Grrrr!! Grumpy old fart here (1 Viewer)


Underpaid Programmer
Local time
Yesterday, 22:48
Jan 8, 2010
Grumpy old fart

Self taught Access, Excel, Word, Powerpoint, Visio VBA and Visial Basic 6 guru. I have used all the programs since their invention - started out in DOS and Qbasic and yes, I even remember when computer programs had to be loaded on punch cards in FORTRAN

Retired military (21 years), currently working civil service. I have several complex Access databases under my belt (10's of thousands of lines of VBA code each)

I am willing to help any and all who need it, but you should attempt to research the solution first yourself - best way to learn is to scratch your head and sweat over it for a while.

Neat code is good code. Don't skimp on proper declarations and don't use one-line If statements - those just piss me off. And don't ask me to do your homework you lazy #$%^&&* - do it yourself!

If you do have a legitimate question though, please ask. I might even write a paragraph or two of code for you - I love a challenge.

Just consider me the Dr. House of VBA. If you need a diagnosis, ask - it's what I do, but don't expect to be coddled and hugged!


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 01:48
Dec 26, 2002
Good to have you aboard! VBA help is always welcome.


Local time
Today, 00:48
Jun 22, 2007
don't use one-line If statements - those just piss me off. And don't ask me to do your homework you lazy #$%^&&* - do it yourself!

sounds like retired military to me!


Local time
Today, 06:48
Jun 8, 2005
As a VB6 veteran myself, I have always wondered how others handle the fact that it does not have its own report designer module of note. I have used Active Reports as an addin, I have also used Access to produce complex reports. However this limits the use if Access is not installed on the host machine.

What approach have you adopted for report generation from within VB. Using Crystal Report is one option, but again users ned to have the software on their machines.


Local time
Today, 06:48
Jun 15, 2004
Whats the problem with one line 'if' statements? Why write three lines when one will do?


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:48
Feb 28, 2001
Since this isn't Visual Pascal, a one-line IF statement that includes a GOTO should be perfectly acceptable. A one-line IF/variable update is probably not a bad thing, though there is issue in readability for maintenance. A one-line IF/GOSUB is a trap waiting to trip you up.

As to the grumpy old fart... I've been accused of being full of beans myself, so I understand the mentality. Don't worry about telling newbies that we don't do their homework for them. I'll be right next to you on that concept. Although to be honest, if I were farther away from retirement, I'd actually help the dum-dums more so that when it came time to compare skills at job interviews, I'd win every time.

I'm rather surprised you didn't jump all over another thing that is my personal bete noir - VBA comments. Some of the kids who churn out code by the barrel-full don't comment anything.

One of my first "real" jobs was to rewrite a utility that was acting up. Nobody could maintain it because it was assembly code that was written COMPLETELY without comments, and it wasn't a short program, either. When I became a supervisor, I told every one of my staff members that I would review their code and if it didn't have MEANINGFUL comments, I would skewer them and roast them over an open fire.

But then, I learned a lesson from a friend a long time ago. When you are doing anything of merit and complexity, don't trust your organic memory. Use comments. Or if you have nothing else, use a damned pencil and paper until you can organize your comments.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 01:48
Jul 5, 2006
I am willing to help any and all who need it, but you should attempt to research the solution first yourself - best way to learn is to scratch your head and sweat over it for a while.

Don't worry about telling newbies that we don't do their homework for them. I'll be right next to you on that concept.

Actually, this is quite humorous from a non-Access perspective too. I would periodically get calls from students who were preparing to take their professional certification exams (Architecture as one example). The typical call: "the exam is tomorrow, there are questions concerning building in the coastal zone, what can you tell me?" As with many questions, the answers are not simple.

Well, what had the university been teaching these kids for the past 4 years?:confused:
One would assume that the kids would know what would eventually be on the exam, they also had four years to prepare? :confused:

Sigh, I guess the story is the same for every profession! Makes you wonder about our technical competence.


Local time
Today, 00:48
Jun 22, 2007
ajetrumpet, I assume that you are not working in the investigative/intelligence professions.:D:D

Of course not. I'm only 29. isn't there an age criterion for this? There's also probably a "jerk" meter than has to be satified as well. Either that, or a "politically keen" measurement that must be met. Oh wait...I better not say that huh? Lest I insult another member... :eek:


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 01:48
Dec 26, 2002
What approach have you adopted for report generation from within VB. Using Crystal Report is one option, but again users ned to have the software on their machines.

