when you go to a sushi place they always show you how they murder and mutilate the fishes they use to make sushi so you can see it's fresh. However they never rinse the fishblood bathed meat before serving, makes you think twice on putting it in your mouth :(

Ah, but it's clean blood right? :eek:

I always understood the Japanese to be ultra hygienic. You hear stories about people with colds wearing masks so as not to infect others :cool:. Always sounds like such a lovely culture to me, but I've always wondered if there's something "Stepford-ish" going on there. I mean, how can cities of people be so nice to each other?


Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Feb 12, 2007
Ah, but it's clean blood right? :eek:

I always understood the Japanese to be ultra hygienic. You hear stories about people with colds wearing masks so as not to infect others :cool:. Always sounds like such a lovely culture to me, but I've always wondered if there's something "Stepford-ish" going on there. I mean, how can cities of people be so nice to each other?

Ultra hygenic? Um, well in some way yes we are, except we don't have deodorant for men (try riding the subway during summer, it's not very pleasant:(), we have people going to work without taking a bath (especially old pee-ple), the massive amount of vomits on trains during friday nights, gropers, people reading kinky magazines on trains in complete disregard of the children infront of them, and women seldomly shaving their armpits.

Well except those, we're pretty hygenic :)


Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Feb 12, 2007
Culture, I mean have you ever been to France?;);)

Are they really that rude? I've never been to France but Im thinking on taking a vacation.
If they really are a bunch of condescending bitches and a-holes, I might reconsider Australia.
Last edited:


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
Ultra hygenic? Um, well in some way yes we are, except we don't have deodorant for men (try riding the subway during summer, it's not very pleasant:(), we have people going to work without taking a bath (especially old pee-ple), the massive amount of vomits on trains during friday nights, gropers, people reading kinky magazines on trains in complete disregard of the children infront of them, and women seldomly shaving their armpits.

Well except those, we're pretty hygenic :)

Ha ha ha, much the same as anywhere else in the world then. That's good to know. :)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
Are they really that rude? I've never been to France but Im thinking on taking a vacation.
If they really are a bunch of condescending bitches and a-holes, I might reconsider Australia.

I haven't been to France, but I have met a lot of very nice French people in my travels. No matter where you go, you're going to find idiots.

Must say, I'm surprised you're not considering desending on Edinburgh in August, you must be the only potential tourist not going there :eek:


Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Feb 12, 2007
I haven't been to France, but I have met a lot of very nice French people in my travels. No matter where you go, you're going to find idiots.

Must say, I'm surprised you're not considering desending on Edinburgh in August, you must be the only potential tourist not going there :eek:

Is there something going in Edinburgh this August that I'm unaware of? I'm taking my girlfriend with me so if it's something uh, not very wholesome:rolleyes: I think I might have to (inescapably) pass :( She's pretty uptight when it comes to those things, damn Japs, I KNOW.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
Is there something going in Edinburgh this August that I'm unaware of? I'm taking my girlfriend with me so if it's something uh, not very wholesome:rolleyes: I think I might have to (inescapably) pass :( She's pretty uptight when it comes to those things, damn Japs, I KNOW.

You could say there's one or two things going on in Edinburgh in August, yes.

Absolutely nothing for your girlfriend to worry about, unless she just doesn't like art :eek:


Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Feb 12, 2007
Ha ha ha, much the same as anywhere else in the world then. That's good to know. :)

The others, I can take, but when it comes to the deodorant for men scarcity thing... well I'm pretty OCD when it comes to body odors so anyone who smells less than the botanical garden I frown upon.

You should see how embarassing it is for a guy to buy deodorants here since they are all marketed to women and most of them comes in pink :eek:.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 07:15
Aug 10, 2006
WOW!:eek: A month long festival! Holy wow! How did this escape my 3 day long extensive vacation research!?

It's pretty cool :) I much prefer the "Fringe" to the actual shows. The Fringe performers perform in the streets. The streets are packed and the vibe is brilliant. It's like a month long street party :) You may be leaving it a bit late for accommodation this year though, you might find you'd need to look to some of the satalite towns around the city: Queensferry or Livingston for instance if you're looking for a hotel, or maybe look for bed and breakfast...


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:15
Aug 7, 2009
This is far better than my situation. 3 years ago when i visited shop, i ordered a vegetable sandwich. Before preparing his digged his nose, armpits and then finally took burger bun...oh man..i vomited there.

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