JK Rowling - Transgender! (1 Viewer)

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:25
Jul 9, 2003
JK Rowling made a set of tweets taking the mickey out of men transitioning to "women" to bring to your attention the new Scottish "HATE" Law which comes into effect today.

Next, in this tweet JK Rowling is defiantly challenging Scottish Hate law which protects men transitioning to "women", but does nothing to help real women. She is deliberately challenging the legal system!

I'm posting this here to bring it to the attention of The Americans on this site, whom I believe are not kept up to date with international news, like they should be .....

Americans!!! and anybody who wants up to date and unbiased unadulterated knowledge, particularly the politics and the world as a whole, should immediately sign up to x (formerly Twitter)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:25
Jul 5, 2006
Cross post.

Rowling now has the same "target" on her back as Trump, Musk, Peterson, and the Canadian Truckers for simply disagreeing with the deep state (radical left) when they control the legislative, executive, and judicial systems. The left perverts the law to suppress the freedom of speech. The left also desecrates the law to make political protests (such as the patriotic rally of Jan 6th) "illegal".

As a concurrent article, Maher now calls for fro an investigation after the damage done by the deep state in undermining Trump's presidential bid was accomplished. A bit late, isn't it. Maher and others should have spoken-up earlier. As I've written, too bad we can't have an election do-over to undo the damage resulting from the Democratic party lies.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:25
Jul 9, 2003
Bill Maher.... Excellent!!!!

It never occurred to me that it is mostly men whom commit murder!

My guess is, a transgender (man to woman) will be more likely than a real man to commit murder... Will be interesting to see the statistics, if of course, they release them. ....
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Active member
Local time
Today, 15:25
Oct 21, 2021


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 13:25
Mar 14, 2017
JK Rowling made a set of tweets taking the mickey out of men transitioning to "women" to bring to your attention the new Scottish "HATE" Law which comes into effect today.

Next, in this tweet JK Rowling is defiantly challenging Scottish Hate law which protects men transitioning to "women", but does nothing to help real women. She is deliberately challenging the legal system!

I'm posting this here to bring it to the attention of The Americans on this site, whom I believe are not kept up to date with international news, like they should be .....

Americans!!! and anybody who wants up to date and unbiased unadulterated knowledge, particularly the politics and the world as a whole, should immediately sign up to x (formerly Twitter)

I have actually heard about Scotland and other Euro countries doing this (I think as Americans we may not be current on every little news detail, but we generally know that the countries across the sea are grossly liberal in areas like this , hence the term Eurotrash, they have quite a reputation with us - we already know they have long removed the mystery and sacredness of sexuality). But yeah - this is really bad!

It's actually quite sad for them, and any nation who goes in that direction, because Sex as God intended it - an absolutely ravishing passion between married man and woman - is wonderful, and great, and who doesn't like it!? I personally get as much as I can, just did this morning. I am neither a prude nor a sexless person, however, when you change to a culture that humps everything that moves every weekend night after drinks....it takes all the specialness out of it and when you get married it's just ho-hum, I've done this before, this is nothing. Unfortunately it takes a LOT out of your marriage if you hvae already had sex with a million other people - PLUS it adds a mental "comparison" element to marriage, which is a huge destructive force in a marriage. Because you're having sex with your wife, but inwardly comparing her to Suzie, Jane, Melissa, and 100 others.

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:25
Jul 9, 2003
I have actually heard about Scotland and other Euro countries doing this (I think as Americans we may not be current on every little news detail,

As a Brit I'm more likely to happen upon these gems. I try and bring the ones I see to the forum, for my American friends....

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:25
Feb 19, 2002
I'm impressed by Rowling. Having as much money as she does, she will have great lawyers and hopefully get this evil law repealed. Bravo JK!!!!

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