#Delete msg on form's fields (1 Viewer)


Local time
Tomorrow, 00:20
Mar 31, 2020
Hi everyone

My customer is evaluating my small Access project. Splited BE is on a network folder "\\data\accessDb\BE.accdb", Two users have their own FE on their desktop PC.
These desktop PCs are joined to domain. Most of time, the system works fine as expected.
About my app:
+ FE has MainFrm that bounds to BE's tables, this MainFrm is always open.
+ MainFrm requeries every 30sec (by Timer event) to load new BE data
The symptoms sometimes are:
- Leave it alone, just watch MainFrm screen, Fields on mainFrm displays #Delete on its bounded controls ultil I move to other record then move back. Or restarting app also help
- When Access copies a doc file to folder \\data\accessDb\Datafiles i saw msg: Permission Denied, and copy failed
- Happened on both desktop that they evaluating my app (but i am not sure if it's same timming)

These Desktops dont have internet connection, so I can't do any remote debuging. All symptoms i saw from video phone call.
I suppect the network connection issue caused weird things.
Do I need a dedicated form to keep consistent connection to server? I think my mainFrm is already doing this task...

Can anyone give an idea or suggestion? I dont know how to start debugging while we are not in same city


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:20
Apr 9, 2015
usu you get the #DELETE when another user deletes the records so the other user see this msg.
a refresh usu fixes it.

does user have permission to copy files to target folder?


Local time
Tomorrow, 00:20
Mar 31, 2020
usu you get the #DELETE when another user deletes the records so the other user see this msg.
a refresh usu fixes it.

does user have permission to copy files to target folder?
Yes, user has permission to read/write to the folder.
In this case, records are not being deleted since they are back in a while or back when we restart app.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 13:20
Apr 9, 2015
the denied may be a false msg due to another error.
Use this: Copy1File sSrcFile, sTargFile

Public Function Copy1File(ByVal pvSrc, ByVal pvTarg) As Boolean
Dim fso
On Error GoTo errMake

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")    '(reference: ms Scripting Runtime)
fso.CopyFile pvSrc, pvTarg
Copy1File = True
Set fso = Nothing
Exit Function

'MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & pvSrc, , "Copy1File(): " & Err
Set fso = Nothing
End Function

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