Can not reference Crytal Reports DLL's (1 Viewer)


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Yesterday, 21:39
Mar 5, 2012

I am new to, I am trying to create simple crystal report which I can do, however when I try make the deployment package, I get the error messages that the following files are needed: cpre32_res_tr.dll, libcurl.dll, u2dmapi.dll, u2post.dll. These are crystal reports dll's which I just can not seem to reference. I have copied them to a folder and then reference to on the deployment folder, but some how I think I need to reference the runtime file. I am using a windows forms application. I have google, but so far I have not been able to find the answer. They have mentioned that I need to put the run time file prerequisites to the build, but I do see what can add this. I am able to set the .net frame files, but the crystal reports files that I need. I am using visual studio 15 professional. Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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