Reporting Services. ;)


Local time
Today, 06:48
Jun 2, 2003
Doc's comments on comments brought back memories, yes we had guys who churned out Assembly code without comments, I made them document it before signing it off.
I remember attending a seminar headed by a senior guy from Ferranti back in the 60s and he told a tale of a member of staff who had asked for help on an undocumented program, his excuse was that it was only going to be run once, the response , "well you've had your one run so go and throw it in the bin". It was probably apocry, bugger it, made up but it illustrated a truth.

BTW you guys aren't old yet.



split with a cherry atop.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:48
Sep 1, 2005
Whats the problem with one line 'if' statements? Why write three lines when one will do?

Different languages and different styles may some say on it but for anything that's more than a simple increment or like almost to be always spread into more than one lines, so it's not a VB thing.

C, K & R:
if (i>0) {

C#, Allman:
if (i>0)

If i>0 Then
End If

A case can be made that we could make the "End If" less verbose but that would go against the design goal of VB - to make it readable. This is especially when we're dealing with deeply nested blocks:

for(int i, i=100, i++) {
    if (i>0) {
       do {
       } while ((i % 10) != 0);

Contrast to VB:

For i = 0 to 100
   If i>0 Then
         i = i + 1
      While (i Mod 10) <> 0;
   End If

While the example are simplistic, it's quite very easy to see which block we're dealing whereas it's very easy to get lost in which {} blocks we're looking at because they are used for all kinds of branching whereas VB give an unique identifier to every kind of branching block so modifying code with several of block is relatively easy in VB.

Finally, just because Perl programmers can do it in one line, doesn't mean it's going to be fun revising it months ago. There's a reason why they tend to consider Perl to be "write-only" language.


Local time
Today, 06:48
Jun 2, 2003
We always wonder how old Brian could be. But I guess we would never know :p:)

I'm just a youngster as indicated in my profile. I walk twice a month with the U3a and during our short walk ,7-9 miles, we have lively discussions, I'm the baby of the bunch, well almost.



Local time
Today, 06:48
Jan 22, 2010
A retired youngster with grand children and a wealth of knowledge. You accomplished all at a very tender age. Niceeeee!!


Local time
Today, 06:48
Jun 2, 2003
I'm trying to figure out what Banana's post had to do with Chergh's.



Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 00:48
Feb 28, 2001
As long as no one tries to do things in APL, we are good. Now THERE was a language that had more one-liners than Henny Youngman or Jeff Foxworthy.


Underpaid Programmer
Local time
Yesterday, 22:48
Jan 8, 2010
What approach have you adopted for report generation from within VB. Using Crystal Report is one option, but again users ned to have the software on their machines.

When I need reports in a strictly VB6 environment I either output the info to a Word document (and yes, I have to do ALL the formatting, etc in code) or to an HTML document (Nearly everyone has a browser installed and can view a web doc). I've used Crystal Reports, but was never really enthused by it. In recent years I've been working mostly in Access, so reports haven't been an issue. I have found as a general rule, the less choices most CASUAL users have, the better they like it, and the easier they percieve the program to be, so even though it might take a bit of coding, as long as I talk to the end user and get them what they need, once it's designed well and the users like it, having little or no choices for output hasn't been a probelm - for me. It all depends upon your endpoint customer and what they want.


Underpaid Programmer
Local time
Yesterday, 22:48
Jan 8, 2010
Whats the problem with one line 'if' statements? Why write three lines when one will do?

It's a personal thing. I have written an add-in that I use to format all of my code, and one-line IF statements give it nightmares. Plus, I'm a stickler for consistancy, so I don't like a mix of multi-line IFs and one-line IFs. Kind of a self discipline thing - you either smoke or you don't, no gray area - you are either pregnant or not, no in-betweens - and you either adhere to consistant coding standards or you don't, no in-betweens.


split with a cherry atop.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:48
Sep 1, 2005
I'm trying to figure out what Banana's post had to do with Chergh's.


As embarrassing as it is, it looks like I took chergh's question the wrong way - at that time, I thought he was asking "why VB is so verbose?" but now I see he was asking smithwick why he didn't like it.

Need to 1+ my reading comprehension. Apologies.

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