Hey everyone and a HNY BTW (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 03:04
Dec 31, 2023
So, I'm a digital product designer, and not a dev at all. For reasons beyond my control, I have to work with and develop a small handmade hr accounting system based on MS Access. I'm happy to find this community. I hope to get some help here.


Access World Site Owner
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Today, 01:04
Sep 28, 1999
Welcome to Access World! We're so happy to have you join us as a member of our community. As the most active Microsoft Access discussion forum on the internet, with posts dating back more than 20 years, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with you.

We're a friendly and helpful community, so don't hesitate to ask any questions you have or share your own experiences with Access. We're here to support you and help you get the most out of this powerful database program.

To get started, we recommend reading the post linked below. It contains important information for all new users of the forum:


We hope you have a great time participating in the discussion and learning from other Access enthusiasts. We look forward to having you around!


Super Moderator
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Yesterday, 20:04
Jan 23, 2006
Welcome to AWF!


George Hepworth
Local time
Yesterday, 17:04
Nov 25, 2004
So, I'm a digital product designer, and not a dev at all. For reasons beyond my control,
I have to work with and develop a small handmade hr accounting system based on MS Access.
I'm happy to find this community. I hope to get some help here.

I don't want to discourage your learning something new, but you probably need to consider that HR accounting systems are a fairly advanced class of applications. Possibly not the best choice to start out with for a new developer.

If the commitment is firm, and you are willing to invest the time in learning how relational database applications work, start with the appropriate table design. I know of one good book with a chapter devoted to Accounting systems. There are, no doubt, others. The important thing is to start out with solid reference and learn how relational database applications work. You are familiar with the accounting aspects of the application, I assume, because you've been tasked with creating it. That implies a knowledge of the subject.

Good luck with the project.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:04
Feb 19, 2002
Welcome. Start by posting your question in one of our question forums and give us more details. We're happy to help.

PS - Quickbooks or even Quicken is far better than anything you can create with Access given your knowledge level and depending on what you need, very inexpensive for what you get.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:04
Feb 28, 2001
Hello and welcome to the forums.

Pay attention to GPGeorge's and Pat Hartman's comments. Sometimes the build-buy decision doesn't favor building your own.

We will be happy to help with questions, but we DO sometimes tend to be a bit nosy about the whys and wherefores of a project, hoping to direct you to a more efficient or effective path.


New member
Local time
Today, 03:04
Dec 31, 2023
I don't want to discourage your learning something new, but you probably need to consider that HR accounting systems are a fairly advanced class of applications. Possibly not the best choice to start out with for a new developer.

If the commitment is firm, and you are willing to invest the time in learning how relational database applications work, start with the appropriate table design. I know of one good book with a chapter devoted to Accounting systems. There are, no doubt, others. The important thing is to start out with solid reference and learn how relational database applications work. You are familiar with the accounting aspects of the application, I assume, because you've been tasked with creating it. That implies a knowledge of the subject.

Good luck with the project.
Yep, I'd be happy to start this project from scratch and use a totally different setup. But I can't do this at the moment.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:04
Feb 19, 2002
So far three experts have told you that your best option is to purchase a solution Which you are going to ignore. OK, good luck. Start posting your questions in an appropriate forum section. You can certainly create this type of application using Access if you have enough time and money.


New member
Local time
Today, 03:04
Dec 31, 2023
So far three experts have told you that your best option is to purchase a solution Which you are going to ignore. OK, good luck. Start posting your questions in an appropriate forum section. You can certainly create this type of application using Access if you have enough time and money.
I thought I could get help on Access+VBA here. It seems I misunderstood the specifics of this community. This account can be deleted. Thank you for your time.


Enthusiastic Amateur
Local time
Today, 01:04
Sep 21, 2011
Going off in a huff isn't going to help you in any way? :)


Ignore List Poster Boy
Local time
Yesterday, 20:04
Apr 27, 2015
Agreed. Although it your plan was recommend against, the offer to assist is still there.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 17:04
Mar 14, 2017
I don't want to discourage your learning something new, but you probably need to consider that HR accounting systems are a fairly advanced class of applications. Possibly not the best choice to start out with for a new developer.

If the commitment is firm, and you are willing to invest the time in learning how relational database applications work, start with the appropriate table design. I know of one good book with a chapter devoted to Accounting systems. There are, no doubt, others. The important thing is to start out with solid reference and learn how relational database applications work. You are familiar with the accounting aspects of the application, I assume, because you've been tasked with creating it. That implies a knowledge of the subject.

Good luck with the project.


A non-trivial time period of pure practice, in apps that the company is not firmly depending on, should precede deploying company-dependent apps.
Kind of like you would learn to be a mechanic prior to fixing someone's brakes and sending them on their way.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:04
Feb 19, 2002
I thought I could get help on Access+VBA here. It seems I misunderstood the specifics of this community. This account can be deleted. Thank you for your time.
So far, you keep posting in the "introduce yourself" forum. This is NOT where people who will be willing to help you are looking for problems to solve. Twice I have mentioned that you need to post your specific "help" requests in an appropriate forum.
For reasons beyond my control, I have to work with and develop a small handmade hr accounting system based on MS Access.
So far this is the scope of your question. We don't even know what that means. HR and Accounting are HUGE applications with many features, most of which involve government regulations and we don't even know your home country. So you at least have to define "small". No one can look at that and have any idea what you need help with. Do you know how to open Access? do you know what a table is? how about a form? What have you tried? We are willing to help but "help" is the operative word. No one will even waste their time formulating an outline for you with not even the simplest of specifications. Have you watched any videos? Are you expecting someone to just volunteer to do work for you that you will pass off as your own and get paid for doing?

You can go away in a huff or you can read the responses and follow the directions. Your choice.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:04
Jan 23, 2006
I thought I could get help on Access+VBA here. It seems I misunderstood the specifics of this community.
You can get Access+VBA here.
You have misunderstood the specifics of this community.

You can also get advice from members; many of whom have been developing applications for years, and others who have experience with IT and various aspects Data management in one form or another. Members offer these services voluntarily.

You have been given advice. That advice is based on knowledge and experience.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 17:04
Mar 14, 2017
I kept wondering "what's a honey bmw?" until I looked more closely. Assuming that means happy new year, same to you!

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