Gay marriage in Australia: Yes or No? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:50
Nov 27, 2017
The title asks it all, but I just wanted to point out that Tony Abbott, our former PM, was punched in the face by one of the "Yes" crowd on account of his activities among the "No" crowd. That's about as ugly as it got... better him than me!

So, should gay marriage be legalised in Australia? Would it make us more "tolerant" and "respectful" or would it be a complete blight on us and the generations to come? Will it backfire? :confused:


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:50
Feb 28, 2001
Since I'm from south Louisiana, USA, I have no clue as to what would happen in Australia. But I know we are deep in the heart of French-oriented Catholicism. Louisiana now allows same-sex marriages (or more precisely, is enjoined from preventing them) and we haven't blown up yet. In fact, this hurricane season was mild for us. Heck, it is not my secret to divulge fully, but a member of my extended family has a same-sex partner with whom she is in cohabitation as legal spouses. They eloped to Florida, which is just as well 'cause with the size of the family, a big wedding would have been a nightmare to pay for it.

The world didn't end for us. Maybe there is hope for your side of the world.


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 00:50
Mar 17, 2004
I don't think the writing of law causes social change, rather, I think the reverse is true. It's the social change that has already happened that becomes enshrined in law. In this regard, the gay people in Oz who've been in committed relationships for decades already know the right answer to this question, and it's the law makers--and the rest of us--who are only now catching up with these increasingly self-evident truths.

In Canada we are on the cusp of legalizing pot. Big debate, lots of hand-ringing and worry from cops, educators, conservatives, and so on. The thing is: everybody who really wants to smoke pot already does, so same thing. This question is already settled in the society. Law makers--and the rest of us--are just playing catch up, as usual.

Nothing to see here, world is not going to end, this has been going on for a while now, and there's no reason it should be illegal.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:50
Jan 20, 2009
Same sex marriage will be re-legalised in Australia despite the efforts by a minority to stall it. (Marriage was limited to man and woman in 2004 by an act of Parliament without public consultation let alone a ballot.)

A remarkable eighty percent of eligible voters voted with more than sixty percent in favour of removing the heterosexual limitation. Legislation has passed the upper house and will go to the lower house soon. Once the law is enacted people will find that the world doesn't end and move on.

An atmosphere where same sex attracted people no long have to hide away continues to develop and we all find that we have relatives, friends and colleagues with same sex partners and they are really much like everyone else.

In general, young people are totally unphased. The prejudiced and ignorant will eventually die out.


Local time
Today, 08:50
Jan 14, 2017
Just posting to agree wholeheartedly with the views expressed by Galaxiom, Mark & the Doc.

Allowing same sex marriage is clearly important for those involved.
Legalising it will both make a significant number of people happy and have no detrimental effects on society

I say all the above having been for the past 34 years in a heterosexual relationship with a partner. We chose not to marry. We would like to do a civil partnership but that's not allowed in the UK.

So if one of us dies, the surviving partner will not be able to receive any benefits such as our occupational pensions. If we were married, it would once have been different and the pension would have gone to the survivor.
The rules changed in 2016, so there is no point us now getting married.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:50
Jan 20, 2009
The title asks it all, but I just wanted to point out that Tony Abbott, our former PM, was punched in the face by one of the "Yes" crowd on account of his activities among the "No" crowd. That's about as ugly as it got... better him than me!

The perpetrator said that that what he did was not related to same sex marriage but Abbott's fascist attitudes in general. Moreover he was just a random member of the public.

It was far uglier when Senator Cory Bernardi compared same sex marriage with bestiality. We expect better from our representatives.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:50
Nov 27, 2017
Thanks everyone for your input. I have been canny enough not to reveal my own stance on the topic here, since it has alienated me from so-called friends (treacherous fellows who showed their true colours) and certain members of my family, who--I might as well admit--disgust me to no end. But I will reveal them now.

Yeah, this gay marriage thing makes me angry. Once when I was living in Cairns, I insulted a fellow by inscribing on the stairway to his apartment the words, "[So-and-so] is a masturbating sodomite." That really offended him. I still laugh about that to this day.

Regardless of what happens in terms of politics and legislation, children will go on being children and kid-brained adults will rarely just "grow up." That is, they will continue slinging homophobia as a very potent weapon to insult one another. I'm one of the Peter Pans, who hasn't grown out of that mindset.

Back in school, the word "f**got" was the worst thing you could call someone, and I still use it when I feel the need to turn the dagger on my fellow man. Thankfully this is rare nowadays.

But yeah, to accuse someone of committing sodomy is still a ripper of an insult! Quick question for you: "Doesn't that entail that homosexuality is inherently 'bad' somehow?" :eek:


bit cruncher
Local time
Today, 00:50
Mar 17, 2004
Your treatment of this topic seems superficial. Perhaps there is something unresolved for you about homosexuality? Why be angry, for instance?


