CNN "town hall" (1 Viewer)

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Feb 19, 2002
It was all I could do to contain myself from throwing a shoe at the TV. That woman (I don't even know her name) was so outrageously unfair, she forced the audience to side with Trump whether they agreed with him or not. It was so bad that CNN cut the show 15 minutes early. They got great ratings though:) Then I made the mistake of staying tuned to listen what the CNN pundits had to say. That sent me searching for a gun.

I really wanted Trump to lean over and ask her if she had announced her candidacy yet because she was not acting as a moderator. She was debating the President and arguing with everything he said. She refused to let the audience ask questions - which was the whole point and kept pestering him with attack dog questions about why he thought the 2020 election was stolen. The absolute nerve of her calling the President a liar and justifying it with manufactured "facts" was appalling. She'll probably get an Emmy for the performance.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:09
May 22, 2010
After watching Trump's performance yesterday, if I were Ron DeSantis id wait until next time. That was a master class in how it's done. The man just came off a court loss where he is ordered to pay five million dollars. He's not only appealing the verdict but goes right into the lion's den the very next day and scores a knockout, that's what strong men leaders do.
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Active member
Local time
Today, 09:09
Apr 27, 2020
1. He is not the president
2. He lies - the election was not stolen - he may believe his own BS but ... The manufactured facts were all his.
3. He deserves no more respect than anyone else .. just because he was a president does not make him immune from being challenged - after all he does not tell the truth.
4. He is a real B*!
5. He does not support the democratic process because he cannot stand being a LOSER. He has a gigantic ego. its all about him and does not care about anyone else.


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 18:09
Oct 21, 2021
Once a president, you are always referred to as president. The rest of your comments are hilarious.


Active member
Local time
Today, 09:09
Apr 27, 2020
As I find the other twisted views - just a joke . A former president but not "the president" - with the intended implication that he is the legimate current president.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:09
Jul 9, 2003
From here in the UK, I don't see what Americans see. From what I do see, I like Trump. I like Obama. I like DeSantis.

Biden, I don't like.

However, I do understand, I have formed my opinion of Biden in the few years he's been president. I don't have the benefit of seeing him over the decades like most Americans have.

I have seen Trump over the decades because he's brilliant at self promotion. What I see in Trump is an American, a self made man. A business man. A strategic person. A person who loves America for its diversity and get up and go.

Trump is your best bet at turning things around. I don't know what will happen if He's not returned as President elect.

But it won't be good!

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Jul 5, 2006
1. He is not the president
2. He lies - the election was not stolen - he may believe his own BS but ... The manufactured facts were all his.
3. He deserves no more respect than anyone else .. just because he was a president does not make him immune from being challenged - after all he does not tell the truth.
4. He is a real B*!
5. He does not support the democratic process because he cannot stand being a LOSER. He has a gigantic ego. its all about him and does not care about anyone else.
2. He lies - the election was not stolen - he may believe his own BS but ... The manufactured facts were all his.
Trump's "lies", if you want to call them that; pale in comparison to Biden's lies. The election was "stolen" to use that word. The media and the "deep state" conspired against Trump from the day Trump assumed office. The Washington Post, as one of many media outlets, began a tirade of articles asserting that Trump had to be impeached, before he even had an opportunity to implement any of his supposed impeachable offenses. Zuckerberg reportedly invested $400+ million to solicit Democratic votes.

5. He does not support the democratic process because he cannot stand being a LOSER. He has a gigantic ego. its all about him and does not care about anyone else.
No one likes to lose, but Trump's loss can actually be considered a "soft coup" by those on the left to overthrow the Trump administration. Trump has an understandable grievance to be aggravated. The Democrats have been using despicable third-world (undemocratic) political tactics to use the power-of-the-state to suppress Trump. Look at the Russia Hoax, the Mueller Witch-Hunt, and two unjustifiable impeachment efforts by the Democrats. The Democrats are the threat to democracy.

