"Hello" & if([stillApplicable]; " and sorry I'm a(n access) novice";"") & "!" (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 19:18
Aug 22, 2017
"Hello" & if([stillApplicable]; " and sorry I'm a(n access) novice";"") & "!"

Hello Access gurus,

First and foremost: to all of you form fanatics, SQL sages, table technicians, windows wizards and the like...thank you.
Thank you for investing your time in this community and sharing your knowledge and experience which I'm joining.

About me:
I am a (soon to be) 28y old Belgian with a master's degree in industrial and organizational psychology, who's currently employed as an HR officer in a multinational.

The reason for my joining is because I once saw the possibilities of Access and got hooked, but never had the opportunity to delve into it up until now nor was I taught about it in any way, shape or form.

Currently I am hoping to learn of the intricacies of Access to create a (as simple and usuable as possible) database for a Flexible Rewarding System. I won't elaborate too much on that here, though.

My computer expertise lies in Excel (yes I know it's very different from Access) and the change in thinking pattern will be my biggest hurdle), word, etc. with a basic skill level in and decent understanding of Java JavaScript HTML, CSS, SQL(yay something to fall back on!)..).

Aside all of that: I am an easygoing and outgoing type who likes to party and hang out with friend, yet vastly enjoy my quiet time with a good book (mostly fantasy) and have a tendency (on the verge of a fallacy) to want to learn just about anything that tickles my fancy. (Such as languages, computer programming, web programming, psychology, physics, medical science, massaging ...) The newest addition to that list being Access off course. :D

If you feel I left anything out, just give me a shout ;-)




Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Today, 13:18
Apr 27, 2015
Re: "Hello" & if([stillApplicable]; " and sorry I'm a(n access) novice";"") & "!"

Hello and welcome aboard!

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