Local time
Today, 08:50
Jan 14, 2017
Regardless of what happens in terms of politics and legislation, children will go on being children and kid-brained adults will rarely just "grow up." That is, they will continue slinging homophobia as a very potent weapon to insult one another. I'm one of the Peter Pans, who hasn't grown out of that mindset.

Your rather juvenile attitude has been evident in many of your posts.
If you want to be a useful member of this community, then you need to grow up.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:50
Nov 27, 2017
Your rather juvenile attitude has been evident in many of your posts.
If you want to be a useful member of this community, then you need to grow up.

Ok, point taken. I have committed to doing this, but as you may well know, "growing up" takes time and cannot be done in a day, nor alone.

I treat this topic in a superficial manner only 'cause I think it's a superficial topic in itself, not really worth my full attention like other things--for instance, database design.

It made me angry because I have long cultivated morals in myself, and I consider gay marriage to go against my sense of morals. It's a gut feeling; two guys enraptured in the depths of sodomy, which is the point and end of gay marriage, does not strike me as particularly noble or admirable.

That's just my point of view.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:50
Nov 27, 2017
N.b. I've found another helper, a developer who's been in the scene for a long time. If you guys can't help me with my important project, then I will simply gravitate elsewhere. Quite simple. However, I got the impression that you guys were willing and able to help newbies with their problems in database design.

If you held my sense of morality against me and used it as an excuse to deny me the help that you have so freely and humanely given others, then it would be a failure on your track record, not mine. I hate to sound like a troll or an antagonist here, but that's the simple truth as it stands, like it or lump it. :)


Local time
Today, 08:50
Jan 14, 2017
You were given a lot of help here by a number of people.
Of course you are free to take yourself and your mind set to another forum


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:50
Nov 27, 2017
...and thanked them all sincerely, including you. And if I am not treated with the respect that you people ask for yourselves, I will go.

At the moment, I'm just happy to mooch around at the watercooler, Debates section, etc. I'm staying until--heaven forbid--EVERYONE unanimously decides to reject me. There are others apart from yourself who have shown me greater "tolerance" (loaded word) and kindness than yourself. I suggest you emulate them, at risk of being considered... well, I won't use the word "arse" but that's what I had in mind. :D

Be nice to me, and I will be nice to you. Your rules work conversely, see?

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 08:50
Jul 9, 2003
If you guys can't help me with my important project, then I will simply gravitate elsewhere. Quite simple.

I hear that Utter Access is looking for moderators.

If you cultivated a presence there, I'm sure you would get nominated as a moderator quite quickly.

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk


Local time
Today, 08:50
Jan 14, 2017
You did indeed thank me and added a reputation point for which many thanks.

There's a world of difference between offering advice and treating someone with a lack of respect.

At the risk of confirming your new opinion of me, I'm going to offer you 3 more bits of advice. Up to you whether you act upon them
1. Remove the thanks you have previously given me
2. Remove the reputation point as you clearly no longer think I am
funny and clever
3. Withdraw your friendship request as you don't appear to want that anymore.

BTW in view of the title of this topic, you chose an interesting word to describe me.
Whether its true or not I'll leave others to judge.
Perhaps MarkK's earlier comment was valid


Longboard on the internet
Local time
Today, 00:50
Sep 12, 2017
For myself, I could never see using gender, gender preference, religion, or ethnicity as a reason to discriminate. Each and every time you allow another's beliefs, preferences, or heredity to shape your opinion you are giving up your own free choice and your own happiness to others, often stranger.

It must be a horrible way to live, letting others dictate your mood simply by their actions unconnected with you.

I can see objecting to something that actively interferes with you, but what another does that is not related to you, that has no consequence to you, should not be allowed to shape your emotional health. It is one of the quickest ways to be constantly depressed and angry that I know of.

This advise also applies to programming as we all run into situations that do not bear on us but that we recognize as being poor decisions. We also must accept the poor decisions that have lead us to problems we must either fix or work around. Remembering that only we can choose our own happiness and choose that which we allow to bother us will allow us to go through and face the many issues we cannot change.

I've also learned to attribute not to malice that which may be attributed to either stupidity or ignorance.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:50
Jan 20, 2009
The Australian Marriage Equality Bill passed the Lower House just before 6PM local time today making Australia the 26th country to legalise same sex marriage. It was the last sitting day of Parliament for the year.

Only four MPs voted against the bill. Vocal opponent and former Prime Minister Tony Abbott left the chamber shortly before the vote. His electorate had one of the highest yes votes in the plebiscite but he couldn't bring himself to represent them.

Weddings can be held from January 9th.


New member
Local time
Today, 00:50
Feb 10, 2018
Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.


New member
Local time
Today, 02:50
Jan 18, 2021
I don't see anything wrong with same-sex marriage, I think it can help many children from the shelter to find a new family, albeit an unusual one.

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