@GaP42: Have any high ranking Democratic politicians like Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries complimented CNN for upholding free speech by having Trump appear before a townhall meeting? Seems that the supposed defenders of the democratic process would congratulate CNN.

Consider this, one of the outfalls of the Town-hall, are calls by the left demanding that the media prevent Trump from having a platform from which to speak. Additionally, those on the left suppress conservatives from speaking on college campuses. Those repulsive actions are an anathema to the Democratic process. Explain how Democrats can maintain to be upholding democracy when they are the very ones suppressing the ability of the "opposition" to speak in violation of the First Amendment. Very undemocratic of the Democrats.
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Jul 5, 2006
Skip the first five (5) minutes.

Again, the first (5) minutes can be skipped. My significant take-away from the left's response is that Trump should be denied an opportunity to speak. Preventing a political opponent from speaking (especial on a news station) is an anathema to the democratic process. Incomprehensible that Democrats have chutzpah to assert that they are upholding democracy by taking the Orwellian position that suppressing free speech is part of the democratic process.
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Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Jul 5, 2006
After watching Trump's performance yesterday, if I were Ron DeSantis id wait until next time. That was a master class in how it's done. The man just came off a court loss where he is ordered to pay five million dollars. He's not only appealing the verdict but goes right into the lion's den the very next day and scores a knockout, that's what strong men leaders do.
One major difference between Biden and Trump; Trump (even to his detriment) will go before an adversarial press to do "battle" with them. Biden on the other hand hides in his basement. Biden only appears before a friendly compliant press. When Trump was president, Jim Acosta (plus some other reporters) routinely broke decorum by shouting and disrupting press meetings. Now with Biden in office, when Simon Ateba recently attempted to press Karine Jean-Pierre, the press pool shouted down Ateba and told him to shut-up and sit down. Karine Jean-Pierre also refused to answer Ateba. Quite a contrast. The press pool, in the past, should have been telling Acosta to shut-up and sit down. The press pool clearly lacks ethical integrity.

Furthermore, it appears that Biden's handlers have the "questions" to be presented by the (Democratic party operatives) reporters pre-approved so that Biden can be supplied with per-written answers. This is not supposed to be how press interviews, in a democratic society, are to be conducted. Why the reporters act as shills for the Democrats is beyond comprehension.

The big question now following this CNN townhall, will Biden ever appear on a Fox News townhall to take real hard hitting questions?


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:09
May 22, 2010
One major difference between Biden and Trump; Trump (even to his detriment) will go before an adversarial press to do "battle" with them.
How was it to his detriment? The left lamented the town hall because they want censorship, not debate, and it backfired hugely.

The big question now following this CNN townhall, will Biden ever appear on a Fox News townhall to take real hard hitting questions?
I would have more respect for him if he did.

The Democrats have an aging problem that was on full display yesterday when Dianne Feinstein arrived back at the capital. The longer Biden and Feinstein are in office the more you notice the corruption and the handlers that surround them.

Steve R.

Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Jul 5, 2006
How was it to his detriment? The left lamented the town hall because they want censorship, not debate, and it backfired hugely.
Trump, in the 2020 presidential election when appearing before the so-called "debates" and the one townhall event, Trump's responses were unfortunately cringe-worthy.

Besides Trump's abysmal responses, two other factors were significant. First, I don't know what is wrong with the Republicans charged with working with Democrats who plan these debates, but the the Republican planners always seem to accept anti-Republican moderators. A bit difficult for a Republican to win if the deck is stack against them. Second, unique to the Trump/Biden debate, is that Biden was able to successfully assert that Trump was lying when it came to the Hunter Biden laptop. The media ran with an endless loop of the Trump lies narrative. This poisoned the electorate. Only now, after the damage was done to our democratic process, do we learn that it was Biden who was lying. Too bad we can't redo an election based on a purposeful documented fowl by the Democrats to manipulate the election results.

