Joining the Gym... (1 Viewer)


Local time
Today, 00:50
Jun 22, 2007
Remember my last signature of secrecy Rainman? I wonder if anyone does!? Or has that been too many DAYS ago (since we live day by day)???


I cant find the any key..
Local time
Today, 01:50
Feb 12, 2007
Remember my last signature of secrecy Rainman? I wonder if anyone does!? Or has that been too many DAYS ago (since we live day by day)???

nope i dont. you are an enigma


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:50
Aug 14, 2006
i made the plunge... lukily for me its a rather womanly gym i.e their is alota spa rubbish their but hey i quite enjoy watching the lady lumps bounce :D


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 06:50
Aug 10, 2006
My boyfriend is a healthy whit 45 years-old male who had bladder cancer a couple of years ago, but now recovered. He does smoke, but currently trying to quit. His diet is fairly good. Anyway, we are both very interested in a healthy diet and we would like to make whatever changes are needed to bring about optimum health. What kind of diet do we consider? Where can I find additional information on the diet, like recipes, shopping lists, etc?

You know this whole thing about eating five a day? Colour code them. Make sure you eat five different colours of food a day (burnt doesn't count as browth though).
Drink plenty of water, on a bad day I drink just four litres of water, on a good day, probably six to seven.
The obvious, stay away from fried foods etc, but also, try not to eat the same meal twice in one month. That way you don't need to think too hard about getting a good variety.
Stir fries are good because they don't use a lot of oil and because the food is cooked quickly so it retains it's vitamin and mineral content.

For cancer, porridge (oatmeal) every morning made with soya milk is excellent. If you can stomach it, change from normal milk to soya, it does taste aweful at first but you'll soon get used to it, like anything else.

If you really feel like snacking, try snacking on something like cherry tomatoes, again, good in the fight against cancer.

Hope this helps.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:50
May 8, 2009
It's not gonna be a waste of time and money, as long as you are determined to get what you want from it. Don't ever go to the gym by just wasting time doing nothing or exercising just a little...

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