Just as an editorial aside: One debate was cancelled. Supposedly it was the one that was to focus on foreign policy. From the conspiracy angle, this debate was cancelled (probably by the Democrats) to prevent Trump from being able to tout his successes in foreign policy.


Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Jan 11, 2013
I hope trump does a hundred more town halls. He not only gave prosecutors a treasure trove of admissions on tape, He gave E. Jean Carroll a whole new cause of action and by operation of law an easier time making a case.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Feb 19, 2002
He gave E. Jean Carroll a whole new cause of action and by operation of law an easier time making a case.
So, he is exonerated of Ra** which means SHE LIED!!!!! but, he is convicted of hurting her feelings by saying she isn't his type???? Whatever:poop::poop::poop:

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Feb 19, 2002
Speaking of Trump, my daughter made the trek to New Hampshire last week to attend his rally. She was front row when he was leaving and so got her hat signed and got to shake his hand and exchange a few words. She had gotten there very early in the morning and managed to park on the back side of the building before they cordoned it off. So, she happened to be about to get into her car when the motorcade pulled away and Trump waved at her as he rode by.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 16:09
May 22, 2010
It wasn't even a fair fight the moderator was ill prepared and got fact check in real time.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:09
Mar 14, 2017
1. He is not the president
2. He lies - the election was not stolen - he may believe his own BS but ... The manufactured facts were all his.
3. He deserves no more respect than anyone else .. just because he was a president does not make him immune from being challenged - after all he does not tell the truth.
4. He is a real B*!
5. He does not support the democratic process because he cannot stand being a LOSER. He has a gigantic ego. its all about him and does not care about anyone else.
Interestingly, many successful people and... dare I say it.. most political leaders now and in the past, are actually assh*les, sometimes even egotistical assh*les, a fact that is usually their eventual downfall.

Thankfully, the thing that matters most as a constituent or citizen is the type of policies that person wants to accomplish or can accomplish, rather than their personality or even in many cases their character.

If I chose my Realtor, or Plumber, based on their personal character or our personal compatibility, I'd rarely get anything done.

You're voting for a government worker, not marrying them. Too many people get dreamy ideas about leadership which then ironically leads people to make what are actually even WORSE decisions based on the flimsy things of a person's outward presentation....


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 16:09
Mar 14, 2017
I hope trump does a hundred more town halls. He not only gave prosecutors a treasure trove of admissions on tape, He gave E. Jean Carroll a whole new cause of action and by operation of law an easier time making a case.

I feel sad for that walking chip-on-a-shoulder.
She'll be damned if she will go to her grave before eventually proving - er, I mean, winning a tort action against the biggest conservative she can find inside the most liberal venue imaginable - that someone, somehow, rap*d her. Even if she has to argue that they somehow did it from the Wendy's drive-thru window in a hazmat suit!

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:09
Feb 19, 2002
He gave E. Jean Carroll a whole new cause of action and by operation of law an easier time making a case.
Wow!!! So you think people should be prosecuted if they hurt your feelings? Or, does this only apply to the evil Orange man because you really hurt my feelings😿 I might have to complain to the management and then we'd have to convene a jury and have a trial and it just gets messy. They'll convict you anyway because if you are accused, you must be guilty. The fact that the ra** charge was ridiculous and taken right from the pages of Law & Order means nothing to you. SHE gets to LIE and accuse Trump of commuting a crime he did not commit and SHE gets to skate because SHE is not the evil Orange man but HE gets punished because he hurt her feelings!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If Trump is accused, he must be guilty. How about if someone accuses you? Are you guilty? Or do you get the benefit of the doubt until someone can prove their charge? It is not good to live in a country where there are different standards for prosecuting different people. Someday, you or a loved one might end up on the wrong end of that deal. The left always eats its own. They'll turn on you in a heartbeat. Just say something not politically correct in the wrong place and you're toast. Cancelled. Banned from social gatherings.

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